In this tutorial, we will explore how to build and train deep autoencoders using Keras and Tensorflow.


The primary reason I decided to write this tutorial is that most of the tutorials out there, including the official Keras and TensorFlow ones, use the MNIST data for the training. I have been asked numerous times to show how to train autoencoders using our own images that may be large in number.

我决定编写此教程的主要原因是那里的大多数教程(包括官方的Keras和TensorFlow教程)都使用MNIST数据进行培训。 我无数次被要求展示如何使用我们自己的图像(可能数量很多)来训练自动编码器。

I will try to keep this tutorial brief and will not get into the details of how autoencoder works. Therefore, having a basic knowledge of autoencoders is the prerequisite to understand the code presented in this tutorial (needless to say that you must know how to program in Python, Keras and TensorFlow).

我将尝试使本教程简短,而不会深入探讨自动编码器的工作原理。 因此,具有自动编码器的基础知识是理解本教程中提供的代码的先决条件(不必说您必须知道如何使用Python,Keras和TensorFlow进行编程)。

自动编码器 (Autoencoders)

Autoencoders are unsupervised neural networks that learn to reconstruct its input. Denoising an image is one of the uses of autoencoders. Denoising is very useful for OCR. Autoencoders are also also used for image compression.

自动编码器是无监督的神经网络,可以学习重建其输入。 对图像进行降噪是自动编码器的用途之一。 去噪对于OCR非常有用。 自动编码器也用于图像压缩。

As shown in Figure 1, an autoencoder consists of:


  1. Encoder: The encoder takes an image as input and generates an output which is much smaller dimension compared to the original image. The output from the encoders is also called as the latent representation of the input image.编码器:编码器将图像作为输入并生成输出,该输出的尺寸比原始图像小得多。 编码器的输出也称为输入图像的潜在表示。
  2. Decoder: The decoder takes the output from the encoder (aka the latent representation of the input image) and reconstructs the input image.解码器:解码器从编码器获取输出(又称输入图像的潜在表示)并重建输入图像。

Both encoders and decoders are convolutional neural networks with the difference that the encoders dimensions reduce with each layer and the decoders dimensions increase with each layer until the output layer where the dimensions match with the original image.


培训自动编码器 (Training Autoencoders)

We will use our own images for training and testing the autoencoders. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a dataset that contains scanned images of restaurant receipts. The dataset is freely available from the link uner MIT License.

我们将使用自己的图像来训练和测试自动编码器。 在本教程中,我们将使用包含餐厅收据扫描图像的数据集。 可从MIT许可中的链接免费获得该数据集。

Although this dataset does not have a large number of images, we will write code that will work for both small and large datasets.


The code below is divided into 4 parts.


  1. Data preparation: Images will be read from a directory and fed as inputs to the encoder block.数据准备:将从目录中读取图像,并将其作为输入提供给编码器块。
  2. Neural network configuration: We will write a function that takes certain parameters and return the encoder, decoder and autoencoder convolutional neural networks神经网络配置:我们将编写一个带有某些参数的函数,并返回编码器,解码器和自动编码器卷积神经网络
  3. Training the neural networks: The code that triggers the training, monitors the progress and saves the trained models.训练神经网络:触发训练,监视进度并保存训练后模型的代码。
  4. Prediction: The code block that uses the trained models and predicts the output.预测:使用经过训练的模型并预测输出的代码块。

I will use Google Colaboratory ( to execute the code. You can use your favorite IDE to write and run the code. The code below works both for CPUs and GPUs, I will use the GPU based machine to speed up the training. Google Colab offers a free GPU based virtual machine for education and learning.

我将使用Google Colaboratory( )执行代码。 您可以使用自己喜欢的IDE编写和运行代码。 下面的代码适用于CPU和GPU,我将使用基于GPU的机器来加快培训速度。 Google Colab提供了免费的基于GPU的虚拟机,用于教育和学习。

If you use a Jupyter notebook, the steps below will look very similar.


First we create a notebook project, AE Demo for example.

首先,我们创建一个笔记本项目,例如AE Demo。

Before we start the actual code, let’s import all dependencies that we need for our project. Here is a list of imports that we will need.

在开始实际代码之前,让我们导入项目所需的所有依赖项。 这是我们需要的进口清单。

# Import the necessary packages


import tensorflow as tf


from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow


from tensorflow.keras.layers import BatchNormalization


from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D


from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2DTranspose


from tensorflow.keras.layers import LeakyReLU


from tensorflow.keras.layers import Activation


from tensorflow.keras.layers import Flatten


from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense


from tensorflow.keras.layers import Reshape


from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input


from tensorflow.keras.models import Model


from tensorflow.keras import backend as K


from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam


import numpy as np


Listing 1.1: Import the necessary packages.


数据准备: (Data Preparation:)

Our receipt images are in a directory. We will use ImageDataGenerator class, provided by Keras API, and create training and test iterators as shown in the listing 1.2 below.

