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operculated retinal hole【24】 牵引孔 裂孔
atrophic hole 萎缩孔 裂孔
retinal degeneration 视网膜退化 视网膜变性
retina denaturation 视网膜变性 视网膜变性



  • Atrophic retinal holes are caused by a localized degeneration of a small spot in the retina. The underlying cause for this atrophy is usually unknown but is generally associated with aging.

  • Operculated retinal holes are caused by traction on the retina by the vitreous humor (the gel-like fluid inside the eye) as it liquifies with age. This type of retinal hole is often associated with posterior vitreous detachment. Trauma to the head or eye also may cause an operculated retinal hole.



那么上面第二个图就是激光光凝术加固后的效果, 也就是说,虽然自己感觉不到,但是其实会造成视野缺失,也就是看东西的范围变窄了。如果运气再差一点,那么手术后的效果会是这样的,会留下终生的黑块和黑线,一辈子都无法恢复。




In vitrectomy surgery, the vitreous gel (vitreous body) is removed to prevent it from pulling on the retina and replaced with a bubble containing a mixture of air and gas. The bubble acts as an internal, temporary bandage that holds the edge of the macular hole in place as it heals. Vitrectomy surgery is performed under local anesthesia and often on an out-patient basis.







In 1992 Reginald Birngruber and colleagues introduced application of even shorter microsecond continuous-wave laser pulses. These microsecond laser pulses also selectively target the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) sparing the photoreceptors and other intraretinal cells.25,26 Such short-pulse continuous wave laser cause explosive vaporization of melanosomes and formation of cavitation bubbles resulting in cell death and subsequent proliferation and migration of RPE cells to restore the integrity of the defective RPE layer.25 The clinical term adopted for this approach has been “Selective Retina Therapy” or SRT.26【2】


It was discovered recently that continuity of the photoreceptor layer in rabbit and rodent retina can be restored after selective photocoagulation (Busch et al., 1999; Paulus et al., 2008; Belokopytov et al., 2010). Unlike more intense conventional burns, selective photocoagulation destroys only photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), leaving cells in the inner retinal layers intact. After a few days, RPE coverage is restored and, after a few weeks, the photoreceptor layer regains its continuity (Paulus et al., 2008). The most likely origin of the photoreceptors filling the lesion is a shift of healthy photoreceptors from the adjacent untreated areas (Zwick et al., 2008). Although these results indicate that migrating photoreceptors can fill in the lesion, little is known about the extent of the functional restoration.



RRD(rhegmatogenous retinal detachment)孔源性视网膜脱离

Atropic retinal holes. The underlying cause of these defects is a poorly functioning choriocapillaris that no longer gives adequate circulation to the retinal layers above the hole.

Fewer than 1% of cases of lattice degeneration with holes progress to RRD。

The operculated retinal hole results from increased focal vitreoretinal traction。【24】

One year and later after treatment, CRL lesions were characterized by RPE atrophy combined with significant damage of the neurosensory tissue. SRT lesions aged one year and older revealed unaffected neurosensory structures and an intact RPE layer.【4】

SRT用于DME(diabetic macular edema)【6】

Theodore Maiman, PhD, designed the first ophthalmic laser in 1960 at the Hughes Research Laboratories emitting monochromatic energy. Systems using ruby laser (694-nm wavelength) were among the first to be studied in ophthalmology.3,4 They offered some variability in pulse durations and more precisely targeted treatments. They could be successfully applied therapeutically but intense chorioretinal destruction and frequent hemorrhaging soon showed to be an issue. The advent of argon laser marked a new milestone in retinal photocoagulation.5,6


No conclusions could be reached about the effectiveness of surgical interventions to prevent retinal detachment in eyes with asymptomatic retinal breaks or lattice degeneration, or both. Current recommendations for treatment, based upon a consensus of expert opinion, should be assessed in a randomized controlled trial.【16】

An operculated hole occurs when vitreous traction amputates the flap of the tear from the retinal surface and the separated flap becomes suspended within the posterior hyaloid above the retinal surface。【22】

Retinal hole surgery
In most cases, no treatment for retinal holes is required. Your eye doctor will usually just note the finding of a retinal hole and monitor it with routine comprehensive eye exams.

However, in some cases — for example, if vitreous fluid is seeping under the border of a retinal hole, which could increase the risk of a retinal detachment — retinal hole surgery may be performed.【23】(在一些边缘下面已经流入液体的情况下,必须进行光凝手术)

Subclinical RD was seen in 10 (6.7%) of 150 eyes with atrophic holes, involving 9 (7.5%) of 120 patients, and had a much less serious prognosis than clinical detachment.【25】




























皮质假性裂孔和孔源性视网膜脱离 区分开来【29】


【1】Vitrectomy Surgery

【2】Modern retinal laser therapy

【3】Restoration of Retinal Structure and Function after Selective Photocoagulation

【4】Structural changes of the retina after conventional laser photocoagulation and selective retina treatment (SRT) in spectral domain OCT - PubMed


【6】Safety and efficacy of selective retina therapy (SRT) for the treatment of diabetic macular edema in Korean patients | SpringerLink

【7】免除视网膜损伤的选择性视网膜色素上皮光凝 - 百度学术

【8】Selective retina therapy (SRT) in patients with geographic atrophy due to age-related macular degeneration - PubMed

【9】Selective Retinal Pigment Epithelium Laser Therapy for Macular Disease of the Retina

【10】Laser Photocoagulation

【11】Selective retina therapy and thermal stimulation of the retina: different regenerative properties - implications for AMD therapy - PubMed

【12】How Do I Lower My Intraocular Pressure - Missouri Eye Institute

【13】Laser Photocoagulation: All you Need to Know | Norlase

【14】Retinal hole And Its Treatment Options

【15】Selective retina therapy (SRT) in patients with geographic atrophy due to age-related macular degeneration - PubMed

【16】Interventions for asymptomatic retinal breaks and lattice degeneration for preventing retinal detachment

【18】Selective Retina Therapy | SpringerLink

【19】TREATMENT OF VITREOMACULAR TRACTION WITH INTRAVITREAL PERFLUOROPROPANE (C3F8) INJECTION - PubMed【20】Structural changes of the retina after conventional laser photocoagulation and selective retina treatment (SRT) in spectral domain OCT - PubMed

【22】What is an Operculated retinal hole? – Easierwithpractice.com

【23】Retinal holes - All About Vision

【24】 Managing Retinal Breaks

【25】Lattice Degeneration & Retinal Detachment Risk - Preventative Treatment? - Endmyopia®



【28】Retinal hole: Is it serious?



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