


切图尺寸:640x640, overlop比例:0.2,则步长为512.,从左向右,自上而下依次滑动切片。

根据上面的切图思路,通过划窗的方放很容易知道切出的小图的左上角点和右下角点在原图中的坐标(x, y)。那么如何把原图上的目标坐标映射到小图上呢? 这时要考虑多种情况
1 目标左上角在小图内
2 目标右下角在小图内
3 目标左上角不在小图内
4 目标右下角不在小图内
5 目标左上角在小图上方
6 目标左上角在小图左方
7 目标右下角在小图上方
8 目标右下角在小图右方
9 目标左上角在小图左上方、目标右下角在小图右下方


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@Author  : zengwb
@Time    : 2021/4/17
@Software: PyCharm
import os
import cv2
import time
import codecs
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from tqdm import tqdm
import shutil
from tqdm import trange                  # 显示进度条
from multiprocessing import cpu_count    # 查看cpu核心数
from multiprocessing import Pooldef get(root, name):vars = root.findall(name)return vars
def get_and_check(root, name, length):vars = root.findall(name)if len(vars) == 0:raise NotImplementedError('Can not find %s in %s.'%(name, root.tag))if length > 0 and len(vars) != length:raise NotImplementedError('The size of %s is supposed to be %d, but is %d.'%(name, length, len(vars)))if length == 1:vars = vars[0]return varsdef deal_xml(xml_f):tree = ET.parse(xml_f)root = tree.getroot()object_list=[]# 处理每个标注的检测框for obj in get(root, 'object'):# 取出检测框类别名称category = get_and_check(obj, 'name', 1).text# 更新类别ID字典bndbox = get_and_check(obj, 'bndbox', 1)xmin = int(get_and_check(bndbox, 'xmin', 1).text) - 1ymin = int(get_and_check(bndbox, 'ymin', 1).text) - 1xmax = int(get_and_check(bndbox, 'xmax', 1).text)ymax = int(get_and_check(bndbox, 'ymax', 1).text)assert (xmax > xmin)assert (ymax > ymin)o_width = abs(xmax - xmin)o_height = abs(ymax - ymin)obj_info=[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,category]object_list.append(obj_info)return object_listdef exist_objs(list_1,list_2, sliceHeight, sliceWidth):'''list_1:当前slice的图像list_2:原图中的所有目标return:原图中位于当前slicze中的目标集合'''return_objs=[]min_h, min_w = 35, 35  # 有些目标GT会被窗口切分,太小的丢掉s_xmin, s_ymin, s_xmax, s_ymax = list_1[0], list_1[1], list_1[2], list_1[3]for vv in list_2:xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax,category=vv[0],vv[1],vv[2],vv[3],vv[4]# 1111111if s_xmin<=xmin<s_xmax and s_ymin<=ymin<s_ymax:  # 目标点的左上角在切图区域中if s_xmin<xmax<=s_xmax and s_ymin<ymax<=s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域中x_new=xmin-s_xminy_new=ymin-s_yminreturn_objs.append([x_new,y_new,x_new+(xmax-xmin),y_new+(ymax-ymin),category])if s_xmin<=xmin<s_xmax and ymin < s_ymin:  # 目标点的左上角在切图区域上方# 22222222if s_xmin < xmax <= s_xmax and s_ymin < ymax <= s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域中x_new = xmin - s_xminy_new = 0if xmax - s_ymax - x_new > min_w and ymax - s_ymax - y_new > min_h:return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, xmax - s_ymax, ymax - s_ymax, category])# 33333333if xmax > s_xmax and s_ymin < ymax <= s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域右方x_new = xmin - s_xminy_new = 0if s_xmax-s_xmin - x_new > min_w and ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, s_xmax-s_xmin, ymax - s_ymin, category])if s_ymin < ymin <= s_ymax and xmin < s_xmin:  # 目标点的左上角在切图区域左方# 444444if s_xmin < xmax <= s_xmax and s_ymin < ymax <= s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域中x_new = 0y_new = ymin - s_yminif xmax - s_xmin - x_new > min_w and ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, xmax - s_xmin, ymax - s_ymin, category])# 555555if s_xmin < xmax < s_xmax and ymax >= s_ymax:   # 目标点的右下角在切图区域下方x_new = 0y_new = ymin - s_yminif xmax - s_xmin - x_new > min_w and s_ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, xmax - s_xmin, s_ymax - s_ymin, category])# 666666if s_xmin >= xmin  and ymin <= s_ymin:  # 目标点的左上角在切图区域左上方if s_xmin<xmax<=s_xmax and s_ymin<ymax<=s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域中x_new = 0y_new = 0if xmax - s_xmin - x_new > min_w and ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, xmax - s_xmin, ymax - s_ymin, category])# 777777if