
A file with the .dat file extension is a generic data file that stores specific information relating to the program that created the file. Some apps that use them are CCleaner, Porteus, and Minecraft. They might even show up in your email as an attachment from a Microsoft Exchange Server.

扩展名为 .dat的文件是通用数据文件,用于存储与创建该文件的程序有关的特定信息。 一些使用它们的应用程序是CCleaner,Porteus和Minecraft。 它们甚至可能作为附件从Microsoft Exchange Server出现在您的电子邮件中。

什么是DAT文件? (What Is a DAT File?)

In short, a DAT file contains important information for software to handle. The information contained inside a DAT file is usually either plain text or binary, although in rare cases you might encounter them as the actual data of a video file for programs like VCDGear or CyberLink PowerDirector.

简而言之,DAT文件包含供软件处理的重要信息。 DAT文件中包含的信息通常是纯文本或二进制的,尽管在极少数情况下,您可能会遇到它们作为VCDGear或Cyber​​Link PowerDirector等程序的视频文件的实际数据。

Many programs create, open, and reference DAT files. They designed only for use by the application and not to be opened manually by the user. Many games, like Minecraft, use DAT files to store chunks of levels, which are loaded on the fly as a player navigates throughout the level.

许多程序创建,打开和引用DAT文件。 它们仅设计供应用程序使用,不能由用户手动打开。 许多游戏,例如Minecraft,都使用DAT文件来存储关卡块,当玩家在关卡中导航时,这些块会即时加载。

如何打开DAT文件? (How Do I Open a DAT File?)

Because it’s difficult to tell whether the DAT file you’re dealing with contains text, pictures, videos, or config files for software on your computer, how you open a file will vary depending on what information it contains. Most of the time, though, DAT files are in plain text format, and you can open those with any standard text editor.

由于很难分辨正在处理的DAT文件是否包含计算机上软件的文本,图片,视频或配置文件,因此如何打开文件取决于文件包含的信息。 但是,大多数情况下,DAT文件为纯文本格式,您可以使用任何标准文本编辑器打开这些文件。

使用文字编辑器 (Using a Text Editor)

We’re using Notepad++ for Windows as an example here, but you can open a DAT that contains text with any text editor, no matter what operating system you’re using. The process might be a bit different for opening the file, but it’s not complicated.

我们在这里以Windows的Notepad ++为例,但是无论使用什么操作系统,都可以使用任何文本编辑器打开一个包含文本的DAT。 打开文件的过程可能有所不同,但并不复杂。

In Windows, right-click DAT file you want to open and then click the “Open With” command.


In the “Open With” window, choose the text editor you want to use and then click the “OK” button.


Provided the file you opened is text-based, you should be able to read the contents.


If you tried to open a file that doesn’t contain plain text, you might see a lot of “NUL” references and some obscure characters.

如果尝试打开不包含纯文本的文件,则可能会看到很多“ NUL”引用和一些晦涩的字符。

如何打开Winmail.dat文件 (How-to Open Winmail.dat Files)

Sometimes email servers—Microsoft Outlook in particular—can sometimes automatically convert an email into the DAT format. Sometimes if the recipient of a message created in Outlook isn’t using Outlook themselves, they’ll just get a winmail.dat file as an attachment instead of being able to view the full message. A straightforward way to open the file, without getting your contact to resend the email in HTML format, is to use Winmaildat.com.

有时电子邮件服务器(尤其是Microsoft Outlook)有时可以自动将电子邮件转换为DAT格式。 有时,如果在Outlook中创建的邮件的收件人本身未使用Outlook,则他们只会获得一个winmail.dat文件作为附件,而无法查看完整的邮件。 打开文件而不用让您的联系人重新发送HTML格式电子邮件的一种直接方法是使用Winmaildat.com。

After downloading the DAT file from your email, head over to Winmaildat.com and click the “Choose File” button. Locate the DAT file and then click “Open.”

从您的电子邮件下载DAT文件后,转到Winmaildat.com ,然后单击“选择文件”按钮。 找到DAT文件,然后单击“打开”。

After the file gets uploaded, click “Start” and the website will analyze the file.


The Result page shows everything the DAT file contains. Clicking an item downloads it to your computer, where you can open it to view its contents.

结果页显示DAT文件包含的所有内容。 单击一个项目会将其下载到您的计算机上,您可以在其中打开以查看其内容。

Keep in mind that because most DAT files are used within specific programs to store program settings, they probably aren’t meant to be opened manually. This means you won’t be able to read any of the data that’s contained inside the file using a normal text editor. And even if you can read the data, there’s usually not much you can do with it anyway.

请记住,由于大多数DAT文件都用于特定程序中以存储程序设置,因此它们可能并不意味着要手动打开。 这意味着您将无法使用常规文本编辑器读取文件中包含的任何数据。 即使您可以读取数据,通常也无济于事。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/363326/what-is-a-dat-file-and-how-do-i-open-one/



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