
大多数人都知道如何 创建电子邮件签名 的程序如Microsoft Outlook ,因为它很容易,但建立专业的HTML电子邮件签名的在线电子邮件服务如Gmail , Hotmail及雅虎邮件是一个真正的痛苦。

I had written earlier about a 我已致函前约 Greasemonkey script called Insert HTML Signature 所谓的Greasemonkey脚本插入的HTML签名 , which works for only Gmail. ,该工程只使用Gmail 。 An HTML signature is much better than a normal plain text signature because you can add lots of formatting to make your signature much more professional looking. 一个HTML签名明显优于普通的纯文本文件签字,因为您可以添加很多的格式,使您的签名更专业的前瞻性。

If you use Firefox, you can either install Greasemonkey and use the script I mentioned above or you can check out a cool Firefox add-on called WiseStamp that not only works with Gmail, but also with other email service providers, such as Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL Mail, or any other webmail service! 如果你使用Firefox ,您可以安装Greasemonkey和使用的脚本我提到的上述或您可以检查阴凉Firefox的附加要求WiseStamp ,不仅与Gmail的作品,而且还与其他的电子邮件服务提供商,如Hotmail ,雅虎邮件, AOL的邮件,或任何其他Webmail服务! Now that’s definitely much nicer. 现在,肯定好很多。

WiseStamp WiseStamp has a lot of cool features that make it the best add-on I’ve come across so far for creating and adding email signatures. 有很多很酷的功能,使人们的最佳添加我碰到迄今为止创造和增加的电子邮件签名。 Here’sa quick overview of the program: 下面快速总览程序:

  • Personally design email signatures 亲自设计的电子邮件签名
  • Easy to use GUI interface for creating signatures 易于使用的GUI界面,用于创建签名

  • Rich Text WYSIWYG editor 丰富的文字所见即所得的编辑器
  • Ability to add a logo or graphic to your signature 能力新增标志或图形到您的签字
  • Supports all web email services and all webmail functions such as Compose, Reply, and Forward 支持所有网络的电子邮件服务,所有邮件功能,如撰写,回复和转发
  • Include your IM icons and ID’s into your signature easily 包括您的聊天图标和身份证到您的签字很容易
  • Add links to all your social networking services like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc 添加链接到您所有的社交网络服务,如LinkedIn的脸谱,开源等
  • Supports special characters 支持特殊字符
  • Supports LTR and RTL languages also 支持序列和RTL语言也

The other cool thing about WiseStamp is that it has a whole bunch of 其他很酷的事WiseStamp的是,它有一大堆 email signature templates 电子邮件签名模板 that you can download and just replace with your information! 您可以下载和公正取代您的信息! It’s great because they have created some very professional looking signature templates, so you can start including great looking signatures in a few minutes! 这是伟大的,因为他们已经创造了一些非常专业的期待签字模板,以便您可以开始寻找其中包括伟大的签名几分钟!

Overall, the add-on is one of the best for generating email signatures. 总体而言,添加是最好的生成电子邮件签名。 I wish it worked in Internet Explorer also, but as of right now it does not. 我希望它在Internet Explorer还,但截至目前还没有。 Enjoy! 享受! Source: 来源: DownloadSquad

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