
在Jenkins中新建了一个Job,假设你在一些列Build Step之前/之后,启动了一个进程,打个比方说启动一个Jboss进程。等到Build完成,你去Console Output中查看显示启动成功,甚至PID也有了。但是当你去后台查看的时候,发现其实这个进程根本不存在,并没有启动成功。

不过如果你使用的是较早的Hudson版本(Ver 1.136),并且是直接在页面中的Build Session中(如Excute Shell)执行命令的话,你可能会得到如下的提示:

Process leaked file descriptors. See http://wiki.hudson-ci.org/display/HUDSON/Spawning+processes+from+build for more information


To reliably kill processes spawned by a job during a build, Jenkins contains a bit of native code to list up such processes and kill them.


The reason this problem happens is because of file descriptor leak and how they are inherited from one process to another. Jenkins and the child process are connected by three pipes (stdin/stdout/stderr.) This allows Jenkins to capture the output from the child process. Since the child process may write a lot of data to the pipe and quit immediately after that, Jenkins needs to make sure that it drained the pipes before it considers the build to be over. Jenkins does this by waiting for EOF.

When a process terminates for whatever reasons, the operating system closes all the file descriptors it owned. So even if the process didn't close stdout/stderr, Jenkins will nevertheless get EOF.

The complication happens when those file descriptors are inherited to other processes. Let's say the child process forks another process to the background. The background process (AKA daemon) inherits all the file descriptors of the parent, including the writing side of the stdout/stderr pipes that connect the child process and Jenkins. If the daemon forgets to close them, Jenkins won't get EOF for pipes even when the child process exits, because daemon still have those descriptors open. That's how this problem happens.



但是当子进程在后台fork出另一个进程的时候(比如A fork出了B,启动一个daemon进程),情况就出现一些变化。由于进程B会继承进程A的文件描述 符,如果进程B没有关闭这些描述符,即使进程A退出,这些描述符依然是打开的,Jenkins将不会在相应管道上收到EOF。




1. 使用daemonize工具


On Unix, you can use a wrapper like this to make the daemon behave.


安装daemonize工具包,使用daemonize命令wrap 相应进程的启动指令,类似于:

  1. daemonize ${your.process} start


2. 重设环境变量BUILD_ID


The ProcessTreeKiller takes advantage of the fact that by default a new process gets a copy of the environment variables of its spawning/creating process.

It sets a specific environment variable in the process executing the build job. Later, when the user requests to stop the build job's process it gets a list of all processes running on the computer and their environment variables, and looks for the environment variable that it initially set for the build job's process.

Every job with that environment variable in its environment is then terminated.



A convenient way to achieve that is to change the environment variable BUILD_ID which Jenkins's ProcessTreeKiller is looking for. This will cause Jenkins to assume that your daemon is not spawned by the Jenkins build.


  1. BUILD_ID=dontKillMe /usr/apache/bin/httpd

后面的"/usr/apache/bin/httpd"可以省略,即只需要在parameter build trigger中加入一个string parameter,变量名为BUILD_ID,值为dontKillMe即可。

3. 启动时添加禁用参数


you can disable this feature by setting a Java property named "hudson.util.ProcessTree.disable" to the value "true". This can be done as a parameter to the "java" binary when starting Jenkins:


  1. java -Dhudson.util.ProcessTree.disable=true -jar jenkins.war


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