
工具箱:Matlab Robotic Toolbox v9.8




Robotic Toolbox





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--- runscript


% In the field of robotics there are many possible ways of


% orientations of which the most common are:

% - orthonormal【正交】rotation matrices (3x3),正交旋转矩阵

% - three angles (1x3), and

% - quaternions.【四元数】表示法可以参考http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2707887295

% A rotation of pi/2 about the x-axis can be represented as an

orthonormal rotation

% matrix【绕x轴旋转pi/2的正交旋转矩阵】

>> R = rotx(pi/2)

R =

1.0000  0


0  0.0000  -1.0000

0  1.0000  0.0000

% which we can see is a 3x3 matrix.

% Such a matrix has the property that it's columns【列】 (and rows【行】)

are sets of orthogonal

% unit vectors【单位向量】.  The determinant of such a

matrix is always 1

>> det(R)

ans =


% Let's create a more complex rotation【创作一个更复杂的旋转】

>> R = rotx(30, 'deg') * roty(50, 'deg') * rotz(10,


R =

0.6330  -0.1116  0.7660

0.5276  0.7864  -0.3214

-0.5665  0.6076  0.5567

% where this time we have specified the rotation angle in


% Any rotation can be expressed in terms of a single rotation about

some axis

% in space【任何旋转都可以表达为绕空间某一特定轴的单独旋转】

>> [theta,vec] = tr2angvec(R)



vec =

0.5322  0.7634  0.3662

% where theta is the angle (in radians【弧度】) and vec is unit vector

representing the

% direction of the rotation


% Commonly rotations are represented by Euler angles【欧拉角】

>> eul = tr2eul(R)

eul =

-0.3972  0.9804  0.8204

% which are three angles such that R = rotz(a)*roty(b)*rotz(c), ie.

the rotations

% required about the Z, then then the Y, then the Z axis.

% Rotations are also commonly represented by roll-pitch-yaw


>> rpy = tr2rpy(R)

rpy =

0.5236  0.8727  0.1745

% which are three angles such that R = rotx(r)*roty(p)*rotz(y), ie.

the rotations

% required about the X, then then the Y, then the Z axis.

% We can investigate the effects of rotations about different


% using this GUI based demonstration.  The menu

buttons allow the rotation

% axes to be varied【我们可以查看不同轴的旋转效果,通过使用演示的GUI。菜单按钮可以使旋转轴改变】

% close the window when you are done.

>> tripleangle('rpy', 'wait')

% The final useful form is the quaternion which comprises 【包含】4

numbers.  We can create

% a quaternion from an orthonormal matrix

>> q = Quaternion(R)

q =

0.86256 < 0.26926, 0.38622, 0.18526 >

% where we can see that it comprises a scalar【标量】 part and a

vector【向量】 part.  To convert back【向后转换】

>> q.R

ans =

0.6330  -0.1116  0.7660

0.5276  0.7864  -0.3214

-0.5665  0.6076  0.5567

% which is the same of the value of R we determined


% Quaternions are a class and the orientations they represent can

be compounded【复合的】, just

% as we do with rotation matrices by multiplication【乘法运算】.

% First we create two quaternions

>> q1 = Quaternion( rotx(pi/2) )

q1 =

0.70711 < 0.70711, 0, 0 >

>> q2 = Quaternion( roty(pi/2) )

q2 =

0.70711 < 0, 0.70711, 0 >

% then the rotation of q1 followed【跟随的】 by q2 is simply

>> q1 * q2

ans =

0.5 < 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 >

% We can also take the inverse【逆的,反的】 of a Quaternion

>> q1 * inv(q1)

ans =

1 < 0, 0, 0 >

% which results in a null【零位的】 rotation (zero vector part)

------ done --------

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