Unity学习之P&D 过河游戏智能帮助实现






next.boat = nowStatue;if (next.boat == Status.BLRING ||next.boat == Status.BRLING ||next.boat == Status.LOSE ||next.boat == Status.WIN || boatSize() != 0){next.boat = Status.None;return next;}else{if (next.boat == Status.BLEFT &&leftPriests.Count == 3 && leftDevils.Count == 3){int turn = randomValue();if (turn == 1)next.boataction = Boataction.PD;elsenext.boataction = Boataction.DD;}else if (next.boat == Status.BRIGHT && leftPriests.Count == 2 && leftDevils.Count == 2){next.boataction = Boataction.P;}else if (next.boat == Status.BRIGHT && leftPriests.Count == 3 &&leftDevils.Count == 2){next.boataction = Boataction.D;}else if (next.boat == Status.BRIGHT && leftPriests.Count == 3 &&leftDevils.Count == 1){next.boataction = Boataction.D;}else if (next.boat == Status.BLEFT && leftPriests.Count == 3 &&leftDevils.Count == 2){next.boataction = Boataction.DD;}else if (next.boat == Status.BRIGHT && leftPriests.Count == 3 && leftDevils.Count == 0){next.boataction = Boataction.D;}else if (next.boat == Status.BLEFT &&leftPriests.Count == 3 &&leftDevils.Count == 1){next.boataction = Boataction.PP;}else if (next.boat == Status.BRIGHT &&leftPriests.Count == 1 &&leftDevils.Count == 1){next.boataction = Boataction.PD;}else if (next.boat == Status.BLEFT &&leftPriests.Count == 2 &&leftDevils.Count == 2){next.boataction = Boataction.PP;}else if (next.boat == Status.BRIGHT &&leftPriests.Count == 0 &&leftDevils.Count == 2){next.boataction = Boataction.D;}else if (next.boat == Status.BLEFT &&leftPriests.Count == 0 &&leftDevils.Count == 3){next.boataction = Boataction.DD;}else if (next.boat == Status.BRIGHT &&leftPriests.Count == 0 &&leftDevils.Count == 1){int turn = randomValue();if (turn == 1) next.boataction = Boataction.D;else next.boataction = Boataction.P;}else if (next.boat == Status.BLEFT &&leftPriests.Count == 2 &&leftDevils.Count == 1){next.boataction = Boataction.P;}else if (next.boat == Status.BLEFT &&leftPriests.Count == 0 &&leftDevils.Count == 2){next.boataction = Boataction.DD;}else if (next.boat == Status.BLEFT &&leftPriests.Count == 1 &&leftDevils.Count == 1){next.boataction = Boataction.PD;}}


while (queue.Count > 0){temp = queue.Peek();if (temp == end){while (temp.parent_state != start){temp = temp.parent_state;}return temp;}queue.Dequeue();if (temp.pos){if (temp.lp > 0){GameState next = new GameState(temp);next.parent_state = new GameState(temp);next.pos = false;next.lp--;next.rp++;if (next.isValid() && !queue.Contains(next)){queue.Enqueue(next);}}if (temp.ld > 0){GameState next = new GameState(temp);next.parent_state = new GameState(temp);next.pos = false;next.ld--;next.rd++;if (next.isValid() && !queue.Contains(next)){queue.Enqueue(next);}}if (temp.ld > 0 && temp.lp > 0){GameState next = new GameState(temp);next.parent_state = new GameState(temp);next.pos = false;next.ld--;next.rd++;next.lp--;next.rp++;if (next.isValid() && !queue.Contains(next)){queue.Enqueue(next);}}if (temp.lp > 1){GameState next = new GameState(temp);next.parent_state = new GameState(temp);next.pos = false;next.lp -= 2;next.rp += 2;if (next.isValid() && !queue.Contains(next)){queue.Enqueue(next);}}if (temp.ld > 1){GameState next = new GameState(temp);next.parent_state = new GameState(temp);next.pos = false;next.ld -= 2;next.rd += 2;if (next.isValid() && !queue.Contains(next)){queue.Enqueue(next);}}}else{if (temp.rp > 0){GameState next = new GameState(temp);next.parent_state = new GameState(temp);next.pos = true;next.rp--;next.lp++;if (next.isValid() && !queue.Contains(next)){queue.Enqueue(next);}}if (temp.rd > 0){GameState next = new GameState(temp);next.parent_state = new GameState(temp);next.pos = true;next.rd--;next.ld++;if (next.isValid() && !queue.Contains(next)){queue.Enqueue(next);}}if (temp.rd > 0 && temp.rp > 0){GameState next = new GameState(temp);next.parent_state = new GameState(temp);next.pos = true;next.rd--;next.ld++;next.rp--;next.lp++;if (next.isValid() && !queue.Contains(next)){queue.Enqueue(next);}}if (temp.rd > 1){GameState next = new GameState(temp);next.parent_state = new GameState(temp);next.pos = true;next.rd -= 2;next.ld += 2;if (next.isValid() && !queue.Contains(next)){queue.Enqueue(next);}}if (temp.rp > 1){GameState next = new GameState(temp);next.parent_state = new GameState(temp);next.pos = true;next.rp -= 2;next.lp += 2;if (next.isValid() && !queue.Contains(next)){queue.Enqueue(next);}}}}return null;}


