Here's the results, as promised, of the .NET Survey I took last week.


Also, here's the disclaimer. I did this on a whim, it's not scientific, so the margin of error is +/-101%. That said, the results feel intuitively right to me, personally.

另外,这是免责声明。 我是一时兴起的,这是不科学的,所以误差幅度为+/- 101%。 也就是说,从个人角度看,结果直观地适合我。

It was a single question with 14 checkboxes. You were asked to "check al the .NET Framework features that you use in your projects." The results are here after 4899 responses:

这是一个带有14个复选框的单一问题。 要求您“检查项目中使用的.NET Framework功能”。 结果在这里经过4899次回复:

There were lots of good responses on Twitter and comments on the original blog post.


Folks wanted choices like "Other," "None" and "I don't use .NET." Of course, not answering the survey is a good way of reporting that. ;) In fact, 29 people looked at the survey, checked nothing and then just clicked Finish.

人们希望选择“其他”,“无”和“我不使用.NET”之类的选项。 当然,回答调查报告是一种很好的报告方式。 ;)实际上,有29个人查看了调查,没有进行任何检查,然后单击“完成”。

Here's some choice feedback:


  • A raw survey like this will be biased towards "new and cool stuff".


  • Sure you ain't shopping for an answer?...I use datareaders a lot. And datarepeaters. Everything else goes clunk.

    确定您不买答案吗?...我经常使用数据读取器。 和数据转发器。 其他一切都变得陈旧。

  • Where's Silverlight?


  • No Linq-to-Objects?


I organized the survey in terms of what I called "subsystems." You could also say "product teams," I suppose. It was more trying to get a sense of the tools people reach for when they start a project.

我根据所谓的“子系统”来组织调查。 我想你也可以说“产品团队”。 人们开始尝试了解人们在开始一个项目时所能使用的工具。

I probably could have included IIS6, II7, etc., but I'm sure it would have gotten unruly. I could have included languages as well, but that feels like another survey. The one thing I regret not including was Silverlight. I wanted to add it, but by the time I'd realized it, I had already got 1000+ results and I decided adding it at that point would skew the results.

我可能可以包括IIS6,II7等,但是我敢肯定它会变得不规则。 我也可以包括语言,但这感觉就像是另一项调查。 我遗憾不包括的一件事是Silverlight。 我想添加它,但是当我意识到它的时候,我已经获得了1000多个结果,因此我决定在那时添加它会扭曲结果。

Of course, this could have been a multi-question, multi-page survey, but they you probably wouldn't have filled it out, right? I wanted to find a balance between getting a LARGE enough number of responses and getting data that's useful in some way to both you, Dear Reader, as well as the bosses I'll show it to.

当然,这可能是一个多问题,多页面的调查,但您可能不会填写这些调查,对吗? 我想在获得足够多的响应和获取对您有用的数据之间找到平衡,亲爱的读者,以及我将向其展示的老板们。

As with all online surveys, this one is worth exact the paper its printed on. :) If you think it is useful, cool, if not, it only wasted 5 seconds of your time when you filled it out. Thanks for filling it out.

与所有在线调查一样,此调查值得在其上打印出来。 :)如果您认为它有用,那么很酷,如果没有用,填写时只浪费了您5秒钟的时间。 感谢您填写。

What is your analysis of the results?



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