重点 (Top highlight)

Some details to hold you over until September!


To start things off, some leaks showed thinner bezels around the iPhone 12 screen. Final prototypes are going to be available this month — that’s when we will find the final details of whether this is true or not.

首先,一些泄漏显示iPhone 12屏幕的边框变薄。 最终的原型将在本月上市,届时我们将找到有关这是否成立的最终细节。

Another supposed change is a new speaker that’ll provide a deeper base and an overall better sound.


显示屏尺寸 (Display Size)

Popular leaker Digital Chat Station has offered a hands-on glimpse of the 5.4-inch screen of the iPhone 12 too. The pictures are apparently of an actual screen rather than a screen protector, with an outstretched palm offered for a size comparison.

流行的泄密者Digital Chat Station也提供了iPhone 12 5.4英寸屏幕的动手体验。 图片显然是实际屏幕,而不是屏幕保护膜,伸出的手掌用于尺寸比较。

According to @komiya_kj, the iPhone 12 Max and iPhone 12 Pro will both feature 6.1-inch displays. These have been compared to the 5.8-inch panel of the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max, although presumably the iPhone 12 Max and iPhone 12 Pro will be similar in size to the iPhone 11.

根据@komiya_kj的说法 ,iPhone 12 Max和iPhone 12 Pro都将配备6.1英寸显示屏。 这些已与iPhone 11 Pro和iPhone 11 Pro Max的5.8英寸面板进行了比较,尽管大概iPhone 12 Max和iPhone 12 Pro的尺寸将与iPhone 11相似。

Last but not least is the iPhone 12 Pro Max with its 6.7-inch screen. Unsurprisingly, this will look considerably larger than the iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Max, and iPhone 12 Pro. All iPhone 12 series devices appear to have the same-sized notch, although the iPhone 12 will have the widest notch compared to the width of its screen.

最后但并非最不重要的是配备6.7英寸屏幕的iPhone 12 Pro Max。 毫不奇怪,它看起来比iPhone 12,iPhone 12 Max和iPhone 12 Pro大得多。 尽管与屏幕宽度相比,iPhone 12的缺口最宽,但所有iPhone 12系列设备似乎都具有相同大小的缺口。

In short, it seems that of the iPhone 12 series, only the iPhone 12 will be smaller than its predecessor. The iPhone 12 Max would be a new tier for Apple, but the iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max would be larger than their iPhone 11 series equivalents.

简而言之,似乎在iPhone 12系列中,只有iPhone 12会比其前任更小。 iPhone 12 Max将成为Apple的新产品,但iPhone 12 Pro和iPhone 12 Pro Max将比其iPhone 11系列同等产品更大。

The new iPhone 12 series will be equipped with USB-C to lightning braided cable.

新的iPhone 12系列将配备USB-C到闪电编织电缆。

This fixes one of the biggest issues with the previous cables — the fraying at the ends that come with repeated use. Braided cables, on the other hand, are known for their durability.

这解决了以前的电缆最大的问题之一-反复使用会导致末端磨损。 另一方面,编织电缆以其耐用性而闻名。

There’s also a new smaller charging box that has been confirmed to be true.


New braided cable + the new charging box

The smaller iPhone box rumor is also confirmed. Apple will be saving approximately 2x the space in transport which will contribute to lower emissions due to the smaller packaging.

更小的iPhone盒子传闻也得到了证实。 苹果将​​节省约2倍的运输空间,这将由于较小的包装而有助于减少排放。

The iPhone 12 is also said to have improved autofocus with all new technology called voice-coil-motor optical image stabilization. Essentially the autofocus system is being replaced from a spring-based system to a magnet-based system.

据说,iPhone 12还通过称为“音圈电机光学防抖”的所有新技术改善了自动对焦。 本质上,自动聚焦系统已从基于弹簧的系统替换为基于磁体的系统。

Actual images of the iPhone 12 lineup batteries have leaked and a lot of people are disappointed. Known leaker Max Winebach previously reported that we’d be seeing between 4000–4400 mAh on the 12 Pro Max but the leaks confirm it’s far less at 3687 mAh.

iPhone 12系列电池的实际图像泄漏,许多人感到失望。 已知的泄漏者Max Winebach先前曾报道说,我们会在12 Pro Max上看到4000–4400 mAh之间的电量,但泄漏证实它远远低于3687 mAh。

Battery capacity for the iPhones

The display on the iPhone 12 is rumored to be a significant improvement to ensure that the device is more power-efficient. The iPhone is said to feature low-temperature polycrystalline oxide OLED panels. This panel-type is supposed to consume about 15 percent less battery power than the OLED panels used in previous iPhones.This technology is new to iPhones but not new to Apple products. It is used in the Apple Watch Series 4 and 5.

