C# 实现 Hyper-V 虚拟机 管理
原文:C# 实现 Hyper-V 虚拟机 管理

Hyper-V WMI Provider


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Management;

namespace MyNamespace{#region Return Value of RequestStateChange Method of the Msvm_ComputerSystem Class//Return Value of RequestStateChange Method of the Msvm_ComputerSystem Class //This method returns one of the following values.//Completed with No Error (0)//DMTF Reserved (7–4095) //Method Parameters Checked - Transition Started (4096)//Failed (32768) //Access Denied (32769) //Not Supported (32770) //Status is unknown (32771) //Timeout (32772) //Invalid parameter (32773) //System is in use (32774) //Invalid state for this operation (32775) //Incorrect data type (32776) //System is not available (32777) //Out of memory (32778)    #endregion

public class VMManagement    {private static string hostServer = "hostServer";private static string userName = "username";private static string password = "password";

public static string HostServer        {get;set;        }

public static string UserName        {get;set;        }

public static string Password        {get;set;        }

public static VMState GetVMState(string vmName)        {            VMState vmState = VMState.Undefined;            ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions();            co.Username = userName;            co.Password = password;

            ManagementScope manScope = new ManagementScope(string.Format(@"\\{0}\root\virtualization", hostServer), co);            manScope.Connect();

            ObjectQuery queryObj = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_ComputerSystem");            ManagementObjectSearcher vmSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(manScope, queryObj);            ManagementObjectCollection vmCollection = vmSearcher.Get();

foreach (ManagementObject vm in vmCollection)            {if (string.Compare(vm["ElementName"].ToString(), vmName, true) == 0)                {                    vmState = ConvertStrToVMState(vm["EnabledState"].ToString());break;                }            }

return vmState;        }

public static bool StartUp(string vmName)        {

return ChangeVMState(vmName, VMState.Enabled);        }

public static bool ShutDown(string vmName)        {return ChangeVMState(vmName, VMState.Disabled);        }

public static bool RollBack(string vmName, string snapShotName)        {            ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions();            co.Username = userName;            co.Password = password;

            ManagementScope manScope = new ManagementScope(string.Format(@"\\{0}\root\virtualization", hostServer), co);            manScope.Connect();

            ObjectQuery queryObj = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_ComputerSystem");            ManagementObjectSearcher vmSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(manScope, queryObj);            ManagementObjectCollection vmCollection = vmSearcher.Get();

object opResult = null;// loop the virtual machines            foreach (ManagementObject vm in vmCollection)            {// find the vmName virtual machine, then get the list of snapshot                if (string.Compare(vm["ElementName"].ToString(), vmName, true) == 0)                {                    ObjectQuery queryObj1 = new ObjectQuery(string.Format("SELECT * FROM Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData WHERE SystemName='{0}' and SettingType=5", vm["Name"].ToString()));                    ManagementObjectSearcher vmSearcher1 = new ManagementObjectSearcher(manScope, queryObj1);                    ManagementObjectCollection vmCollection1 = vmSearcher1.Get();                    ManagementObject snapshot = null;// find and record the snapShot object                    foreach (ManagementObject snap in vmCollection1)                    {if (string.Compare(snap["ElementName"].ToString(), snapShotName, true) == 0)                        {                            snapshot = snap;break;                        }                    }

                    ObjectQuery queryObj2 = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService");                    ManagementObjectSearcher vmSearcher2 = new ManagementObjectSearcher(manScope, queryObj2);                    ManagementObjectCollection vmCollection2 = vmSearcher2.Get();

                    ManagementObject virtualSystemService = null;foreach (ManagementObject o in vmCollection2)                    {                        virtualSystemService = o;break;                    }

if (ConvertStrToVMState(vm["EnabledState"].ToString()) != VMState.Disabled)                    {                        ShutDown(vm["ElementName"].ToString());                    }                    opResult = virtualSystemService.InvokeMethod("ApplyVirtualSystemSnapShot", new object[] { vm.Path, snapshot.Path });break;                }            }

return "0" == opResult.ToString();        }

public static List<SnapShot> GetVMSnapShotList(string vmName)        {            List<SnapShot> shotList = new List<SnapShot>();            ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions();            co.Username = userName;            co.Password = password;

            ManagementScope manScope = new ManagementScope(string.Format(@"\\{0}\root\virtualization", hostServer), co);            manScope.Connect();

