感谢所有的建议!看起来我必须做的丑陋的东西是必要的。以下工作(在我的机器上,无论如何)在IE和FireFox中。我稍后可以为CodeProject.com制作一篇文章; - )

这个javascript进入< head>部分:

var tmout = null;

var mustReload = false;

function Resizing()


if (tmout != null)




tmout = setTimeout(RefreshAll,300);


function Reload()


document.location.href = document.location.href;


//IE fires the window's onresize event when the client area

//expands or contracts, which causes an infinite loop.

//the way around this is a hidden div set to 100% of

//height and width, with a guard around the resize event

//handler to see if the _window_ size really changed

var windowHeight;

var windowWidth;

window.onresize = null;

window.onresize = function()


var backdropDiv = document.getElementById("divBackdrop");

if (windowHeight != backdropDiv.offsetHeight ||

windowWidth != backdropDiv.offsetWidth)


//if screen is shrinking, must reload to get correct sizes

if (windowHeight != backdropDiv.offsetHeight ||

windowWidth != backdropDiv.offsetWidth)


mustReload = true;




mustReload = mustReload || false;


windowHeight = backdropDiv.offsetHeight;

windowWidth = backdropDiv.offsetWidth;




< body>像这样开始:

style="width:100%; clear:both; height: 100%; margin: 0;

padding: 0; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px;

visibility:hidden; z-index:0;">



var isWorking = false;

var currentEntity = ;

//try to detect a bad back-button usage;

//if the current entity id does not match the querystring

//parameter entityid=###

if (location.search != null && location.search.indexOf("&entityid=") > 0)


var urlId = location.search.substring(


if (urlId.indexOf("&") > 0)


urlId = urlId.substring(0,urlId.indexOf("&"));


if (currentEntity != urlId)


mustReload = true;



//a friendly please wait... hidden div

var pleaseWaitDiv = document.getElementById("divPleaseWait");

//an example content div being refreshed via AJAX PRO

var contentDiv = document.getElementById("contentDiv");

//synchronous refresh of content

function RefreshAll()


if (isWorking) { return; } //no infinite recursion please!

isWorking = true;

pleaseWaitDiv.style.visibility = "visible";

if (mustReload)







(currentEntity, contentDiv.offsetWidth,



pleaseWaitDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";

isWorking = false;

if (tmout != null)





var tmout2 = null;

var refreshInterval = 60000;

//periodic synchronous refresh of all content

function Refreshing()



if (tmout2 != null)



tmout2 = setTimeout(Refreshing,refreshInterval);



//start periodic refresh of content

tmout2 = setTimeout(Refreshing,refreshInterval);

//clean up

window.onunload = function()


isWorking = true;

if (tmout != null)



tmout = null;


if (tmout2 != null)



tmout2 = null;


很丑,但它确实有效 - 我猜它真正重要; - )

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