Control Theory

  • Instrumentation
    • Transducer input/output relation
    • Levels of Automatic Control
  • 拉普拉斯变换
    • Laplace Final Value Theorem
  • 标题被吃了
  • 图分析法
    • Nichols Chart
  • 劳斯判据
  • 根轨迹法
  • Design via Root Locus
  • 状态空间分析
    • 可控性
    • 可观性



Transducer input/output relation

• Accuracy: the closeness to the actual value of the variable
• Precision: the apparent degree of accuracy, not the same as accuracy
• Repeatability: the ability to give similar results under the same conditions
• Linearity: the deviation of the output from a straight line
• Sensitivity: Change in output divided by the change in input
• Resolution: the smallest change in the input that will give an output change
• Hysteresis: the amount of output change being different if a given input change is increasing or decreasing
• Slew rate: the highest possible rate of change at the output
• Stability: a change at the output when there is no input change

Levels of Automatic Control

• Direct Digital Control, DDC, is where each part of a complex system is locally controlled by a dedicated controller.
• Distributed Control System, DCS, is a computerised system in which the local DDC controllers are networked for communication and
monitoring. DCS systems incorporate LANs (local area networks) and MAPs (manufacturer’s automation protocols).
• Supervisory control involves a human-machine interface that allows an operator to oversee the operation of the DCS and over-ride the control actions if necessary.
• SCADA is “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition” and refers to a large-scale DCS system with human access and data storage for processing and recording the status of all aspects of the overall system’s operation.




Laplace Final Value Theorem

steady-state error can be found by this





过阻尼时没有peak time,通常使用Tr1


  • Swiftness:Tr, Tp
  • Closeness:Mpt, Ts





已知 open loop transfer function




最后将所有频域相应的magnitudephase相加,得到该ωmagnitudephase,作Nichols Chart

Nichols Chart

根据Nichols Chart得到以下:

  • Mmax:最大相切环对应的dB
  • **ωr ** 共振频率:相切环处的频率(估算)
  • PM(Phase Margin):a measure of how much phase lag would need to be introduced when the loop magnitude is unity to make the close loop unstable.
  • GM(Gain Margin):a measure of how much the loop magnitude would need to be increased when the phase is 180 degrees to make the closed loop unstable.
  • ωB:和-3dB的交点(估算)(Bandwidth被定义为闭环幅度为-3dB的频率)
  • Gain change required to obtain an Mmax of 1.5dB:为使轨迹与绿环相切,GM需在坐标上变化** -2.5dB **
  • (可以这样估算ζ≈0.01PM)


  • Mmax(dB)→ Mmax(ratio)→ζ
    But there is no resonance if ζ > 0.707 (you just need to know this)
  • ζ, ωr→ωn
  • 最后得到TP Ts Mpt

A General Form of the Closed Loop Transfer Function

zi are the zeroes,
pk are poles, plus N poles at the origin.
N is called the system TYPE NUMBER.
(N + K) is the ORDER of the system.




  1. 取极小值代换
  2. 逆转系数


  • 上一行微分后的系数代替


open-loop function:KG(s)H(s),


  1. 开环极点
  2. 开环零点
  3. 渐近线交点
  4. 渐近线角度
  5. 确定根轨迹在实轴的各个部分
  6. 分离点(包括出发点和到达点)
  7. (分离点角度)
  8. 复极点出发角度/复零点到达角度
  9. 根轨迹与虚轴的交点


  • 第一步:根轨迹开始于G(s)H(s)的有限极点和无限极点,结束于G(s)H(s)的有限零点和无限零点。一个函数也可以有无限的极点和零。

    • 如果函数在s趋于无穷时趋于无穷,那么函数在无穷处有一个极点【e.g. G(s)=s】;
    • 如果函数在s趋于无穷时趋于零,那么函数在无穷处有一个零点【e.g. G(s)=1/s】。
  • 第二步:分支在开环零点或无穷大处结束。这些点被称为到达点。

  • 第三步:根轨迹的分支数等于max(n,m),其中m为开环零点数,n为开环的极点数;也等于闭环极点数。

  • 第四步:根轨迹与实轴(横轴)对称。

  • 第五步:渐近线与实轴的交点可求得为(极点和 - 零点和):

  • 第六步:对于大的s值,RL拥有渐近线,其与实轴成角:

  • 第七步:如果实心的一部分可以成为RL的一段,那么(只考虑实轴上的点):

    • 对于K≥0,在段的右侧的极点和零点的数量为奇数
    • 对于K≤0,则在段的右侧的极点和零点的数量为偶数。
  • 第八步:出发点和到达点称为RL的分离点,可以通过两种方式找到。

    1. 第一种方式:对KG(s)H(s)=-1(E.3)微分。


    1. 第二种方法:transition method,省去了微分。如果G(s)H(s)的极点和零点都是实数(?),我们可以用下面的方程来代替(E.10)。


  • 第九步: RL从复数极点出发的角度或到达复数零点的角度可以用以下方式求出(减极点加零点):


  • 第十步:根轨迹与虚轴(垂直轴)的交点为 ±jωc ,系统从稳定变为不稳定。它们可以用Routh的稳定性准则来计算(解s1=0)。一行完整的零就有可能产生虚轴根。对于增益的正值,也就是绘制根位的那些值,只有s1行可以产生一排零。(原理详见教材上册P309教材链接


Design via Root Locus

Any ideal integral compensator zero will work, as long as the zero is placed close to the origin.





  • 定义: 如果能找到一个系统的输入,使每个状态变量从期望的初始状态到期望的最终状态,则称系统是可控的;否则系统是不可控的。
  • Definition: If an input to a system can be found that takes every state variable from a desired initial state to a desired final state, the system is said to be controllable; otherwise the system is uncontrollable.
  1. 矩阵简化后(A是对角阵),B中的零元素对应着不可控因素

  2. rankSc满秩则可控

  3. 每个乔丹块的最后一行对应的B中行元素不为零则可控(不考)


  • 定义:一个LTI系统,如果对于给定的输入,在一个有限的观测时间,t1>t0,使得初始状态x(t0)可以在时间区间[t0,t1]内由输出y(t)唯一确定,那么状态x(t0)是可观测的。如果每一个状态都是可观察的,那么这个系统就是完整状态可观察的,简而言之就是可观察的。
  • Definition: Consider a LTI system, if for a given input, u(t), there is a limited observing time, t1 > t0, such that the initial state x(t0) can be uniquely determined by the output, y(t), within the period t∈[t0,t1] then the state x(t0) is observable. If every state is observable, then the system is complete state observable, in short observable.

transfer function model–model based predictive control(需要模型进行预测)
state space model–
PID control–no models

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