
今天在一个群里面看到的一个朋友提交,说of_property_read_string 这个函数有两个定义,到底是用了哪个呢?






extern int of_property_read_string(struct device_node *np,const char *propname,const char **out_string);


static inline int of_property_read_string(struct device_node *np,const char *propname,const char **out_string)
{return -ENOSYS;

但是并不是两个都用到,他们用了一个宏 CONFIG_OF 来选择

CONFIG_OF 宏有什么用?


Open Firmware. This was invented long time ago when Apple was producing laptops based on PowerPC CPUs. Openfirmware provides a good description of the devices connected to the platform. In Linux kernel the part that works with device data is called Device Tree (DT). More details in theUsage model.


Openfirmware provides a good description of the devices connected to the platform



called Device Tree (DT)


of_property_read_string 函数本体




/*** of_property_read_string - Find and read a string from a property* @np:         device node from which the property value is to be read.* @propname:   name of the property to be searched.* @out_string: pointer to null terminated return string, modified only if*              return value is 0.** Search for a property in a device tree node and retrieve a null* terminated string value (pointer to data, not a copy). Returns 0 on* success, -EINVAL if the property does not exist, -ENODATA if property* does not have a value, and -EILSEQ if the string is not null-terminated* within the length of the property data.** The out_string pointer is modified only if a valid string can be decoded.*/
int of_property_read_string(struct device_node *np, const char *propname,const char **out_string)
{struct property *prop = of_find_property(np, propname, NULL);if (!prop)return -EINVAL;if (!prop->value)return -ENODATA;if (strnlen(prop->value, prop->length) >= prop->length)return -EILSEQ;*out_string = prop->value;return 0;




传入np,就是设备树的节点,然后返回 "clock-output-names" 字符串对应的值,存入clk_name 里面。

of_property_read_string 函数剖析

int of_property_read_string(struct device_node *np, const char *propname,const char **out_string)
{struct property *prop = of_find_property(np, propname, NULL);if (!prop)return -EINVAL;if (!prop->value)return -ENODATA;if (strnlen(prop->value, prop->length) >= prop->length)return -EILSEQ;*out_string = prop->value;return 0;

  • of_find_property 这个是找到这个dts节点,怎么找,可以再去这个函数分析一下。
  • strnlen功能「获取字符串实际字符个数,不包括结尾的'0';如果实际个数 <= 第二个参数,则返回字符串实际字符个数,否则返回第二个参数。」
  • prop->length 是之前预设的一个值,strnlen正常情况返回的就是字符串的长度 减1「去掉n字符」。
  • *out_string = prop->value 这里就是二级指针起到作用了,没有重新分配内存,直接把指针指向字符串位置。

我们再看看prop 的结构体,就一目了然了。

struct property {char   *name;int   length;void *value;struct property *next;unsigned long _flags;unsigned int unique_id;struct bin_attribute attr;

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