(1) log on CRM web UI via business role SERVICEPRO, work center Service Operations->Search Document Templates:

(2) Create a new document template:

Specify Object type BUS1178 - Product for this document template, click button “Start Designer”:

click Open button:

edit the content for example add header & footer area and page number:

click Back button to return to search view, and click hyperlink to open the word document, check whether the header and logo are there.

(3) Go to product assignment block, the Create With template button will be enabled. Select the document template we just created:

Click yes:

Then a new ABAP webdynpro pop up window appears which preloads the document template with Header and Logo area just created in step2:

Then we can start to edit this document:

Save the document and close the ABAP webdynpro page, then the document is visible in Attachment assignment block.

Click the Properties hyperlink, and we can change the document name from “template_test1” to “document1”:


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