一.从 iframe 说起


<iframe style="width: 800px; height: 600px;" src="https://www.baidu.com"/>


<iframe style="width: 800px; height: 600px;" src="https://github.com/join"/>

Github 登录页并没有像百度首页一样乖乖显示到iframe里,并且在 Console 面板输出了一行错误:

Refused to display ‘https://github.com/join’ in a frame because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “frame-ancestors ‘none'”.




具体的,对于点击劫持,主要有 3 项应对措施:

  • CSP(Content Security Policy,即内容安全策略)

  • X-Frame-Options

  • framekiller

服务端通过设置 HTTP 响应头来声明 CSP 和X-Frame-Options,例如:

# 不允许被嵌入,包括<frame>, <iframe>, <object>, <embed> 和 <applet>
Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none'
# 只允许被同源的页面嵌入
Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self'
# 只允许被白名单内的页面嵌入
Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors www.example.com# 不允许被嵌入,包括<frame>, <iframe>, <embed> 和 <object>
X-Frame-Options: deny
# 只允许被同源的页面嵌入
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
# (已废弃)只允许被白名单内的页面嵌入
X-Frame-Options: allow-from www.example.com

P.S.同源是指协议、域名、端口号都完全相同,见Same-origin policy


至于 framekiller,则是在客户端执行一段 JavaScript,从而反客为主

// 原版
if(top != self) top.location.replace(location);
</script>// 增强版
<style> html{display:none;} </style>
if(self == top) {document.documentElement.style.display = 'block';
} else {top.location = self.location;

而 Github 登录页,同时设置了 CSP 和X-Frame-Options响应头:

Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none';
X-Frame-Options: deny



既然主要限制来自 HTTP 响应头,那么至少有两种思路:

  • 篡改响应头,使之满足iframe安全限制

  • 不直接加载源内容,绕过iframe安全限制

在资源响应到达终点之前的任意环节,拦截下来并改掉 CSP 与X-Frame-Options,比如在客户端收到响应时拦截篡改,或由代理服务转发篡改

而另一种思路很有意思,借助Chrome Headless加载源内容,转换为截图展示到iframe中。例如Browser Preview for VS Code:

Browser Preview is powered by Chrome Headless, and works by starting a headless Chrome instance in a new process. This enables a secure way to render web content inside VS Code, and enables interesting features such as in-editor debugging and more!

也就是说,通过 Chrome 正常加载页面,再将内容截图放到iframe里,因而不受上述(包括 framekiller 在内的)安全策略的限制。但这种方案也并非完美,存在另一些问题:

  • 全套交互事件都需要适配支持,例如双击、拖拽

  • 部分功能受限,例如无法拷贝文本,不支持播放音频等



Service Worker

要拦截篡改 HTTP 响应,最先想到的,自然是 Service Worker(一种Web Worker):

A service worker is an event-driven worker registered against an origin and a path. It takes the form of a JavaScript file that can control the web-page/site that it is associated with, intercepting and modifying navigation and resource requests.

(摘自Service Worker API)

注册 Service Worker 后能够拦截并修改资源请求,例如:

// 1.注册Service Worker
navigator.serviceWorker.register('./sw-proxy.js');// 2.拦截请求(sw-proxy.js)
self.addEventListener('fetch', async (event) => {const {request} = event;let response = await fetch(request);// 3.重新构造Responseresponse = new Response(response.body, response)// 4.篡改响应头response.headers.delete('Content-Security-Policy');response.headers.delete('X-Frame-Options');event.respondWith(Promise.resolve(originalResponse));

注意,Fetch Response 不允许直接修改请求头,需要重新构造一个,见Alter Headers



如果是在 Electron 环境,还可以借助WebRequest API来拦截并篡改响应:

const { session } = require('electron')session.defaultSession.webRequest.onHeadersReceived((details, callback) => {callback({responseHeaders: {...details.responseHeaders,'Content-Security-Policy': ['default-src \'none\'']}})

(摘自CSP HTTP Header)

但与 Service Worker 类似,WebRequest 同样依赖客户端环境,而出于安全性考虑,这些能力在一些环境下会被禁掉,此时就需要从服务端寻找出路,比如通过代理服务转发



具体实现上,分为 2 步:

  • 创建代理服务,篡改响应头字段

  • 客户端请求代理服务

以为 HTTPS 为例,代理服务简单实现如下:

const https = require("https");
const querystring = require("querystring");
const url = require("url");const port = 10101;
// 1.创建代理服务
https.createServer(onRequest).listen(port);function onRequest(req, res) {const originUrl = url.parse(req.url);const qs = querystring.parse(originUrl.query);const targetUrl = qs["target"];const target = url.parse(targetUrl);const options = {hostname: target.hostname,port: 80,path: url.format(target),method: "GET"};// 2.代发请求const proxy = https.request(options, _res => {// 3.修改响应头const fieldsToRemove = ["x-frame-options", "content-security-policy"];Object.keys(_res.headers).forEach(field => {if (!fieldsToRemove.includes(field.toLocaleLowerCase())) {res.setHeader(field, _res.headers[field]);}});_res.pipe(res, {end: true});});req.pipe(proxy, {end: true});


<iframe style="width: 400px; height: 300px;" src="http://localhost:10101/?target=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fjoin"/>

如此这般,Github 登录页就能在iframe里乖乖显示出来了:

iframe github login

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