the Epilogue and Essential of ‘Oxford Elementary Learner’s Dictionary 2nd


The Part of Alphabet, --A  

《Phrases and Idioms》

n Of your own accord = voluntarily

l On no account = not on any account 决不

l Take account of sth = take sth. Into account /consideration

n In the act of = on the spot

l In addition to sth. = as well as

l Take sb.’s advice <≠> (accept)

l In aid of sth./sb.

n On the air 在广播<≠> in the air在空中,未决

l Set (sth.) alight / fire

n Anything like, nothing like, something like(!区分!)

n The armed forces (海陆空三军)= The Services

n The arts 艺术<≠> arts文科

l Be attracted/attached to sb./sth.

《Catch Phrase》

l Be aboard the plane ( prep.)

l Lying about/around on the floor (prep.+prep.)

l Be absent from sth. (be+~+from)

l Live at that address

n Buy now and take advantage of these special prices 立即购买,特价优惠

l It’s not your affair/biz.

l Her hair was grey with age

n You alone can help me. (only)

n Study En and Cn On alternate days(隔天的)

n Can go by train –the alternative is ... (n.)

l Have you had an answer to your letter?

l Appalling cruelty

l Put your arms in the air

n Is Helen around / about? 在吗

l Many articles are half-price.

《Differentiation and Mnemonics》

l Abuse 虐待/辱骂, accuse

l Accompany 伴奏

n Accord 自愿地、主动地

n Account 陈述,描写

l Act 一幕 five acts

n Admission 人场费、门票钱

l Root: al, ali, alter ->  other, another
(e.g. alien, alike, alliance, ally, alone, along, alongside, alternate, alternative)

n Alongside 紧挨某特,靠着

l Root: am -> love (amateur, ambulance)

l Amuse, amaze

l Root: anim -> life, mind, soul, spirit
(animal, unanimous, animosity, equanimity)

l Answer 解决问题的办法

l Anticipate, participate

l Anyway = anyhow

l Appeal(plea), appear (it appears/seems/shows)

l Root: arch, archi, archy -> chief, ruler, principal
(archbishop, hierarchy, monarchy, anarchy)

n Arms <≠> arm(一样可指武器)

l Root: auto -> self
(autobiography, autograph, automatic)

l Awake, asleep

l Awful = dreadful -> awfully =dreadfully (very)

《Fallibility and Cacoepy》

l A university , An MBA (注意元/辅音)

n Ability / E /

l Abolition / AbE5liFEn /

l Absence / A /

l Access / A /

l Acknowledge / i /

l Acorn 橡树 (看:橡果国际,电视营销)/5eIkC:n/

l AD – Add / A /

n Addict (n.) / A /

l Admiral /5AdmErEl /

n Adult / A /

n Adverb / A /

l Aerial /5ZEriEl /, area

n Affectionate / E /

l Affect/ E /, effect / i /

l Aisle / ail /

l Ale / eil /

l Alive / ai /

l Alley (path) / Ali /

l Alliance / laiE /

l Ally (unite) / Alai /

l Almond 杏树 /5B:mEnd/, apricot 杏/ 5ei /

l Alphabet / e /

n Already / e /

n Alternative / tEnE /

l Although / T /

n Altogether / tEgeTE /

l Aluminium / AljE /

n Amateur / AmEtE /

l Ambassador

l Ambulance / jE /

l Among / Q /

l Ancient / 5einFEnt /  ,  antique

l Anger /A/, angel / ei /, angle /A/

l anorak 带有风帽短外套/AnErAk /

l anxiety / AN^5zaiEti/

l appliance /E5plaiEns/

l apprentice

l apron 围裙 /5eiprEn/

l arch /tF/, arc

l architecture / 5a /

l arithmetic /E5riWmEtik /

l astronaut / 5A  nC/

l attorney / 5tE/

l avenue / E /

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