


毕业论文关键字: 等温容器,流量特性,放气法,ISO6358

Abstract Modern pneumatic technology is widely used in automotive, electronics, semiconductor, automation and other industries. Pneumatic element is a basic unit composed of a pneumatic system. In order to design energy efficient, low-cost pneumatic system, it is necessary to accurately grasp the flow characteristics of pneumatic components. Pneumatic components on flow characteristics of the test, generally use sonic conductance C and critical pressure ratio b to indicate that the ISO6358 ISO draft, but the method needs to consume a lot of time and gas, and its experimental setup is more complex. In the article the draft international standard and isothermal containers deflated pneumatic components measured flow characteristics were compared. Summed isothermal containers discharge method advantage.

In this context, referencing to a new test method for flow characteristics of pneumatic components, isothermal containers discharge method. Isothermal container is filled with the wire in the vessel to increase the gas state in the heat transfer process of change, as the temperature changes very little, and therefore considered as isothermal approximation. Since the process of charging and discharging the gas is almost isothermal process, the transient flow can obtain from pressure transients when  isothermal containers during charge and discharge gas, this method can measure the steady, unsteady gas flow. The use of ISO6358, then this method can only be measured by one static pressure conditions specified traffic. Test requires measuring point by point, so long measurement time, air consumption is large and requires a very high turndown ratio meter or several meters. Compared with the ISO6358 international draft standard, using the isothermal container deflated pneumatic components measured flow characteristics with simulation experimental setup is simple, low air consumption, low noise. Transient flow rate characteristics can be measured and so on.

Experimental study using matlab and fluent software for modeling and simulation. Software simulation models were calculated for both the purpose of completion of two independently established mathematical modeling. In the simulation of the process container volume, filling mass, wire diameter differences of the temperature characteristics of the container. And finally the two simulation models to the results of a comparative analysis, which concluded that the main parameters affecting container isothermal container properties. matlab+fluent等温容器建模与仿真研究:http://www.lwfree.com/zidonghua/lunwen_54241.html


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