

Good morning , I ‘d like to say thanks to you for this important interview.

my name is。。。, I am 22years old. I come from Yantai, a beautiful city of Shandong province .

when I graduated from senior high school, I was admitted by School of Electronics and Information of Tongji University.

It is my great honor to be one part of this big family and I started my college life.

It has been three years since I came to shanghai .

I learned a lot both in my study and my way to solve problems. I’d like to summarize it from 3 aspects:

Firstly, I used to be a girl that had no patience either in my study or in my own daily life. When I met with problems ,I always went to people for help . I would never calm down for

difficult things. This made me dependent on my parents and my teachers.

When I was in my senior high ,I did things my teacher told me to do with no reflect on it and had no plan for my study . I take it for granted that good marks will come to me if I do whatever

my teachers let me to do and so it was at that time.

But in college things turs out to be different . I should make a long term plan for my study life and find problems and their solutions all on myself. Teachers would never help you on basics.

They would answer you problems you can’t make yourself with amounts of hard work. I was’t quite adapted to this way of study at first .

so my grades was very low in my first year. But I used to be good at examinations . I was very upset about myself . but I finally figured out that if I want to learn something , I have to

study it hard .

college is different form high school, here I will learn academics , which are complicated and deep.

Since then I began to get rid from bad habits like dependent on people and have no patience for things.

My study turned out to be better and better after that and the second year , I was honor to have a scholarship from Tongji University.

Secondly , my personality has been changed a lot during my college life. When I was a senior high student all I had to do is study but since I came to Tongji University I joined many

communities like the English Corner, the climbing club, the Drama Club.

My life became very interesting and since these communities are organized by students , we communicated a lot and had fun together , besides I learned how to communicate an cooperate with

others. This helps me in my study.

When I do team work with my fellow students , I know how to do to be in a team.

Finally and most important , I learned the basic knowledge of computer science , I really love this profession. And I am eager to use it in my graduate study and even my whole career. Thank

you .


Good afternoon,professors:

It is my great honor to introduce myself here .My name is liuxiaobing . I come from maoyi sheng class ,the college of civil engineering .And my major is track engineering .

During my three-year study in the university ,I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge ,as well as a rich experience of social activities .

I attained a practice in an internet company on summer vacation of freshman year .

This practice not only brought the first bucket of gold to me ,but also let me learn how to cooperate with a wide range of people . When Iwas a sophomore ,I took part in the national

undergraduate innovation program as a group leaderandImade impressive progress .

There is no doubt that joining this program is so rewarding to me .I learned that a considerate plan could make everything less work and it is of much significance to do what you like andthen

insist it.

what’s more ,Ialso acquired lots of professional knowledge and knew how to think independently .

I am an ambitious person ,always willing to achieve higher goals .I am very interested in my major course ,and I’d like to study it more systematically .This is why I hope to join this class


If I have the chance to be a member of the team ,I’ll try to improve my ability on innovation and learn more skills about professional softwares . I’ll try my best to be an expert in rail


Thank you .


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