我们的收据图像位于目录中。 我们将使用Keras API提供的ImageDataGenerator类,并创建训练和测试迭代器,如下面清单1.2所示。

trainig_img_dir = “inputs”

trainig_img_dir =“输入”

height = 1000

高度= 1000

width = 500

宽度= 500

channel = 1

频道= 1

batch_size = 8

batch_size = 8

datagen = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator(validation_split=0.2, rescale=1. / 255.)

datagen = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator(validation_split = 0.2,rescale = 1. / 255。)

train_it = datagen.flow_from_directory(

train_it = datagen.flow_from_directory(



target_size=(height, width),

target_size =(高度,宽度),


color_mode ='灰度',


class_mode ='输入',


batch_size =批量大小,

subset=’training’) # set as training data

subset ='training')#设置为训练数据

val_it = datagen.flow_from_directory(

val_it = datagen.flow_from_directory(



target_size=(height, width),

target_size =(高度,宽度),


color_mode ='灰度',


class_mode ='输入',


batch_size =批量大小,

subset=’validation’) # set as validation data

subset ='validation')#设置为验证数据

Listing 1.2: Image input preparation. Load images in batches from a directory.

代码清单1.2:图像输入准备 从目录中批量加载图像。

Important notes about Listing 1.2:


  1. training_img_dir = “inputs” is the parent directory that contains the receipt images. In other words, receipts are in a subdirectory under the “inputs” directory.training_img_dir =“输入”是包含收据图像的父目录。 换句话说,收据位于“输入”目录下的子目录中。
  2. color_mode=’grayscale’ is important if you want to convert your input images into grayscale.如果要将输入图像转换为灰度,color_mode =“灰度”非常重要。

All other parameters are self explanatory.


配置自动编码器神经网络 (Configure Autoencoder Neural Networks)

As shown in Listing 1.3 below, we have created an AutoencoderBuilder class that provides a function build_ae(). This function takes the following arguments:

如下面的清单1.3所示,我们创建了一个AutoencoderBuilder类,该类提供了一个build_ae()函数。 此函数采用以下参数:

  • height of the input images,输入图像的高度,
  • width of the input images,输入图像的宽度,
  • depth (or the number of channels) of the input images.输入图像的深度(或通道数)。
  • filters as a tuple with the default as (32,64)过滤为元组,默认为(32,64)
  • latentDim which represents the dimension of the latent vectorlatentDim,代表潜在向量的维数

class AutoencoderBuilder:




def build_ae(height, width, depth, filters=(32, 64), latentDim=16):

def build_ae(高度,宽度,深度,过滤器=(32,64),latentDim = 16):

#Initialize the input shape.


inputShape = (height, width, depth)

inputShape =(高度,宽度,深度)

chanDim = -1

chanDim = -1

# define the input to the encoder


inputs = Input(shape=inputShape)

输入=输入(shape = inputShape)

x = inputs

x =输入

# loop over the filters


for filter in filters:


# Build network with Convolutional with RELU and BatchNormalization


x = Conv2D(filter, (3, 3), strides=2, padding=”same”)(x)

x = Conv2D(过滤器,(3,3),步幅= 2,填充=“相同”)(x)

x = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(x)

x = LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.2)(x)

x = BatchNormalization(axis=chanDim)(x)

x =批次归一化(axis = chanDim)(x)

# flatten the network and then construct the latent vector


volumeSize = K.int_shape(x)

volumeSize = K.int_shape(x)

x = Flatten()(x)

x = Flatten()(x)

latent = Dense(latentDim)(x)


# build the encoder model


encoder = Model(inputs, latent, name=”encoder”)


# We will now build the the decoder model which takes the output from the encoder as its inputs


latentInputs = Input(shape=(latentDim,))

latentInputs =输入(shape =(latentDim,))

x = Dense([1:]))(latentInputs)

x =密集( [1:]))(latentInputs)

x = Reshape((volumeSize[1], volumeSize[2], volumeSize[3]))(x)

x =重塑((volumeSize [1],volumeSize [2],volumeSize [3]))(x)

# We will loop over the filters again but in the reverse order


for filter in filters[::-1]:


# In the decoder, we will apply a CONV_TRANSPOSE with RELU and BatchNormalization operation


x = Conv2DTranspose(filter, (3, 3), strides=2,

x = Conv2DTranspose(filter,(3,3),strides = 2,



x = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(x)

x = LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.2)(x)

x = BatchNormalization(axis=chanDim)(x)

x =批次归一化(axis = chanDim)(x)

# Now, we want to recover the original depth of the image. For this, we apply a single CONV_TRANSPOSE layer

#现在,我们要恢复图像的原始深度。 为此,我们应用一个CONV_TRANSPOSE层

x = Conv2DTranspose(depth, (3, 3), padding=”same”)(x)

x = Conv2DTranspose(depth,(3,3),padding =“ same”)(x)

outputs = Activation(“sigmoid”)(x)

输出=激活(“ sigmoid”)(x)

# Now build the decoder model


decoder = Model(latentInputs, outputs, name=”decoder”)


# Finally, the autoencoder is the encoder + decoder


autoencoder = Model(inputs, decoder(encoder(inputs)),

autoencoder =模型(输入,解码器(编码器(输入)),



# return a tuple of the encoder, decoder, and autoencoder models


return (encoder, decoder, autoencoder)


Listing 1.3: Builder class to create autoencoder networks.


