Word Preparation

  1. long and stressful day:漫长且充满压力的一天
    Yesterday was a long and stressful day to me.

    I'm so tired now. I've had a long and stressful day.

  2. take offense:介意,生气
    They take offense at the slightest criticism.

    Please don't take offense. I just wanted to tell you what I really thought.

  3. unfortunate episode:不幸的小插曲
    The match was decided by an unfortunate episode with Gattuso, but his happens.

    Eventually, everyone will forget the unfortunate episode that happened last night.

  4. What do you mean by that? 你(这么做/说)什么意思啊?
    - What do you mean by that? 你什么意思啊?
    - I'm sorry if I was misleading you. I didn't mean anything bad. 如果让你误会了,那么对不起,我没有任何不好的意思。

    Execuse me? That's not nice to hear. What do you mean by that?

  5. My bad. 我的错
    - Who dropped my phone? 谁把我的手机弄掉了?
    - Oh, my bad. Let me pick that up for you. 哦,我的错。我给你捡起来吧。

    I did that. It's my bad.

  6. I hope you can understand. 希望你能理解。
    I hope you can understand and keep the secret for me.

    I hope you can understand me, even if a little.


Explaining yourself and apologizing 解释并道歉

除了I hope you can understand,还可以说

  • I hope you can get me.
  • It'll be great if you can understand ...
  • I wish you could understand that ...
  • I wish I could bring you to see my point.


  • I didn't mean by that. I hope you can get me.
  • It'll be great if you can understand what I mean.
  • I wish you could understand that I didn't mean that.
  • Well, I just wish I could bringh you to see my point.

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