
  学了困难的在去看以前的课程,发现真的容易多了。So 学习的最好方法和提速方式,那就是找困难的不断去挑战。尝试、尝试、在尝试!

Grmmar ['græmə]  focus  ['fəʊkəs] 语法点: Do you have ...?

Do you have a sister?

Yes, I do.

Yes, we do.

No, I don't

No, we don't

Practice ['præktɪs] 练习

Do you have a brother?

Yes, I do

Do you have a sister?

No , we don't

Do you have a son?

Yes, I do

Do you have a daughter?

Yes, we do

Do you have a wife?

No, I don't

Listen and repeat  .Then write 听并跟读,然后写下来

Do you have a sister?

Yes, I do

What's you name?


Do you have a brother?

No, I don't

Do you have a husband?

Yes, I do

What's his name?


Do you have a son?

Yes, we do

What's is name?


Do you have a daugher?

No, we don't

Do you have a grandmother?

Yes, we do

What's you name?



1. 多人情况下的复数形式,以及we的使用

2.对于元音字母开头的词,记得需要变换a 为 an    e.g.     an aunt  / an uncle  这些小细节的习惯需要逐渐养成


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