s_xmin <= xmin < s_xmax and s_ymin <= ymin < s_ymax:  # 目标点的左上角在切图区域中if ymax >= s_ymax and xmax >= s_xmax:              # 目标点的右下角在切图区域右下方x_new = xmin - s_xminy_new = ymin - s_yminif s_xmax - s_xmin - x_new > min_w and s_ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, s_xmax - s_xmin, s_ymax - s_ymin, category])# 8888888if s_xmin < xmax < s_xmax and ymax >= s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域下方x_new = xmin - s_xminy_new = ymin - s_yminif xmax - s_xmin - x_new > min_w and s_ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, xmax - s_xmin, s_ymax - s_ymin, category])# 999999if xmax > s_xmax and s_ymin < ymax <= s_ymax:  # 目标点的右下角在切图区域右方x_new = xmin - s_xminy_new = ymin - s_yminif s_xmax - s_xmin - x_new > min_w and ymax - s_ymin - y_new > min_h:return_objs.append([x_new, y_new, s_xmax - s_xmin, ymax - s_ymin, category])return return_objs
def bbox_iou(box1, box2):""":param box1: = [xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1]:param box2: = [xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2]:return: """xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1 = box1xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2 = box2# 计算每个矩形的面积s1 = (xmax1 - xmin1) * (ymax1 - ymin1)  # b1的面积s2 = (xmax2 - xmin2) * (ymax2 - ymin2)  # b2的面积# 计算相交矩形xmin = max(xmin1, xmin2)ymin = max(ymin1, ymin2)xmax = min(xmax1, xmax2)ymax = min(ymax1, ymax2)w = max(0, xmax - xmin)h = max(0, ymax - ymin)a1 = w * h  # C∩G的面积a2 = s2# + s2 - a1iou = a1 / a2 #iou = a1/ (s1 + s2 - a1)return iou
def exist_objs_iou(list_1, list_2, sliceHeight, sliceWidth,win_h, win_w):# 根据iou判断框是否保留,并返回bboxreturn_objs=[]s_xmin, s_ymin, s_xmax, s_ymax = list_1[0], list_1[1], list_1[2], list_1[3]for single_box in list_2:xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, category=single_box[0],single_box[1],single_box[2],single_box[3],single_box[4]iou = bbox_iou(list_1, single_box[:4])if iou > 0.2:if iou == 1:x_new=xmin-s_xminy_new=ymin-s_yminreturn_objs.append([x_new, y_new, x_new+(xmax-xmin), y_new+(ymax-ymin),category])else:xlist = np.sort([xmin, xmax, s_xmin, s_xmax])ylist = np.sort([ymin, ymax, s_ymin, s_ymax])#print(win_h, win_w, list_1, single_box, xlist[1] - s_xmin, ylist[1] - s_ymin)return_objs.append([xlist[1] - s_xmin, ylist[1] - s_ymin, xlist[2] - s_xmin, ylist[2] - s_ymin, category])return return_objs
def make_slice_voc(outpath,exiset_obj_list,sliceHeight=1024, sliceWidth=1024):name=outpath.split('/')[-1]##with codecs.open(os.path.join(slice_voc_dir,  name[:-4] + '.xml'), 'w', 'utf-8') as xml:xml.write('<annotation>\n')xml.write('\t<filename>' + name + '</filename>\n')xml.write('\t<size>\n')xml.write('\t\t<width>' + str(sliceWidth) + '</width>\n')xml.write('\t\t<height>' + str(sliceHeight) + '</height>\n')xml.write('\t\t<depth>' + str(3) + '</depth>\n')xml.write('\t</size>\n')cnt = 1for obj in exiset_obj_list:#bbox = obj[:4]class_name = obj[-1]xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bbox#xml.write('\t<object>\n')xml.write('\t\t<name>' + class_name + '</name>\n')xml.write('\t\t<bndbox>\n')xml.write('\t\t\t<xmin>' + str(int(xmin)) + '</xmin>\n')xml.write('\t\t\t<ymin>' + str(int(ymin)) + '</ymin>\n')xml.write('\t\t\t<xmax>' + str(int(xmax)) + '</xmax>\n')xml.write('\t\t\t<ymax>' + str(int(ymax)) + '</ymax>\n')xml.write('\t\t</bndbox>\n')xml.write('\t</object>\n')cnt += 1assert cnt > 0xml.write('</annotation>')###############################################################################