    void OnGUI(){GUIStyle fontstyle = new GUIStyle();fontstyle.normal.background = null;fontstyle.normal.textColor = new Color(255, 192, 203);fontstyle.fontSize = 50;style = new GUIStyle(){fontSize = 16};style.normal.textColor = new Color(0, 0, 0);buttonStyle = new GUIStyle("button"){fontSize = 16};if (GUI.Button(new Rect (Screen.width/2 - 50 , Screen.height- 50, 100, 40), "Reset", buttonStyle)){status = 0;userAction.Restart();}if (status == 1){GUI.Label(new Rect (Screen.width/2- 50, 50, 100, 40), "Lose", style);}else if (status == 2){GUI.Label(new Rect (Screen.width/2- 50, 50, 100, 40), "Win", style);}GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2 - 150 , 30, 400, 40), tips, style);if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2 - 300 , 30, 100, 40), "Tips", buttonStyle)){int[] arr = userAction.getStateInfo();leftPriests = arr[0];leftDevils = arr[1];rightPriests = arr[2];rightDevils = arr[3];if (arr[4] == 0) boat_pos = true;else boat_pos = false;start = new GameState(leftPriests, leftDevils, rightPriests, rightDevils, boat_pos, null);GameState temp = GameState.BFS(start, end);int p = leftPriests - temp.lp;int d = leftDevils - temp.ld;if (p < 0) p = -p;if (d < 0) d = -d;tips = "Move " + p + " priest(s)," + d+ " devil(s) to another side.";}}



    void OnGUI(){GUIStyle fontstyle = new GUIStyle();fontstyle.normal.background = null;fontstyle.normal.textColor = new Color(255, 192, 203);fontstyle.fontSize = 50;style = new GUIStyle(){fontSize = 16};style.normal.textColor = new Color(0, 0, 0);buttonStyle = new GUIStyle("button"){fontSize = 16};if (GUI.Button(new Rect (Screen.width/2 - 50 , Screen.height- 50, 100, 40), "Reset", buttonStyle)){status = 0;userAction.Restart();}if (status == 1){GUI.Label(new Rect (Screen.width/2- 50, 50, 100, 40), "Lose", style);}else if (status == 2){GUI.Label(new Rect (Screen.width/2- 50, 50, 100, 40), "Win", style);}GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2 - 150 , 30, 400, 40), tips, style);if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2 - 300 , 30, 100, 40), "Tips", buttonStyle)){int[] arr = userAction.getStateInfo();leftPriests = arr[0];leftDevils = arr[1];rightPriests = arr[2];rightDevils = arr[3];if (arr[4] == 0) boat_pos = true;else boat_pos = false;start = new GameState(leftPriests, leftDevils, rightPriests, rightDevils, boat_pos, null);GameState temp = GameState.BFS(start, end);int p = leftPriests - temp.lp;int d = leftDevils - temp.ld;if (p < 0) p = -p;if (d < 0) d = -d;tips = "Move " + p + " priest(s)," + d+ " devil(s) to another side.";}}

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