Around Town  城市周围

Talk about the picture 看图说话


Where are you? I'm in the Meten classroom.

What do you do? I study English at the school.

I eat dinner at the restaurant

I go shopping at the supermarket

Do you study English at the School?# Are you study English at the School? 出现2个动词的情况就需要把Be动词更换为助动词 Do

Does he/she study Music at the School?

Yes, he/she does/ No, he/she doesn't

Is he/she at The bank?

Yes, he/she is/ No, he/she isn't

What does he do at the bank?

he saves or get money at the bank.

Where is he?

He is at the blank. He is at north blank  # 没有指定的名词就用The,有就是用名词

What do he do at the blank? He save or get money at the bank

Where is she?

She is at the library. She read/borrow books at the library.  # 这里可以说 read a book(读一本书)  read books (看书)

Where are they?

They are at The bakery, They buy bread and cake at the bakery。

Does he/she study Music at the School?

Do they have hair cut at the barbershop?


in the street
on the road

第三人称单数 需要使用 Does

问句里面动词都使用原型  # 一般现在时

# 需要注意区分的

the / they









adult  ['ædʌlt; ə'dʌlt]  a du lt 成年人

barber / barbershop    理发师  /  理发店

road sign  [saɪn]   路标,道路标志

traffic signal   ['sɪgn(ə)l]    交通信号灯

crossing  ['krɒsɪŋ]  十字路口

shopcart 购物车,商品模块,网上商城

gain konwledge  # 获得知识

laugh # 笑

breakfast ['brekfəst]




1. 继续注意三单句型的情况,特别注意需要使用Does 和动词在回答部分需要使用复数形式


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