def slice_im(List_subsets, outdir, raw_images_dir, raw_ann_dir, i=None, sliceHeight=640, sliceWidth=640,zero_frac_thresh=0.2, overlap=0.2, verbose=True):cnt = 0# print(List_subsets)for per_img_name in tqdm(List_subsets):# print(per_img_name)# if 'c' not in per_img_name:#     continueo_name, _ = os.path.splitext(per_img_name)out_name = str(o_name) + '_' + str(cnt)image_path = os.path.join(raw_images_dir, per_img_name)ann_path = os.path.join(raw_ann_dir, per_img_name[:-4] + '.xml')image0 = cv2.imread(image_path, 1)  # colorext = '.' + image_path.split('.')[-1]win_h, win_w = image0.shape[:2]# if slice sizes are large than image, pad the edges# 避免出现切图的大小比原图还大的情况object_list = deal_xml(ann_path)pad = 0if sliceHeight > win_h:pad = sliceHeight - win_hif sliceWidth > win_w:pad = max(pad, sliceWidth - win_w)# pad the edge of the image with black pixelsif pad > 0:border_color = (0, 0, 0)image0 = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image0, pad, pad, pad, pad,cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=border_color)win_size = sliceHeight * sliceWidtht0 = time.time()n_ims = 0n_ims_nonull = 0dx = int((1. - overlap) * sliceWidth)   # 153dy = int((1. - overlap) * sliceHeight)for y0 in range(0, image0.shape[0], dy):for x0 in range(0, image0.shape[1], dx):n_ims += 1##这一步确保了不会出现比要切的图像小的图,其实是通过调整最后的overlop来实现的#举例:h=6000,w=8192.若使用640来切图,overlop:0.2*640=128,间隔就为512.所以小图的左上角坐标的纵坐标y0依次为:#:0,512,1024,....,5120,接下来并非为5632,因为5632+640>6000,所以y0=6000-640if y0 + sliceHeight > image0.shape[0]:y = image0.shape[0] - sliceHeightelse:y = y0if x0 + sliceWidth > image0.shape[1]:x = image0.shape[1] - sliceWidthelse:x = x0#slice_xmax = x + sliceWidthslice_ymax = y + sliceHeightexiset_obj_list=exist_objs([x,y,slice_xmax,slice_ymax],object_list, sliceHeight, sliceWidth)# exiset_obj_list = exist_objs_iou([x,y,slice_xmax,slice_ymax],object_list, sliceHeight, sliceWidth, win_h, win_w)if exiset_obj_list!=[]:  # 如果为空,说明切出来的这一张图不存在目标# extract imagewindow_c = image0[y:y + sliceHeight, x:x + sliceWidth]# get black and white imagewindow = cv2.cvtColor(window_c, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)# find threshold that's not black#ret, thresh1 = cv2.threshold(window, 2, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)non_zero_counts = cv2.countNonZero(thresh1)zero_counts = win_size - non_zero_countszero_frac = float(zero_counts) / win_size# print "zero_frac", zero_fra# skip if image is mostly emptyif zero_frac >= zero_frac_thresh:if verbose:print("Zero frac too high at:", zero_frac)continue# else saveelse:outpath = os.path.join(outdir, out_name + \'|' + str(y) + '_' + str(x) + '_' + str(sliceHeight) + '_' + str(sliceWidth) + \'_' + str(pad) + '_' + str(win_w) + '_' + str(win_h) + ext)#cnt += 1# if verbose:#     print("outpath:", outpath)cv2.imwrite(outpath, window_c)n_ims_nonull += 1#------制作新的xml------make_slice_voc(outpath,exiset_obj_list,sliceHeight,sliceWidth)if __name__ == "__main__":not_use_multiprocessing = Trueraw_images_dir = '。/train/c_slice/'   # 这里就是原始的图片raw_ann_dir = '。/train/box'slice_voc_dir = '。/annotations4'  # 切出来的标签也保存为voc格式outdir = '。/JPEGImages4'if not os.path.exists(slice_voc_dir):os.makedirs(slice_voc_dir)if not os.path.exists(outdir):os.makedirs(outdir)List_imgs = os.listdir(raw_images_dir)if not_use_multiprocessing:slice_im(List_imgs, outdir, raw_images_dir, raw_ann_dir, sliceHeight=768, sliceWidth=768)else:Len_imgs = len(List_imgs)   # 数据集长度num_cores = cpu_count()  # cpu核心数# print(num_cores, Len_imgs)if num_cores >= 8:  # 八核以上,将所有数据集分成八个子数据集num_cores = 8subset1 = List_imgs[:Len_imgs // 8]subset2 = List_imgs[Len_imgs // 8: Len_imgs // 4]subset3 = List_imgs[Len_imgs // 4: (Len_imgs * 3) // 8]subset4 = List_imgs[(Len_imgs * 3) // 8: Len_imgs // 2]subset5 = List_imgs[Len_imgs // 2: (Len_imgs * 5) // 8]subset6 = List_imgs[(Len_imgs * 5) // 8: (Len_imgs * 6) // 8]subset7 = List_imgs[(Len_imgs * 6) // 8: (Len_imgs * 7) // 8]subset8 = List_imgs[(Len_imgs * 7) // 8:]List_subsets = [subset1, subset2, subset3, subset4, subset5, subset6, subset7, subset8]p = Pool(num_cores)for i in range(num_cores):p.apply_async(slice_im, args=(List_subsets[i], outdir, raw_images_dir, raw_ann_dir, i))p.close()p.join()






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