
1、introduce yourself(介绍一下你自己)

Good morning/afternoon! professors and teachers!
It is my great pleasure to be here for this interview.I’m XXX,a senior majoring in SoftWare Engineering at XXXTechnology.

In my college life, I have been strict with myself with high standards. In the final evaluation of the six semesters, I ranked X out of XX students in the same grade .At the same time, I also realize that English plays an important role in the structure of knowledge reserve.Through unremitting efforts,I have passed CET-4 and CET-6 with decent scores.

Apart from that, I pay more attention to practice.In the past three years, I have participated in many software engineering training courses and developed some projects.In the project development, I also improved my hands-on, cooperation and communication skills.

I think my research and study in the undergraduate stage is still very shallow. So I hope I can have more in-depth study in the postgraduate stage. If I got a chance to study here, I would spare no effort to do research of my major.

That‘s all.Thank you!

2、 introduce your college(介绍一下你的大学)

Hefei University of Technology, is one of the key universities in China.It is situated in Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province.
To sum up, the University is characterized by the following features: a wide coverage of subjects and an emphasis on engineering.
The university has a history of 75 years. With the passage of time and its development, it has created a wide coverage of subjects and an emphasis on engineering.

3、 introduce your hometown(介绍一下你的家乡)

I come from Yancheng in Jiangsu Province ,which is known as the wetland capital of the East .
It is also the home of red crowned Crane and elk. Two national nature reserves are built ,attracting a large number of tourists every year.

4、 introduce your reason for graduate school(说说为什么要读研究生)

I realize what i have learned during the past years is not enough for the future .

Besides,I consider that I still have many skills to learn, both in the realm of doing research and beyond.

5、 why do you choose to study in our department(为什么来我们学院/学校)

There are several reasons.
Firstly, xxxxx university is famous all over the country, it is my dream to study here.
Secondly,it can provide students with rich study resources which my college cannot give
Besides, through my study during undergraduate stage, I found that there are many funny things to do about doing research.

6、 about your future plans(未来的计划)

Firstly, I will consolidate professional knowledge and read more paper to prepare for the postgraduate stage.

Secondly, I will actively participate in the project of my tutor to do research.

7、 what’s your hobby(你的个人爱好)

Well, in my spare time, I am interested in playing t badminton. It can make me physically strong and help me make new friends.

8、 about your family(说说你的家庭)

My family members mainly include my parents, my sister and me.
My father is the head of a small enterprise, engaged in metal processing industry.
My mother has no formal job and mainly helps my father manage the company.
My sister is a medical college student. and she is now practicing in the hospital in 重庆 垫江县

9、introduce your strengths and weakness(介绍一下你的优缺点)

My advantage is that
I never lower my requirements because of the difficulty of the task.
Although I can’t be the smartest person, I will be the most diligent one.

My weakness is that I always ask too much of myself and often exceed my ability. Although it inspires me to work hard, but it is also easy to bring a blow to my self confidence . I’m also trying to correct it.

10、what’s your favorite course?(你最喜欢的课程)

My favorite course is data structure. Data structure can be said to be the soul of programming. Mastering it can improve the efficiency of our programming.


《Guns, Germs, and Steel:The Fates of Human Society》

This book gives me a deeper understanding of the evolution of human society and the impact of environment on culture.


the shawshank redemption.

A falsely accused banker escaped from prison

Shawshank Redemption has always been the top in my heart. 1. It is very simple in all aspects, without special effects and all kinds of cool scenes. It’s like listening to an old friend who has been talking about his experiences for decades.

相信这部电影在许多人心中都是 No.1 的那部电影
我比较喜欢有故事, 有情节的电影, 并且坚信好电影就是讲一个好故事. 对明星什么的无感, 很多明星记不住, 但是许多电影角色, 却深深地刻在了我的脑海.
《肖申克的救赎》, 一直都是心中的 Top 1. 它各方面都很朴素, 没有特效, 没有各种炫酷场景, 鲨堡只是唯一的舞台; 没有跌宕起伏, 不紧不慢, 娓娓道来, 很像听多年的老朋友慢慢地讲述自己几十年的遭遇.
差不多以一种平铺直述的方式, 向你讲清楚它的主题: Hope.
我看完后, 电影的角色没记住几个, 但是那一句 “Hope is good thing”, 却深深地印在脑海中.



it tells a good storey

Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good
thing ever dies.



I never lower my requirements because of the difficulty of the task.
Although I can’t be the smartest person, I will be the most diligent one.




My personal character is responsible and attentive. It is usually easy to integrate into a new group. Before doing the course project, the classmates like to work with me. They usually have a reliable impression of me.




I think I am an outgoing, reliable and enterprising person.
Such personality makes friends and teachers trust me more.



Data structure, computer composition principle, operating system, computer network, and etc

18、 介绍下你的家乡的特产?




Rest for a week or two and adjust my mind.
I should participate in graduation internship.
In the process of internship, learn professional knowledge, lay a good foundation for post graduate students and prepare for graduation design.


Because it is a software engineering major, I will participate in project training at the end of sophomore and junior semesters, so the project code ability is fairly good. However, we don’t do a lot of algorithm problems, and I still need to practice more.



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