pixi.js 5.0

Stars, bursts, gears, wedges, polygons, arcs, and dashes all drawn using Pixi.js, the HTML5 creation engine with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.

使用Pixi.js(具有最快,最灵活的2D WebGL渲染器HTML5创建引擎)绘制的星形,爆炸,齿轮,楔形,多边形,弧形和破折号。

It was many years ago when adding a burst to a graphic I stumbled upon the Funky Monkey drawing script by Ric Ewing. Comments embedded in the function immediately resonated with me:

多年前,当在图形中添加连拍时,我偶然发现了Ric Ewing的Funky Monkey绘图脚本。 函数中嵌入的注释立即引起了我的共鸣:

Burst is a method for drawing star bursts. If you’ve ever worked with an advertising department, you know what they are ;-)

爆发是一种绘制星爆发的方法。 如果您曾经在广告部门工作过,您就会知道他们是什么;-)

Clients tend to want them, Developers tend to hate them…


Thought I’d bring these back to life leveraging modern web.


Here are seven of those drawing shapes ported to Pixi.js.


划线 (Drawing Dashes)

Draws a dashed line from point x1, y1 to point x2, y2.




  • target — Graphics instance on which dashed line will be drawn

    target —将在其上绘制虚线的图形实例

  • x1 — Starting position along x-axis

    x1 —沿x轴的起始位置

  • y1 — Starting position along y-axis


  • x2 — Final position along x-axis

    x2 —沿x轴的最终位置

  • y2 — Final position along y-axis


  • dashLength — Length of each dash, in pixels

    dashLength —每个破折号的长度,以像素为单位

  • spaceLength — Space between dashes, in pixels

    spaceLength —破折号之间的间隔,以像素为单位

function drawDash(target,                  x1,                  y1,                  x2,                  y2,                  dashLength = 5,                  spaceLength = 5) {  let x = x2 - x1;  let y = y2 - y1;  let hyp = Math.sqrt((x) * (x) + (y) * (y));  let units = hyp / (dashLength + spaceLength);  let dashSpaceRatio = dashLength / (dashLength + spaceLength);  let dashX = (x / units) * dashSpaceRatio;  let spaceX = (x / units) - dashX;  let dashY = (y / units) * dashSpaceRatio;  let spaceY = (y / units) - dashY;  target.moveTo(x1, y1);  while (hyp > 0) {    x1 += dashX;    y1 += dashY;    hyp -= dashLength;    if (hyp < 0) {      x1 = x2;      y1 = y2;    }    target.lineTo(x1, y1);    x1 += spaceX;    y1 += spaceY;    target.moveTo(x1, y1);    hyp -= spaceLength;  }  target.moveTo(x2, y2);}

绘制弧 (Drawing Arcs)

Draws an arc from starting position x, y.




  • target — Graphics instance on which dashed line will be drawn

    target —将在其上绘制虚线的图形实例

  • x — X coordinate of the starting point

    x —起点的X坐标

  • y — Y coordinate of the starting point

    y —起点的Y坐标

  • radius — Radius of the arc

    radius —弧的半径

  • arc — Sweep of the arc (negative values draw clockwise)


  • startAngle — Starting offset angle in degrees

    startAngle —以角度为单位的起始偏移角度

  • yRadius — Y radius of the arc, if different than radius will draw an oval

    yRadius —圆弧的Y半径,如果与半径不同,将绘制一个椭圆

function drawArc(target,                  x,                  y,                  radius,                  arc,                  startAngle = 0,                  yRadius = 0) {

  if (yRadius === 0)    yRadius = radius;  let segs = Math.ceil(Math.abs(arc) / 45);  let segAngle = arc / segs;  let theta = -(segAngle / 180) * Math.PI;  let angle = -(startAngle / 180) * Math.PI;  let ax = x - Math.cos(angle) * radius;  let ay = y - Math.sin(angle) * yRadius;  let angleMid, bx, by, cx, cy;

  if (segs > 0) {    target.moveTo(x, y);    for (let i = 0; i < segs; ++i) {      angle += theta;      angleMid = angle - (theta / 2);      bx = ax + Math.cos(angle) * radius;      by = ay + Math.sin(angle) * yRadius;      cx = ax + Math.cos(angleMid) * (radius / Math.cos(theta / 2));      cy = ay + Math.sin(angleMid) * (yRadius / Math.cos(theta / 2));      target.quadraticCurveTo(cx, cy, bx, by);    }  }}

绘图楔 (Drawing Wedges)

Draws pie shaped wedges, such as in pie charts.




