


1 Manual structure(可看可不看)


The content of this Zabbix 3.2 manual is divided into sections and subsections to provide easy access to particular subjects of interest.

(本手册内容Zabbix 3.2分章节和小节提供方便地访问感兴趣的科目。)

When you navigate to respective sections, make sure that you expand section folders to reveal full content of what is included in subsections and individual pages.

Cross-linking between pages of related content is provided as much as possible to make sure that relevant information is not missed by the users.


Introduction provides general information about current Zabbix software. Reading this section should equip you with some good reasons to choose Zabbix.

Zabbix concepts explain the terminology used in Zabbix and provides details on Zabbix components.

Installation and Quickstart sections should help you to get started with Zabbix. Zabbix appliance is an alternative for getting a quick taster of what it is like to use Zabbix.

Configuration is one of the largest and more important sections in this manual. It contains loads of essential advice about how to set up Zabbix to monitor your environment, from setting up hosts to getting essential data to viewing data to configuring notifications and remote commands to be executed in case of problems.

IT services section details how to use Zabbix for a high-level overview of your monitoring environment.

Web monitoring should help you learn how to monitor the availability of web sites.

Virtual machine monitoring presents a how-to for configuring VMware environment monitoring.

Maintenance, Regular expressions, Event acknowledgment and XML export/import are further sections that reveal how to use these various aspects of Zabbix software.

Discovery contains instructions for setting up automatic discovery of network devices, active agents, file systems, network interfaces, etc.

Distributed monitoring deals with the possibilities of using Zabbix in larger and more complex environments.

Encryption helps explaining the possibilities of encrypting communications between Zabbix components.

Web interface contains information specific for using the web interface of Zabbix.

API section presents details of working with Zabbix API.

Detailed lists of technical information are included in Appendixes. This is where you will also find a FAQ section.

2 What is Zabbix

介绍zabbix 能做什么,并且介绍都是免费开源的。


Zabbix was created by Alexei Vladishev, and currently is actively developed and supported by Zabbix SIA.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution.

Zabbix is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the health and integrity of servers. Zabbix uses a flexible notification mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail based alerts for virtually any event. This allows a fast reaction to server problems. Zabbix offers excellent reporting and data visualisation features based on the stored data. This makes Zabbix ideal for capacity planning.

Zabbix supports both polling and trapping. All Zabbix reports and statistics, as well as configuration parameters, are accessed through a web-based frontend. A web-based frontend ensures that the status of your network and the health of your servers can be assessed from any location. Properly configured, Zabbix can play an important role in monitoring IT infrastructure. This is equally true for small organisations with a few servers and for large companies with a multitude of servers.

Zabbix is free of cost. Zabbix is written and distributed under the GPL General Public License version 2. It means that its source code is freely distributed and available for the general public.

Commercial support is available and provided by Zabbix Company.

Learn more about Zabbix features.

Users of Zabbix

Many organisations of different size around the world rely on Zabbix as a primary monitoring platform.


3 Zabbix features            #zabbix的特点


Zabbix is a highly integrated network monitoring solution, offering a multiplicity of features in a single package.

Data gathering           #数据的收集

  • availability and performance checks
  • support for SNMP (both trapping and polling), IPMI, JMX, VMware monitoring
  • custom checks
  • gathering desired data at custom intervals
  • performed by server/proxy and by agents

Flexible threshold definitions  #灵活定义

  • you can define very flexible problem thresholds, called triggers, referencing values from the backend database

Highly configurable alerting   #高度可配置的报警

  • sending notifications can be customized for the escalation schedule, recipient, media type
  • notifications can be made meaningful and helpful using macro variables
  • automatic actions include remote commands

Real-time graphing           #实时图表

  • monitored items are immediately graphed using the built-in graphing functionality

Web monitoring capabilities           #网路监控功能

  • Zabbix can follow a path of simulated mouse clicks on a web site and check for functionality and response time

Extensive visualisation options          #广泛的可视化选项

  • ability to create custom graphs that can combine multiple items into a single view
  • network maps
  • custom screens and slide shows for a dashboard-style overview
  • reports
  • high-level (business) view of monitored resources

Historical data storage                #历史数据的存储

  • data stored in a database
  • configurable history
  • built-in housekeeping procedure

Easy configuration                    #简单的配置

  • add monitored devices as hosts
  • hosts are picked up for monitoring, once in the database
  • apply templates to monitored devices

Use of templates                       #模板的使用

  • grouping checks in templates
  • templates can inherit other templates

Network discovery        #网络的发现

  • automatic discovery of network devices
  • agent auto registration
  • discovery of file systems, network interfaces and SNMP OIDs

Fast web interface      #快速网络接口

  • a web-based frontend in PHP
  • accessible from anywhere
  • you can click your way through
  • audit log

Zabbix API                #zabbix API

  • Zabbix API provides programmable interface to Zabbix for mass manipulations, 3rd party software integration and other purposes.

Permissions system         #系统权限

  • secure user authentication
  • certain users can be limited to certain views

Full featured and easily extensible agent          #功能全、易扩展

  • deployed on monitoring targets
  • can be deployed on both Linux and Windows

Binary daemons                   #二进制的守护进程

  • written in C, for performance and small memory footprint    
  • easily portable

Ready for complex environments         #准备复杂的环境

  • remote monitoring made easy by using a Zabbix proxy   #通过代理可以轻松实现zabbix监控







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