培训自动编码器 (Training Autoencoders)

The following code Listing 1.4 starts the autoencoder training.


# initialize the number of epochs to train for and batch size


EPOCHS = 300

EPOCHS = 300


批次= 8

MODEL_OUT_DIR = “ae_model_dir”

MODEL_OUT_DIR =“ ae_model_dir”

# construct our convolutional autoencoder


print(“[INFO] building autoencoder…”)

打印(“ [[INFO] Building autoencoder ...”)

(encoder, decoder, autoencoder) = AutoencoderBuilder().build_ae(height,width,channel)

(编码器,解码器,自动编码器)= AutoencoderBuilder()。build_ae(高度,宽度,通道)

opt = Adam(lr=1e-3)

opt =亚当(lr = 1e-3)

autoencoder.compile(loss=”mse”, optimizer=opt)

autoencoder.compile(loss =“ mse”,Optimizer = opt)

# train the convolutional autoencoder


history =





validation_data = val_it,


epochs = EPOCHS,


batch_size = BATCHES)”/ae_model.h5”) +” / ae_model.h5”)

Listing 1.4: Training autoencoder model.


可视化培训指标 (Visualizing the Training Metrics)

The code listing 1.5 shows how to display a graph of loss/accuracy per epoch of both training and validation. Figure 2 shows a sample output of the code Listing 1.5

代码清单1.5显示了如何显示训练和验证的每个时期的损失/准确性图。 图2显示了代码清单1.5的示例输出。

# set the matplotlib backend so figures can be saved in the background


import matplotlib


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


%matplotlib inline


# construct a plot that plots and displays the training history


N = np.arange(0, EPOCHS)

N = np.arange(0,EPOCHS)“ggplot”)“ ggplot”)



plt.plot(N, history.history[“loss”], label=”train_loss”)

plt.plot(N,history.history [“ loss”],label =“ train_loss”)

plt.plot(N, history.history[“val_loss”], label=”val_loss”)

plt.plot(N,history.history [“ val_loss”],label =“ val_loss”)

plt.title(“Training Loss and Accuracy”)


plt.xlabel(“Epoch #”)

plt.xlabel(“ Epoch#”)



plt.legend(loc=”lower left”)

plt.legend(loc =“左下角”)

# plt.savefig(plot)

#plt.savefig(图) = True)

Listing 1.5: Display a plot of training loss and accuracy vs epochs


Figure 1.2: Plot of loss/accuracy vs epoch


作出预测 (Make Predictions)

Now that we have a trained autoencoder model, we will use it to make predictions. The code listing 1.6 shows how to load the model from the directory location where it was saved. We use predict() function and pass the validation image iterator that we created before. Ideally we should have a different image set for prediction and testing.

现在我们有了训练有素的自动编码器模型,我们将使用它来进行预测。 代码清单1.6显示了如何从保存模型的目录位置加载模型。 我们使用predict()函数并传递之前创建的验证图像迭代器。 理想情况下,我们应该为预测和测试设置不同的图像集。

Here is the code to do the prediction and display.


from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow


# use the convolutional autoencoder to make predictions on the


# validation images, then display those predicted image.


print(“[INFO] making predictions…”)

打印(“ [INFO]做出预测…”)

autoencoder_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(MODEL_OUT_DIR+”/encoder_decoder_model.h5")

autoencoder_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(MODEL_OUT_DIR +” / encoder_decoder_model.h5“)

decoded = autoencoder_model.predict(train_it)

解码= autoencoder_model.predict(train_it)

decoded = autoencoder.predict(val_it)

解码= autoencoder.predict(val_it)

examples = 10

例子= 10

# loop over a few samples to display the predicted images


for i in range(0, examples):


predicted = (decoded[i] * 255).astype(“uint8”)

预测=(decoded [i] * 255).astype(“ uint8”)



Listing 1.6: Code to predict and display the images


In the above code listing, I have used the cv2_imshow package which is very specific to Google Colab. If you are Jupyter or any other IDE, you may have to simply import the cv2 package. To display the image, use cv2.imshow() function.

在上面的代码清单中,我使用了cv2_imshow软件包,该软件包非常特定于Google Colab。 如果您是Jupyter或任何其他IDE,则可能只需导入cv2软件包。 要显示图像,请使用cv2.imshow()函数。

结论 (Conclusion)

In this tutorial, we built autoencoder models using our own images. We also explored how to save the model. We loaded the saved model and made the predictions. We finally displayed the predicted images.

在本教程中,我们使用自己的图像构建了自动编码器模型。 我们还探讨了如何保存模型。 我们加载了保存的模型并做出了预测。 我们最终显示了预测的图像。



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