
联邦调查局:联邦调查局 (FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation)

FBI is an abbreviation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. On 26th July 1908, it was created as a government organization that was associated with the United States Department of Justice. In the beginning, the first name offered to the organization at the time of establishment was Bureau of Investigation in 1908 but afterward, in 1935, the name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The U.S. President selects and appoints the director of the FBI and the appointment is assured and validated by the Senate. As of August 2017, the current director of the FBI is Christopher Wray.

FBI是联邦调查局的缩写 。 1908年7月26 ,它与美国司法部建立了一个政府组织。 最初,在组织成立时提供给该组织的第一个名字是1908年的调查局,但此后在1935年,该名称更改为联邦调查局。 美国总统选择并任命联邦调查局局长,任命得到参议院的确认和批准。 截至2017年8月,联邦调查局现任局长是克里斯托弗·雷(Christopher Wray)。

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbols_of_the_Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation


联邦调查局总部 (FBI Head Office)

FBI head office is situated in Washington D.C. in J. Edgar Hoover Building.

FBI总部位于华盛顿特区J. Edgar Hoover大楼。

用法 (Usage)

  • The most significant motive of the FBI is to take care of and maintain law and order in the United States by providing protection, defense and security to the country from terrorist attacks, high-technology crime, and cyber crimes and it secures civil rights.


  • It also offers analytical and investigative proficiency, intelligence, and guidance to domestic and international agencies and partners.


最重要的职能部门 (Most significant functional branches)

  • FBI National Security Branch


  • FBI Science and Technology Branch


  • FBI Intelligence Branch


  • FBI Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch


  • FBI Human Resources Branch


  • FBI Information and Technology Branch


FBI的资格标准 (Eligibility criteria for FBI)

The eligibility criteria's for a candidate are,


  • A candidate should have American citizenship.


  • A candidate should have a four-year graduation degree.


  • A candidate must be between the ages of 23 and 39.


  • A candidate must not have any type of criminal record.


Also, only around 10% of candidates are preferred to be chosen by the FBI. After the selection process, the candidate goes through meticulous guidance and training at the FBI academy in Quantico, Va. The Academy comprises a forensic and research lab, a garage, firing ranges, driving track, gymnasium, library, etc. In case of training purposes, the FBI also has a fake town named Hogan's Alley.

同样,FBI只选择约10%的候选人。 甄选过程完成后,候选人将在弗吉尼亚州Quantico的联邦调查局学院接受详尽的指导和培训。该学院包括法医和研究实验室,车库,射击场,行车道,体育馆,图书馆等。出于目的,联邦调查局还拥有一个名为霍根胡同的假镇。

联邦调查局当前的首要任务 (Top current priorities of FBI)

  • To defend and secure the United States from terrorist attacks.


  • To defend and secure the United States in opposition to foreign intelligence operations and spying.


  • To defend and secure the United States in opposition to cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes.


  • To fight with public corruption at all levels.


  • To defend and secure civil rights.


  • To fight with transnational/national criminal organizations and enterprises.


  • To fight with major white-collar crime.


  • To fight with major violent crime.


  • To support federal, state, local and international partners.


  • To upgrade technology.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/fbi-full-form.aspx



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