
  博客中将构建一个小示例,用于演示在ASP.NET MVC4项目中,如何使用JQuery Ajax。




<input type="text" id="txtName"/><br/>
<input type="text" id="txtAge" /><br />
<button type="button" id="btn1">提交</button>
<button type="button" id="btn2">清空</button>
<p id="display"></p>



 1         public ActionResult AddUsers()
 2         {
 3             var my = new MyModel();
 4             string result = string.Empty;
 5             if(Request.IsAjaxRequest())
 6             {
 7                 this.UpdateModel(my);
 8                 string name = my.Name;
 9                 int age = my.Age;
10                 if (age < 18) result = name+"的文章好烂啊";
11                 else result = name+",记得烂也要写";
12             }
13             return Content(result);
14         }


  或者是返回一个 ContentResult()对象,与上面的代码类似(所以折叠了),代码如下:

 1         public ActionResult DoWithUsers()
 2         {
 3             var actionResult = default(ContentResult);
 4             var my = new MyModel();
 5             try
 6             {
 7                 this.UpdateModel(my);
 8                 string name = my.Name;
 9                 int age = my.Age;
10                 string temp = "";
11                 if (age < 18) temp = "的文章好烂啊";
12                 else temp = ",记得烂也要写";
13                 actionResult = new ContentResult()
14                 {
15                     Content = name + temp
16                 };
17             }
18             catch(Exception ex)
19             {
20                 return null;
21             }
22             return actionResult;
23         }

View Code


 1     $(document).ready(function () {
 2         $("#btn1").click(function () {
 3             var data = "";
 4             var name = $("#txtName").val();
 5             var age = $("#txtAge").val();
 6             data += "&Name=" + encodeURI(name);
 7             data += "&Age=" + encodeURI(age);
 8             $.ajax({
 9                 async: true,
10                 cache: false,
11                 timeout: 60 * 60 * 1000,
12                 data: data,
13                 type: "GET",
14                 datatype: "JSON",
15                 url: "/Ajax/AddUsers",
16                 success:function(result)
17                 {
18                     $("#display").text(result);
19                 },
20                 error: function (result) {
21                     $("#display").html("error");
22                 },
23             })
24         });


以上,最简单的ASP.NET MVC4&JQuery&AJax示例完成了。




 1         public ActionResult DoWithUsers()
 2         {
 3             var my = new MyModel();
 4             try
 5             {
 6                 this.UpdateModel(my);
 7                 string name = my.Name;
 8                 int age = my.Age;
 9                 string temp = "";
10                 if (age < 18) temp = "的文章好烂啊";
11                 else temp = ",记得烂也要写";
12                 JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
13                 return Json(jss.Serialize(new { Name = name, Message = temp }), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
14             }
15             catch(Exception ex)
16             {
17                 return null;
18             }
19         }



1                 success:function(result)
2                 {
3                     result = JSON.parse(result);
4                     $("#display").text(result.Name + result.Message);
5                 },

以上,最简单的ASP.NET MVC4&JQuery&AJax&JSon示例完成。


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