



1 最初按照gdal官网步骤自行编译;

2 基于makefile采用make系统编译;

3 基于gdal的travel ci 脚本进行编译。


# geodata/gdal
# This creates an Ubuntu derived base image that installs the latest GDAL
# subversion checkout compiled with a broad range of drivers.  The build process
# is based on that defined in
# <https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/trunk/.travis.yml>
## Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahyr
FROM ubuntu:trustyMAINTAINER Homme Zwaagstra <hrz@geodata.soton.ac.uk># Install the application.
ADD . /usr/local/src/gdal-docker/
RUN /usr/local/src/gdal-docker/build.sh# Externally accessible data is by default put in /data
VOLUME ["/data"]# Output version and capabilities by default.
CMD gdalinfo --version && gdalinfo --formats && ogrinfo --formats



# Install GDAL from within a docker container
# This script is designed to be run from within a docker container in order to
# install GDAL. It delegates to `before_install.sh` and `install.sh` which are
# patched from the Travis CI configuration in the GDAL repository.
#set -eDIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
GDAL_VERSION=$(cat ${DIR}/gdal-checkout.txt)export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive# Set the locale. Required for subversion to work on the repository.
update-locale LANG="C.UTF-8"
dpkg-reconfigure locales
. /etc/default/locale
export LANG# Instell prerequisites.
apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y \software-properties-common \wget \unzip \subversion \ccache \clang-3.5 \patch \python-dev \ant# Everything happens under here.
cd /tmp# Get GDAL.
svn checkout --quiet "http://svn.osgeo.org/gdal/${GDAL_VERSION}/" /tmp/gdal/# Install GDAL.
cd /tmp/gdal# Apply our build patches.
patch ./gdal/ci/travis/trusty_clang/before_install.sh ${DIR}/before_install.sh.patch
patch ./gdal/ci/travis/trusty_clang/install.sh ${DIR}/install.sh.patch# Do the build.
. ./gdal/ci/travis/trusty_clang/before_install.sh
. ./gdal/ci/travis/trusty_clang/install.sh# Clean up.
apt-get autoremove -y
apt-get clean
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*




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