  • target — Graphics instance on which dashed line will be drawn

    target —将在其上绘制虚线的图形实例

  • x — X coordinate of the center point

    x —中心点的X坐标

  • y — Y coordinate of the center point


  • radius — Radius of the wedge

    radius —楔形的半径

  • arc — Sweep of the arc (negative values draw clockwise)


  • startAngle — Starting angle in degrees

    startAngle —起始角度(度)

  • yRadius — Y radius of the wedge

    yRadius —楔的Y半径

function drawWedge(target,                   x,                   y,                   radius,                   arc,                   startAngle = 0,                   yRadius = 0) {  let segs = Math.ceil(Math.abs(arc) / 45);  let segAngle = arc / segs;  let theta = -(segAngle / 180) * Math.PI;  let angle = -(startAngle / 180) * Math.PI;  let ax = x + Math.cos(startAngle / 180 * Math.PI) * radius;  let ay = y + Math.sin(-startAngle / 180 * Math.PI) * yRadius;  let angleMid, bx, by, cx, cy;  if (yRadius === 0)    yRadius = radius;  target.moveTo(x, y);  target.lineTo(ax, ay);  for (let i = 0; i < segs; ++i) {    angle += theta;    angleMid = angle - (theta / 2);    bx = x + Math.cos(angle) * radius;    by = y + Math.sin(angle) * yRadius;    cx = x + Math.cos(angleMid) * (radius / Math.cos(theta / 2));    cy = y + Math.sin(angleMid) * (yRadius / Math.cos(theta / 2));    target.quadraticCurveTo(cx, cy, bx, by);  }  target.lineTo(x, y);}

绘制多边形 (Drawing Polygons)

Draws polygon shapes of specified number of sides.




  • target — Graphics instance on which dashed line will be drawn

    target —将在其上绘制虚线的图形实例

  • x — X coordinate of the center point

    x —中心点的X坐标

  • y — Y coordinate of the center point


  • sides — Number of sides (must be greater than 2)


  • radius — Radius from the center point to points on the polygon

    radius —从中心点到多边形上各点的半径

  • angle — Starting angle offset in degrees

    angle —以角度为单位的起始角度偏移量

function drawPolygon(target,                     x,                     y,                     sides,                     radius,                     angle = 0) {  let step = (Math.PI * 2) / sides;  let start = (angle / 180) * Math.PI;  let n, dx, dy;  target.moveTo(    x + (Math.cos(start) * radius),    y - (Math.sin(start) * radius)  );  for (n = 1; n <= sides; ++n) {    dx = x + Math.cos(start + (step * n)) * radius;    dy = y - Math.sin(start + (step * n)) * radius;    target.lineTo(dx, dy);  }}

绘图星 (Drawing Stars)

Draws a star shaped pattern with specified number of points




  • target — Graphics instance on which dashed line will be drawn

    target —将在其上绘制虚线的图形实例

  • x — X coordinate of the center point

    x —中心点的X坐标

  • y — Y coordinate of the center point


  • points — Number of points on the star

    points —星点数

  • innerRadius — Radius of the inside angles of the star

    innerRadius —恒星内角的半径

  • outerRadius — Radius of the outside angles of the star

    outerRadius —恒星outerRadius半径

  • angle — Starting angle offset in degrees

    angle —以角度为单位的起始角度偏移量

function drawStar(target,                  x,                  y,                  points,                  innerRadius,                  outerRadius,                  angle = 0) {  let step = (Math.PI * 2) / points;  let halfStep = step / 2;  let start = (angle / 180) * Math.PI;  let n, dx, dy;  target.moveTo(    x + (Math.cos(start) * outerRadius),    y - (Math.sin(start) * outerRadius)  );

  for (n = 1; n <= points; ++n) {    dx = x + Math.cos(start + (step * n) - halfStep) * innerRadius;    dy = y - Math.sin(start + (step * n) - halfStep) * innerRadius;    target.lineTo(dx, dy);    dx = x + Math.cos(start + (step * n)) * outerRadius;    dy = y - Math.sin(start + (step * n)) * outerRadius;    target.lineTo(dx, dy);  }}

牵引齿轮 (Drawing Gears)

Draws a gear shape with the specified number of sides.




  • target — Graphics instance on which dashed line will be drawn

    target —将在其上绘制虚线的图形实例

  • x — X coordinate of the center point

    x —中心点的X坐标

  • y — Y coordinate of the center point


  • sides — Number of teeth on the gear (must be greater than 2)

    sides —齿轮上的齿数(必须大于2)

  • innerRadius — Radius of the indent of the teeth

    innerRadius —牙齿凹痕的半径

  • outerRadius — Radius of the teeth

    outerRadius —牙齿的半径

  • angle — Starting angle offset in degrees

    angle —以角度为单位的起始角度偏移量

  • holeSides — Polygonal hole number of sides (must be greater than 2)

    holeSides —边的多边形Kong数(必须大于2)

