Unified installer: All

SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 products can be installed by the same unified

installer media. For information about available modules, see Section 2.9.1, “Modules in the SLE 15 GA Product Line” .

Installation without network using Packages media: To

install without network connection, all necessary packages are

available on the Packages medium. This medium consists of directories

with module repositories which need to be added manually as needed. RMT

(Repository Mirroring Tool) and SUSE Manager provide additional options

for disconnected or managed installation.

Migration from openSUSE Leap to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:

Starting with SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 GA, we support migrating from

openSUSE Leap 15 to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15. Thus, even if you

decide to start out with the free community distribution you can later

easily upgrade to a distribution with enterprise-class support.

Extended package search: Use the new Zypper command zypper search-packages to

search across all SUSE repositories available for your product even if

they are not yet enabled. This functionality makes it easier for

administrators and system architects to find the software packages

needed. To do so, it leverages the SCC.

Software Development Kit: With

SUSE Linux Enterprise 15, the Software Development Kit is now

integrated into the products. Development packages are packaged

alongside regular packages. In addition, the Development Tools module

contains the tools for development.

RMT replaces SMT: SMT

(Subscription Management Tool) has been removed. Instead, RMT

(Repository Mirroring Tool) now allows mirroring SUSE repositories and

custom repositories. You can then register systems directly with RMT. In

environments with tightened security, RMT can also proxy other RMT

servers. For more information, see Section 3.2.1, “SMT Has Been Replaced by RMT” .

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