
On behalf of the Spring XD team, I am very pleased to announce the second milestone release of Spring XD 1.1 and the 1.0.3 maintenance release.

Download Links:
* 1.1.0.M2 RELEASE: zip, 1.0.3.RELEASE: zip

The 1.1 M2 release includes bug fixes and enhancements as well as several new features:

  • Kafka based Message Bus. If Kafka is your middleware du jour, you will feel right at home.
  • Batching and compression support for RabbitMQ provides significantly increased effective message rate throughput.
  • Develop Processor modules using Project Reactor’s Stream API. The Stream API is based on the Reactive Streams specification that provides a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure. This allows you to use a functional programming model as the basis for processing event streams. Combined with XD’s support for Data Partitioning on the Message Bus, you can create very powerful distributed stream processing solutions.
  • Easily develop, test, and package custom modules. A parent pom bootstraps all the dependencies required for building a custom module and bundles your module and dependencies into a single uberjar file. There is also support for integration testing your module with JUnit using an embedded single node server.
  • Upload custom modules to the admin server over HTTP.
  • Role based authorization of REST endpoints give you control over “who can do what”.
  • File based authentication as a simple alternative to LDAP.
  • Sqoop Batch job integration

Please see the reactor-moving-average project for an example of using Reactor’s Stream API and the si-dsl-module for a complete example of developing a custom module.

Of note for the next release of Spring XD 1.1 RC1 we will be including support for

  • Processor modules that use Spark Streaming
  • Processor modules that use RxJava
  • Kafka Message Bus and Kafka source improvements based on a revamped Spring Kafka Library
  • Granular security ACLs to support who can create or destroy streams and jobs

Feedback is very important, so please get in touch with questions and comments via

  • StackOverflow spring-xd tag
  • Spring JIRA or GitHub Issues


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