  • holeRadius — Radius of the hole

    holeRadius —Kong的半径

function drawGear(target,                  x,                  y,                  sides,                  innerRadius = 80,                  outerRadius = 4,                  angle = 0,                  holeSides = 2,                  holeRadius = 0) {  let step = (Math.PI * 2) / sides;  let qtrStep = step / 4;  let start = (angle / 180) * Math.PI;  let n, dx, dy;  target.moveTo(    x + (Math.cos(start) * outerRadius),    y - (Math.sin(start) * outerRadius)  );

  for (n = 1; n <= sides; ++n) {    dx = x + Math.cos(start + (step * n) - (qtrStep * 3)) * innerRadius;    dy = y - Math.sin(start + (step * n) - (qtrStep * 3)) * innerRadius;    target.lineTo(dx, dy);    dx = x + Math.cos(start + (step * n) - (qtrStep * 2)) * innerRadius;    dy = y - Math.sin(start + (step * n) - (qtrStep * 2)) * innerRadius;    target.lineTo(dx, dy);    dx = x + Math.cos(start + (step * n) - qtrStep) * outerRadius;    dy = y - Math.sin(start + (step * n) - qtrStep) * outerRadius;    target.lineTo(dx, dy);    dx = x + Math.cos(start + (step * n)) * outerRadius;    dy = y - Math.sin(start + (step * n)) * outerRadius;    target.lineTo(dx, dy);  }  step = (Math.PI * 2) / holeSides;  target.moveTo(    x + (Math.cos(start) * holeRadius),    y - (Math.sin(start) * holeRadius)  );  for (n = 1; n <= holeSides; ++n) {    dx = x + Math.cos(start + (step * n)) * holeRadius;    dy = y - Math.sin(start + (step * n)) * holeRadius;    target.lineTo(dx, dy);  }}

拉爆 (Drawing Bursts)

Draw a star burst with the specified number of sides.




  • target — Graphics instance on which dashed line will be drawn

    target —将在其上绘制虚线的图形实例

  • x — X coordinate of the center point

    x —中心点的X坐标

  • y — Y coordinate of the center point


  • sides — Number of teeth on the gear (must be greater than 2)

    sides —齿轮上的齿数(必须大于2)

  • innerRadius — Radius of the indent of the curves

    innerRadius —曲线压痕的半径

  • outerRadius — Radius of the outermost points

    outerRadius —最外点的半径

  • angle — Starting angle offset in degrees

    angle —以角度为单位的起始角度偏移量

function drawBurst(target,                   x,                   y,                   sides,                   innerRadius,                   outerRadius,                   angle = 0) {  let step = (Math.PI * 2) / sides;  let halfStep = step / 2;  let qtrStep = step / 4;  let start = (angle / 180) * Math.PI;  let n, dx, dy, cx, cy;  target.moveTo(    x + (Math.cos(start) * outerRadius),    y - (Math.sin(start) * outerRadius)  );   for (n = 1; n <= sides; ++n) {    cx = x + Math.cos(start + (step * n) - (qtrStep * 3)) * (innerRadius / Math.cos(qtrStep));    cy = y - Math.sin(start + (step * n) - (qtrStep * 3)) * (innerRadius / Math.cos(qtrStep));    dx = x + Math.cos(start + (step * n) - halfStep) * innerRadius;    dy = y - Math.sin(start + (step * n) - halfStep) * innerRadius;    target.quadraticCurveTo(cx, cy, dx, dy);    cx = x + Math.cos(start + (step * n) - qtrStep) * (innerRadius / Math.cos(qtrStep));    cy = y - Math.sin(start + (step * n) - qtrStep) * (innerRadius / Math.cos(qtrStep));    dx = x + Math.cos(start + (step * n)) * outerRadius;    dy = y - Math.sin(start + (step * n)) * outerRadius;    target.quadraticCurveTo(cx, cy, dx, dy);  }}

翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/advanced-drawing-with-pixi-js-cd3fddc1d69e

pixi.js 5.0



  • pixi.js淘宝小程序快速上手指南
  • PIXI_碰撞检测
  • Pixi.js文档笔记-起步
  • pixi 小游戏_学习如何用pixi.js开发微信小游戏
  • 使用PIXI制作简单canvas逐帧动画的心得
  • pixi 流星_流星语270—273
  • 实战pixi+gsap,仿刹车动画
  • pixi 平铺精灵 demo (一)
  • pixi 小游戏_关于PIXI引擎制作页面小游戏的几个总结
  • Pixi
  • pixi 小游戏_使用 Pixi.js 开发微信小游戏
  • pixi 小游戏_pixi2d小游戏跳一跳源码/pixi教程,基于pixi-spine的2d游戏
  • PIXI入门-PIXI文档翻译(1)
  • 2D渲染pixi项目实战总结
  • Pixi官方文档译文(1)
  • OCP原则
  • 设计模式七大原则——里氏替换原则
  • 归结原则
  • DRY原则
  • java程序设计六大原则
  • Attempt to read from field ‘android.os.VibrationEffect com.android.server.VibratorService$Vibration.
  • [MEM]Backdoor Access Memory
  • How to Backdoor Federated Learning
  • Backdoor Attack with Imperceptible Input and Latent Modification
  • 后门攻击阅读笔记,Input-aware dynamic backdoor attack
  • 后门防御阅读笔记,Black-box Detection of Backdoor Attacks with Limited Information and Data
  • Backdoor.Zegost木马病毒分析(一)
  • ctf_backdoor
  • 论文笔记| 后门攻击|Composite Backdoor Attack for Deep Neural Network byMixing Existing Benign Features
  • Invisible Backdoor Attack with Sample-Specific Triggers 论文笔记

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