有传言称,iPhone 12的显示屏将进行重大改进,以确保该设备更加节能。 据说iPhone具有低温多晶氧化物OLED面板。 这种面板类型应该比以前的iPhone使用的OLED面板少消耗15%的电池电量。这项技术是iPhone的新技术,而不是Apple产品的新技术。 在Apple Watch Series 4和5中使用。

A twitter leaker also suggested this year’s new iPhone lineup may come with support for reverse wireless charging.


Demonstration of how wireless charging would work

Will the iPhone 12 have 5G?

iPhone 12会配备5G吗?

Apple will most likely have a 5G offering with their next major release as they have bought Intel’s modem manufacturing division. This will release them from the monopoly that Qualcomm has in that arena.

苹果很可能会在下一个主要版本中提供5G产品,因为他们已经收购了英特尔的调制解调器制造部门。 这将使他们摆脱高通在该领域的垄断地位。

5G has some serious problems though. It doesn’t penetrate walls very well. It doesn’t cover large distances and for maximum speed, you need to be practically sitting on top of the transmitter. There may be serious health implications as there have been reports of vegetation dying back in the areas around masts.

5G有一些严重的问题。 它不能很好地穿透墙壁。 它不能覆盖很长的距离,并且为了获得最大速度,您实际上需要坐在变送器的顶部。 可能有严重的健康影响,因为有报道说在桅杆周围地区有植被退回。

New A14 Chip


Apple’s next A-series chip is shaping up to be a beast. The upcoming iPhone 12 range will reportedly employ 4GB of RAM to go along with it in the standard models, and 6GB for the Pro variants, which may also get 120Hz refresh-rate displays and a LiDAR sensor for improved augmented reality applications.

苹果的下一个A系列芯片将成为野兽。 据报道,即将面世的iPhone 12系列将在标准型号中配备4GB RAM,为Pro型号配备6GB RAM,还可能配备120Hz刷新率显示屏和LiDAR传感器,用于改进的增强现实应用。

The new iPhone 12 Pro’s display could support a welcome improvement over the screens on many current smartphones. Both the iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max has been tipped to feature 120Hz ProMotion displays. The regular iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Max will likely offer 60Hz displays.

新的iPhone 12 Pro的显示屏可以支持比许多当前智能手​​机屏幕更好的改进。 iPhone 12 Pro和iPhone 12 Pro Max均已配备120Hz ProMotion显示屏。 常规的iPhone 12和iPhone 12 Max可能会提供60Hz的显示屏。



The most recent leak from @komiya_kj on Twitter says that the 5.4-inch iPhone 12 will start at $699 for 64GB. The 6.1-inch iPhone 12 Max — $799 price for the same amount of storage.

Twitter上@komiya_kj的最新泄密事件称,5.4英寸iPhone 12的64GB起价为699美元。 6.1英寸iPhone 12 Max-799美元的价格(相同数量的存储空间)。

It’s possible that the pricing could be cheaper should Apple decide to sell 4G LTE-only versions. The above pricing would be for 5G models of the iPhone 12.

如果苹果决定出售仅4G LTE版本,则定价可能会更便宜。 以上价格适用于iPhone 12的5G型号。

It seems like the biggest improvements will come in the areas of 5G and support for augmented reality apps. The importance of 5G hinges heavily on how far along wireless carriers are with building out 5G coverage by the time the iPhone 12 ships.

似乎最大的改进将出现在5G领域以及对增强现实应用程序的支持上。 5G的重要性在很大程度上取决于无线运营商在iPhone 12出厂时建立5G覆盖范围的距离。

翻译自: https://medium.com/macoclock/new-iphone-12-leaks-bd28cf53d30c



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