The LeVoice Far-field Speech Recognition System for VOiCES from a Distance Challenge 2019
Yulong Liang, Lin Yang, Xuyang Wang, Yingjie Li, Chen Jia, Junjie Wang
Lenovo Research


This paper describes our submission to the “VOiCES from a Distance Challenge 2019”, which is designed to foster research in the area of speaker recognition and automatic speech recognition (ASR) with a special focus on single channel distant/far-field audio under noisy conditions. We focused on the ASR task under a fixed condition in which the training data was clean and small, but the development data and test data were noisy and unmatched. Thus we developed the following major technical points for our system, which included data augmentation, weighted-prediction-error based speech enhancement, acoustic models based on different networks, TDNN or LSTM based language model rescore, and ROVER. Experiments on the development set and the evaluation set showed that the front-end processing, data augmentation and system fusion made the main contributions for the performance increasing, and the final word error rate results based on our system scored 15.91% and 19.6% respectively.

  1. Introduction

Since the accuracy of the close-talking and the noise-free speech recognition is approaching the best possible human speech recognition performance [1-4], more and more researchers have turned their attention to the far-field and noisy scenarios[5-8]. The “VOiCES from a Distance Challenge 2019’’ [9][10] is such a competition designed to foster research in the area of speaker recognition and automatic speech recognition (ASR) with a special focus on single channel distant/far-field audio under noisy conditions. This challenge is based on the newly released Voices Obscured in Complex Environmental Settings (VOiCES) corpus, and the training data is an 80 hours subset of the Librispeech dataset. The VOiCES challenge has two tasks: speaker recognition and automatic speech recognition (ASR). Each task has fixed and open training conditions. The main difficulty of each task is that the training data is small, and there was mismatch between the training data and the evaluation data. For far-field speech recognition, a lot of researches have been conducted. These researches can be divided into two categories. In the first category, researchers process the evaluation data in the front-end to make it more matchable with the model. In the second category, researchers train acoustic models(AM) and language models in the back-end to make model parameters match the data under the test conditions as much as possible. For the front-end processing, the main methods such as Optimal Modified Minimum MeanSquare Error Log-Spectral Amplitude and Improved Minimal Controlled Recursive Averaging (OMLSA-IMCRA)[11] and Weighted Prediction Error(WPE)[12][13] are used to realize de-reverberation and de-noising. For the back end, the mainly methods include applying different acoustic model architectures, such as Deep Neural Network(DNN), Timedelay Neural Network(TDNN)[5], factorized TDNN(TDNNF), Convolutional Neural Network(CNN), Long Short Term Memory(LSTM), model parameters optimization, Neural Network Language Model(NNLM) based rescore and multimodel fusion. The goal is to decrease the mismatch between the distant speech to be recognized with the training condition. Because the training set given was clean speech, while the development set and the evaluation set were speech under complex conditions in which different kinds of noises and reverberation existed, we took several measures to optimize the recognition performance. Firstly, in order to solve the lacking of training data, we expanded the dataset by data augmentation strategies and adding reverberation and noises; Also we trained acoustic models with different network architectures; Thirdly a rescoring mechanism was added based on the one-pass decoding lattices; Finally, ROVER [14] was used to make full use of the complementarity among different systems. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces each component of the system. Section 3 shows ASR results obtained using the VOiCES corpus. Section 4 is the conclusion of paper.



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