
As with all social media sites, sometimes people want a break from Snapchat. You could just log out, but then people can still send you messages and they’ll think you’re ignoring them when you don’t respond. Instead, it’s better to deactivate or delete your account.

与所有社交媒体网站一样,有时人们希望脱离Snapchat。 您可以注销,但是人们仍然可以向您发送消息,并且他们会在您不响应时认为您忽略了它们。 相反,最好停用或删除您的帐户。

If you want a more permanent solution, the steps are the same. When you deactivate your account, it will stay that way for 30 days. If you log back in within the 30 days, all your contacts will be restored and it will be like you never left. If you don’t, your account will be permanently deleted.

如果您想要更永久的解决方案,则步骤相同。 停用帐户后,它将保持这种状态30天。 如果您在30天内重新登录,所有联系人都将恢复,就像您从未离开过一样。 否则,您的帐户将被永久删除。

It’s impossible to deactivate your Snapchat account from the Snapchat app. Instead, you need to visit Snapchat’s account management site. You can, however, do all this on your smartphone’s browser. Click the link above, enter your Snapchat login details, and click Log In.

无法从Snapchat应用中停用您的Snapchat帐户。 相反,您需要访问Snapchat的帐户管理网站 。 但是,您可以在智能手机的浏览器上执行所有这些操作。 单击上面的链接,输入您的Snapchat登录详细信息,然后单击登录。

Next, click Delete My Account.


Enter your login details again, and click Continue.


And that’s it, your account is now deactivated. Leave it alone for 30 days and it will be permanently deleted.

就是这样,您的帐户现已停用。 静置30天,它将被永久删除。

At any time in the 30 days, if you want to restore your Snapchat account, just log in to it through the Smartphone app. You’ll be asked if you want to reactivate your account. Tap yes and all will be as before.

在30天内的任何时间,如果要恢复Snapchat帐户,只需通过Smartphone应用程序登录即可。 系统将询问您是否要重新激活您的帐户。 点击“是”,所有操作将与以前一样。

A lot of Snapchat’s popularity comes from the disposable nature of the service. It’s fun to use because nothing is saved. The absolute longest your photos can stick around on Snapchat’s servers is 30 days and that’s only in extreme cases. If your Snapchat account gets permanently deleted, it’s gone. There is no recovery. You’ll need to set up a new one if you want to use Snapchat again.

Snapchat的受欢迎程度很大程度上来自该服务的可处理性。 使用起来很有趣,因为什么也没保存。 您的照片可以在Snapchat的服务器上停留的绝对最长时间是30天 ,仅在极端情况下才可以。 如果您的Snapchat帐户被永久删除,那么它就消失了。 无法恢复。 如果您想再次使用Snapchat,则需要设置一个新的。




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