
A Comma Separated Values (CSV) file is a plain text file that contains a list of data. These files are often used for exchanging data between different applications. For example, databases and contact managers often support CSV files.

逗号分隔值(CSV)文件是包含数据列表的纯文本文件。 这些文件通常用于在不同应用程序之间交换数据。 例如,数据库和联系人管理器通常支持CSV文件。

These files may sometimes be called Character Separated Values or Comma Delimited files. They mostly use the comma character to separate (or delimit) data, but sometimes use other characters, like semicolons. The idea is that you can export complex data from one application to a CSV file, and then import the data in that CSV file into another application.

这些文件有时可能称为字符分隔值或逗号分隔文件。 他们大多使用逗号分隔(或定界)数据,但有时也使用其他字符,例如分号。 这个想法是,您可以将复杂的数据从一个应用程序导出到CSV文件,然后将该CSV文件中的数据导入到另一个应用程序。

CSV文件的结构 (The Structure of a CSV File)

A CSV file has a fairly simple structure. It’s a list of data separated by commas. For example, let’s say you have a few contacts in a contact manager, and you export them as a CSV file. You’d get a file containing text like this:

CSV文件的结构非常简单。 这是用逗号分隔的数据列表。 例如,假设您在联系人管理器中有几个联系人,然后将它们导出为CSV文件。 您将获得一个包含如下文本的文件:

Name,Email,Phone Number,Address


Bob Smith,bob@example.com,123-456-7890,123 Fake Street

Bob Smith,bob @ example.com,123-456-7890,Fake Street 123

Mike Jones,mike@example.com,098-765-4321,321 Fake Avenue

迈克·琼斯(mike Jones),mike @ example.com,098-765-4321,321 Fake Avenue

That’s all a CSV file really is. They can be more complicated than that, and can contain thousands of lines, more entries on each line, or long strings of text. Some CSV files may not even have the headers at the top, and some may use quotation marks to surround each bit of data, but that’s the basic format.

这就是一个CSV文件。 它们可能比这更复杂,并且可能包含数千行,每行上有更多条目或较长的文本字符串。 一些CSV文件甚至可能没有顶部标题,而某些CSV文件可能会使用引号将数据的每一位括起来,但这是基本格式。

That simplicity is a feature. CSV files are designed to be a way to easily export data and import it into other programs. The resulting data is human-readable and can be easily viewed with a text editor like Notepad or a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.

这种简单性是一个特征。 CSV文件旨在方便导出数据并将其导入其他程序。 生成的数据是人类可读的,并且可以使用文本编辑器(如记事本)或电子表格程序(如Microsoft Excel)轻松查看。

如何在文本编辑器中查看CSV文件 (How to View a CSV File in a Text Editor)

To view the contents of a CSV file in Notepad, right-click it in File Explorer or Windows Explorer, and then select the “Edit” command.


Notepad may have trouble opening the CSV file if it’s very large. In this case, we recommend you use a more capable plain text file editor like Notepad++. To view a CSV file in Notepad++ after installing it, right-click the CSV file and select the “Edit With Notepad++” command.

如果记事本很大,则可能无法打开CSV文件。 在这种情况下,我们建议您使用功能更强大的纯文本文件编辑器,例如Notepad ++ 。 要在安装后在Notepad ++中查看CSV文件,请右键单击CSV文件,然后选择“使用Notepad ++编辑”命令。

You’ll see the plaintext list of data in the CSV file. For example, if the CSV file was exported from a contacts program, you’d see information about each contact here, with the contact’s details sorted onto a new line. If it was exported from a password manager like LastPass, you’d see different website login entries on their own line here.

您将在CSV文件中看到明文数据列表。 例如,如果CSV文件是从联系人程序中导出的,则您会在此处看到有关每个联系人的信息,并将联系人的详细信息分类到新行中。 如果它是从密码管理器(如LastPass )中导出的,则您会在此处看到不同的网站登录条目。

In Notepad, the “Word Wrap” feature can make the data harder to read. Click Format > Word Wrap to disable it and make each line of data stay on its own line for improved readability. You’ll need to scroll horizontally to read the full lines.

在记事本中,“自动换行”功能会使数据难以阅读。 单击格式>换行将其禁用,并使每一行数据保持在自己的行上以提高可读性。 您需要水平滚动以阅读完整的行。

如何在电子表格程序中打开CSV文件 (How to Open a CSV File in a Spreadsheet Program)

You can also open CSV files in spreadsheet programs, which make them easier to read. For example, if you have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer, you can just double-click a .csv file to open it in Excel by default. If it doesn’t open in Excel, you can right-click the CSV file and select Open With > Excel.

您还可以在电子表格程序中打开CSV文件,从而使它们更易于阅读。 例如,如果您的计算机上安装了Microsoft Excel,则默认情况下,只需双击.csv文件即可在Excel中打开它。 如果未在Excel中打开,则可以右键单击CSV文件,然后选择“打开方式”>“ Excel”。

If you don’t have Excel, you could upload the file to a service like Google Sheets or install a free office suite like LibreOffice Calc to view it.

如果没有Excel,则可以将文件上传到Google表格等服务,也可以安装免费的Office套件(如LibreOffice Calc)来查看。

Excel and other spreadsheet programs present the contents of a .CSV file as if it were a spreadsheet, sorting it into columns.


如何将CSV文件导入应用程序 (How to Import a CSV File Into an Application)

If you just want to view the contents of a CSV file or work with it as a spreadsheet, that’s all you need to do. However, many CSV files are made for importing into other programs. You might export your contacts from Google Contacts, your saved passwords from LastPass, or a large amount of data from a database program. The resulting CSV files can then be imported into applications that support that type of data.

如果您只想查看CSV文件的内容或将其作为电子表格使用,这就是您需要做的一切。 但是,许多CSV文件都可以导入其他程序中。 您可能会从Google通讯录中导出联系人,从LastPass中导出已保存的密码,或者从数据库程序中导出大量数据。 然后可以将生成的CSV文件导入支持该类型数据的应用程序。

Depending on the application from which you’re exporting data, you may need to select an appropriate CSV format for the target application. For example, Google Contacts can export contacts in either Google CSV (for Google Contacts) or Outlook CSV (for Microsoft Outlook) formats. Either way, you get a CSV file containing the data, but it’s organized in a slightly different way.

根据要从中导出数据的应用程序,您可能需要为目标应用程序选择适当的CSV格式。 例如,Google联系人可以导出为Google CSV(对于Google Contacts)或Outlook CSV(对于Microsoft Outlook)格式的联系人。 无论哪种方式,您都会获得一个包含数据的CSV文件,但是它的组织方式略有不同。

In an appropriate application, look for the “Import” or “Import CSV” option, which lets you select the CSV file to import. For example, in Microsoft Outlook, you can click File > Open & Export > Import/Export > Import From Another Program or File > Comma Separated Values to import contacts from a CSV file.

在适当的应用程序中,查找“导入”或“导入CSV”选项,该选项使您可以选择要导入的CSV文件。 例如,在Microsoft Outlook中,您可以单击文件>打开和导出>导入/导出>从其他程序导入,或单击文件>逗号分隔值以从CSV文件导入联系人。

CSV files are something most people never need to bother with. But, if you’ve ever needed to get information out of one application and into another, that’s what they’re there for.

CSV文件是大多数人无需理会的东西。 但是,如果您曾经需要将信息从一个应用程序转移到另一个应用程序中,那么这就是它们的用处。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/348960/what-is-a-csv-file-and-how-do-i-open-it/



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