            ObjectQuery queryObj = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_ComputerSystem");            ManagementObjectSearcher vmSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(manScope, queryObj);            ManagementObjectCollection vmCollection = vmSearcher.Get();

string str = "";// loop through the machines            foreach (ManagementObject vm in vmCollection)            {

                str += "Snapshot of " + vm["ElementName"].ToString() + "\r\n";//Get the snaplist                if (string.Compare(vm["ElementName"].ToString(), vmName, true) == 0)                {                    ObjectQuery queryObj1 = new ObjectQuery(string.Format("SELECT * FROM Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData WHERE SystemName='{0}' and SettingType=5", vm["Name"].ToString()));                    ManagementObjectSearcher vmSearcher1 = new ManagementObjectSearcher(manScope, queryObj1);                    ManagementObjectCollection vmCollection1 = vmSearcher1.Get();

foreach (ManagementObject snap in vmCollection1)                    {                        SnapShot ss = new SnapShot();                        ss.Name = snap["ElementName"].ToString();                        ss.CreationTime = DateTime.ParseExact(snap["CreationTime"].ToString().Substring(0, 14), "yyyyMMddHHmmss", null).ToLocalTime();                        ss.Notes = snap["Notes"].ToString();                        shotList.Add(ss);                    }                }            }

return shotList;        }

private static bool ChangeVMState(string vmName, VMState toState)        {string toStateCode = ConvertVMStateToStr(toState);if (toStateCode == string.Empty)return false;

            ConnectionOptions co = new ConnectionOptions();            co.Username = userName;            co.Password = password;

            ManagementScope manScope = new ManagementScope(string.Format(@"\\{0}\root\virtualization", hostServer), co);            manScope.Connect();

            ObjectQuery queryObj = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_ComputerSystem");            ManagementObjectSearcher vmSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(manScope, queryObj);            ManagementObjectCollection vmCollection = vmSearcher.Get();

object o = null;foreach (ManagementObject vm in vmCollection)            {if (string.Compare(vm["ElementName"].ToString(), vmName, true) == 0)                {                    o = vm.InvokeMethod("RequestStateChange", new object[] { toStateCode });break;                }            }return "0" == o.ToString();        }

private static VMState ConvertStrToVMState(string statusCode)        {            VMState vmState = VMState.Undefined;

switch (statusCode)            {case "0":                    vmState = VMState.Unknown;break;case "2":                    vmState = VMState.Enabled;break;case "3":                    vmState = VMState.Disabled;break;case "32768":                    vmState = VMState.Paused;break;case "32769":                    vmState = VMState.Suspended;break;case "32770":                    vmState = VMState.Starting;break;case "32771":                    vmState = VMState.Snapshotting;break;case "32773":                    vmState = VMState.Saving;break;case "32774":                    vmState = VMState.Stopping;break;case "32776":                    vmState = VMState.Pausing;break;case "32777":                    vmState = VMState.Resuming;break;            }

return vmState;        }

private static string ConvertVMStateToStr(VMState vmState)        {string status = string.Empty;switch (vmState)            {case VMState.Unknown:                    status = "0";break;case VMState.Enabled:                    status = "2";break;case VMState.Disabled:                    status = "3";break;case VMState.Paused:                    status = "32768";break;case VMState.Suspended:                    status = "32769";break;case VMState.Starting:                    status = "32770";break;case VMState.Snapshotting:                    status = "32771";break;case VMState.Saving:                    status = "32773";break;case VMState.Stopping:                    status = "32774";break;case VMState.Pausing:                    status = "32776";break;case VMState.Resuming:                    status = "32777";break;            }

return status;        }    }

/// <summary>///-        Undefined      --> "Not defined"///0        Unknown        --> "Unknown"///2        Enabled        --> "Running" ///3        Diabled        --> "Off"///32768    Paused         --> "Paused"///32769    Suspended      --> "Saved"///32770    Starting       --> "Starting"///32771    Snapshotting   --> "Snapshooting///32773    Saving         --> "Saving"///32774    Stopping       --> "Shuting down///32776    Pausing        --> "Pausing"///32777    Resuming       --> "Resuming"/// </summary>    public enum VMState    {        Undefined,        Unknown,        Enabled,        Disabled,        Paused,        Suspended,        Starting,        Snapshotting,        Saving,        Stopping,        Pausing,        Resuming    }

public class SnapShot    {public string Name        {get;set;        }

public DateTime CreationTime        {get;set;        }

public string Notes        {get;set;        }    }}

posted on 2014-07-08 22:40 NET未来之路 阅读(...) 评论(...) 编辑 收藏


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