
  • windows11
  • JDK 8
  • anaconda3
  • python 3.9
  • Neo4j 3.5.32
  • python jupyter库
  • py2neo
  • Visual Studio Code 2022

Gitee : https://gitee.com/ccuni/py2neo-neo4j-actual-combat



数据集来自 IMDB 影视网的电影、演员数据,数据并不全,仅供学习参考。
数据集参考上方的 Gitee 或 GitHub地址

  • movie_act.csv 演员id到电影id的映射信息

  • movie_actor.csv 5334个演员的信息,名称和头像

  • movie_moive.csv 2926部电影的详情信息

  • movie_popularity.csv 保留着62部受欢迎的电影信息

  • user_user.csv 不知道有啥用的id信息


这里将原先的csv数据转为 pandas的DataFrame后再转化成字典,从而能构建Node对象,插入到Neo4j中

2.1 选择受欢迎的电影

list_mid = df['popularity']['movieid_id']# 查找受欢迎的电影信息
# Find the movies which is popularity
df_popularity_movie = df['movie'][df['movie']['movieid'].isin(list_mid)]

# 将DataFrame格式转化为dict,到时候方便插入Neo4j
# make DataFrame to Dict, in order to insert neo4j
dict_movie = {}for i in range(len(df_popularity_movie)):row = df_popularity_movie.iloc[i]dict_movie.update({row['movieid'] : row.to_dict()})
print('rows: ' , len(dict_movie))

2.2 查找每部受欢迎电影的所有演员

dict_actor_movie = {}
for mid in df_popularity_movie['movieid']:flag = df['actor_movie']['movieid_id'].eq(mid)actors = df['actor_movie'][flag]['actorid_id'].to_list()dict_actor_movie.update({mid : actors})
print('rows: ' , len(dict_actor_movie))

2.3 查找热门电影里每个演员的信息

dict_actor = {}
actors = set()
for ac in dict_actor_movie.values():for actor in ac:actors.add(actor)
for aid in actors:flag = (df['actor']['actorid'] == aid)row = df['actor'][flag].iloc[0]dict_actor.update({aid: row.to_dict()})
print('rows: ' , len(dict_actor_movie))

三、Py2Neo 操作

3.1 连接 Neo4j

from py2neo import Graph
url = "http://localhost:7474"
username = "neo4j"
password = "123456"
graph = Graph(url, auth=(username, password))
print("neo4j info: {}".format(str(graph)))

输出结果:neo4j info: Graph(‘http://localhost:7474’)

3.2 插入电影和演员节点

from py2neo import Graph, Node, Subgraph
import time
s_time = time.time()node_list = []graph.delete_all()for mid, movie in dict_movie.items():node_list.append(Node("movie", **movie))
for aid, actor in dict_actor.items():node_list.append(Node("actor", **actor))
graph.create(subgraph=Subgraph(node_list))# 查看一个节点

输出当前Neo4j 电影和演员节点的个数

print('movie: ', graph.nodes.match("movie").count())
print('actor: ', graph.nodes.match('actor').count())

movie: 62
actor: 240

3.3 建立电影和演员之间的联系

from py2neo import NodeMatcher, Relationship
node_matcher = NodeMatcher(graph)
list_rel = []
for mid, actors in dict_actor_movie.items(): node_movie = node_matcher.match("movie", movieid=mid).first()if node_movie != None:for actor in actors:node_actor = node_matcher.match("actor", actorid=actor).first()if node_actor != None:list_rel.append(Relationship(node_actor, "acted", node_movie, name='acted'))# 批量建立
# batch build
once = 50
maxi = len(list_rel)
for i in range(0, maxi, once):subgraph = Subgraph(relationships=list_rel[i:i+once])graph.separate(subgraph)graph.create(subgraph)print(f'[INFO] >> created {len(subgraph)} relations')


登录 Neo4j 的web页面查询插入的结果:http://localhost:7474


4.1 查找电影的所有关系

from py2neo import RelationshipMatcher
rmatcher = RelationshipMatcher(graph)i = 0
for node_movie in graph.nodes.match('movie').all():print(i, '-' * 10 , node_movie['name'] + '-' *10)for rel in graph.match([None, node_movie]).all():print('--', rel)i += 1print('\n\n')


4.2 查找根据演员数和评分排序的Top10电影

nodes_movie = graph.nodes.match('movie').all()#关于已出现的演员人数的前十名
# Top10 about the number of appeared actor  # 如果演员人数一致就根据评分判断,选择评分高的电影
# If the number of actors is the same,
#   judge according to the score and choose the film with high rate.
rm = RelationshipMatcher(graph)
dict_movie_top10 = {}
for node_movie in nodes_movie:list_actors = rm.match([None, node_movie], r_type='acted').all()count = len(list_actors)dict_movie_top10.update({node_movie: {'count':int(count), 'actors':list_actors}})list_movie_top10 = sorted(dict_movie_top10.items(), key = lambda k : (k[1]['count'], float(k[0]['rate'])), reverse=True)[:10]# list_movie_top10 is a list([turple(Node, dict)])
print('------------------ Top10 ------------------')
for node_movie, dict_count in list_movie_top10:print(dict_count['count'], node_movie['rate'], node_movie['name'])


Translate to chinese

排名 评分 电影名称
1 9.1 《肖申克的救赎》
2 9.1 《Dekalog》
3 9.0 《黑暗骑士》
4 9.0 《教父:第二部》
5 8.9 《低俗小说》
6 8.8 《费城总是阳光明媚》
7 8.8 《星球大战5:帝国反击战》
8 8.8 《搏击俱乐部》
9 8.7 《指环王:双塔奇兵》
10 8.6 《星球大战》

4.3 保存 Top10数据到 Neo4j

graph.delete(Subgraph(RelationshipMatcher(graph).match(name='acted_top10')))rel_top10 = []
nodeMatcher = NodeMatcher(graph)
for node_movie, dict_count in list_movie_top10:for actor_rel in dict_count['actors']:actor = Node('actor_top10', **dict(actor_rel.start_node))movie = Node('movie_top10', **dict(node_movie))actor_find = nodeMatcher.match('actor_top10', name=actor['name']).first()movie_find = nodeMatcher.match('movie_top10', name=movie['name']).first()if actor_find != None: ator = actor_find if movie_find != None: movie = movie_findrel_top10.append(Relationship(actor, "acted", movie, name='acted_top10'))sub_rels=Subgraph(relationships=rel_top10)graph.separate(subgraph=sub_rels)graph.create(subgraph = sub_rels)print('The number of actor_top10 node: ',graph.nodes.match('actor_top10').count())
print('The number of moive_top10 node: ', graph.nodes.match('movie_top10').count())
print('The number of relationsip: ', graph.relationships.match(name='acted_top10').count())


从 web中查询的结果如下:


通过本次的尝试,我们使用py2neo进行了Neo4j的增删改查,熟悉使用 Node、Relationship、Graph,另外,还有大量的 pandas相关的操作。最终分析了影视电影和演员之间的关系,当然还有更多指标可以分析,比如:出现次数最多的演员以及电影、同步出现率最高的电影等等。


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