

public void testMain(Object[] args)


//Turn off Log Viewer for this example

setOption(IOptionName.BRING_UP_LOGVIEWER, false);

//Start Classics Java Application


// Frame: ClassicsCD


//Display available test data types available from tree

System.out.println ("Available Tree Data Types: " + tree2().getTestDataTypes());

//Declare variables for tree

ITestDataTree cdTree;

ITestDataTreeNodes cdTreeNodes;

ITestDataTreeNode[] cdTreeNode;

//Variables to hold tree data

cdTree = (ITestDataTree)tree2().getTestData("tree");

cdTreeNodes = cdTree.getTreeNodes();

cdTreeNode = cdTreeNodes.getRootNodes();

//Print out total number of nodes

System.out.println ("Tree Total Node Count: " + cdTreeNodes.getNodeCount());

System.out.println ("Tree Root Node Count : " + cdTreeNodes.getRootNodeCount());

//Iterate through tree branches; this is a recursive method.

for (int i = 0;i<cdTreeNode.length;++i)

showTree(cdTreeNode[i], 0);

//Shut down Classics Java Application



void showTree(ITestDataTreeNode node, int indent)


//Recursive method to print out tree nodes with proper indenting.

//Determine number of tabs to use - to properly indent tree

int tabCount = ( indent < tabs.length() ? indent :

tabs.length() );

//Print out node name + number of children

System.out.println(tabs.substring(0, tabCount) + node.getNode() + " (" + node.getChildCount() + "children)" );

//Determine if node has children; recursively call this same

//method to print out child nodes.

ITestDataTreeNode[] children = node.getChildren();

int childCount = ( children != null ? children.length : 0 );

for ( int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )

showTree(children[i], indent+1);


//String of tabs used to indent tree view

final String tabs = "/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t/t";


Available Tree Data Types: {selected=选中的树层次结构, tree=树层次结构}

Tree Total Node Count: 20

Tree Root Node Count : 1

Composers (5children)

Schubert (3children)

String Quartets Nos. 4 & 14 (0children)

Die schone Mullerin, Op. 25 (0children)

Symphonies Nos. 5 & 9 (0children)

Haydn (3children)

Symphonies Nos. 99 & 101 (0children)

Symphonies Nos. 94 & 98 (0children)

Violin Concertos (0children)

Bach (2children)

Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 1 & 3 (0children)

Violin Concertos (0children)

Beethoven (3children)

Symphony No. 7 (0children)

Symphony No. 9 (0children)

Symphony No. 5 (0children)

Mozart (3children)

Symphony No. 34 (0children)

Symphony in C, No. 41: Jupiter (0children)

Concerto in D for Piano (0children)

关于ITestDataTree 、 ITestDataTreeNodes 、ItestDataTreeNode的使用方法可参考RFT的帮助文档:


All Superinterfaces:


public interface ITestDataTree
extends ITestData

The base-level tree verification-point interface. This interface represents a property set and entry points to the tree nodes.



Method Summary


          Returns the setting of the Ordered property.


          Returns the nodes of a tree structure.


setOrdered(boolean ordered)
          Sets the tree to be compared in either an ordered or unordered fashion.


setTreeNodes(ITestDataTreeNodes treeNodes)
          Sets the nodes of a tree structure.


public interface ITestDataTreeNodes

Enables an appropriate display object to be associated with the tree nodes. This is the container class for the Nodes of a tree-type verification point. Without this container class, the generic property display does not know how to display the nodes.



Method Summary


          Returns the number of nodes in the tree hierarchy.


          Returns the number of root nodes.


          Returns the root nodes of a tree structure.


          This method returns the reference to tree.


setRootNodes(ITestDataTreeNode[] rootNodes)
          Sets the root nodes of a tree structure.


setTree(ITestDataTree tree)
          This method sets the reference to tree.


public interface ITestDataTreeNode

Provides the necessary methods for representing a node in a Tree test-data object.



Method Summary


          Returns the number of child nodes from this node.


          Returns the child nodes relative to this node.


          Returns true if this node in the tree should be masked from comparison in a verification-point replay.


          Returns a description of the node itself.


          Returns the parent node of a tree structure.


          This method returns the reference to tree.


setChildren(ITestDataTreeNode[] children)
          Sets the child nodes of this node.


setMasked(boolean masked)
          Sets the masked attribute of the element of this node.


setNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Sets a description of the node itself.


setParent(ITestDataTreeNode parent)
          Sets the parent node of a tree structure.


setTree(ITestDataTree tree)
          This method sets the reference to tree.



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