the Epilogue and Essential of ‘Oxford Elementary Learner’s Dictionary 2nd


Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary (Second Edition)

The Part of Alphabet, --E  

《Phrases and Idioms》

n An early night 比平时睡得早的夜晚

l The East

l Take things easy. -> take it easy for a few days

n Make an effort ( try hard to do)

l Elastic band

l Come to an end

n End to end 首尾相接成行

n Make ends meet 有够用的钱/使收支相抵

n Make enemies 树敌

l Estate car 客货两用车?

l Get even with sb.

l Ever so = ever such a (very)

l Every now and then = every now and again
= every so often 常常,不时地

n Every other (alternate)

n See eye to eye with sb.

《Catch Phrase》

l Arrived ten minutes early

n Early afternoon; early twenties

l Traveled east from A to B.

l Footsteps echoed in the empty hall.

l Sit on the edge of your chair

n Trees along either side of the street.

l Trousers have elastic in the top to…

n Got emotional problems

n The cinema started to empty

l The number was engaged

l Sb. entertained us all with her funny stories.

n I entirely agree

l A flu epidemic

n Equal pay for equal work

l It’s essential that …

n Live on a housing estate居住区

n We’re even

l A piece of evidence

n It’s an exaggeration to say …

l I don’t experiment on animals.

l An explosive gas

n The full extent of the problem

n Pay extra for breakfast

n From the extreme north of Scotland

《Differentiation and Mnemonics》

n Economic经济的, economical (扣门)隐意没钱->节约

n Eldest, edler, younger brother

l Else 用于anybody, nothing, somewhere 之后,及疑问句where和who 之后

n Embroider 刺绣

n Emerge (appear)/ merge

l Enlargement 放大的照片

l Escalator 自动扶梯

l Eyelid

l Root: Epi -> upon

l Root: Epu -> equal, even

l Root: Err -> to wander

《Fallibility and Cacoepy》

l Eagle / i /

n Ecology

l Economist / E /

n Electricity / E /

l Elementary / tri /

l Embassy / 5embEsi /

l Emerald 绿宝石 / 5emErE /

n Emigrate / emi /

l Empire / aiE /

n Empress / e E /

l Encyclopedia / E /

n Ensure / FuE /

l Enthusiasm

n Escort / i /

n Essay / e /

l Estate / i5s /

n Etc / et5setErE /

l Ethnic / 5e /

l Exaggerate /zAdVE /

n Excitement / t /

n Excuse (n.) /s/;   (v.) /z/

l Executive / 5ze/

n Exhibition / si5bi /

n Exile / eksail/

l Experiment / ik5spe/

n Explanation / e E /

l Explosion / V /

n Export (n.) / 5eks/; (v.) / ik5s /

l Exterior / stiE /

n Extraordinary

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《牛津字典精华总结》- 初阶系列 - 字母 - E相关推荐

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