




But this and other price shocks were event-driven—drought in the Soviet Union, crop-shrinking heat in the U.S.Corn Belt.


Since a union representative visited our company to inform us about our rights and protections.


They sought help from union representatives


I've got a feeling that trade union representative is behind this.

2016年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B

The big change was in 2007, when Romania joined the European Union.

2018年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

The International Union for Conservation of Nature had previously considered the area a "possible range" for the species, and local people had reported seeing lions in the area, but no one presented convincing evidence.

2017年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section A

Unfortunately, the union in Chicago is insisting that teachers who are laid off—often for being ineffective— should get priority in new hiring.


There're steps we can take that would make some difference, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel is trying some of them—yet the union is resisting.


Southern states without strong teachers' unions have schools at least as awful as those in union states.


Protecting the union demand sacrifices those students, in effect turning a blind eye to the injustice in the education system.


It's true that the main reason inner-city schools do poorly isn't teachers' unions, but poverty.


I'd be sympathetic if the union focused solely on higher compensation.


But, instead, the Chicago union seems to be using its political capital primarily to protect weak performers.


and obviously trade unions are one of the biggest civil society networks in the UK, he says.


The union backing it makes members think there must be something in it.


Take your average trade union member, chances are they will be politically motivated and be used to collective action— much like Erica Gregory.


A retired member of the Public and Commercial Services Union, she is setting up one of 1,100 action groups with the support of Climate Solidarity, a two-year environmental campaign aimed at trade unionists.


Today, the European Union is creating a $580 billion fund to ward off sovereign collapse


What's the problem with the European Union


Bob is running for chairman of the student union.


Well, as your union representative, I have to warn you that it would take quite a while to force management to replace the old machines and attempt to get you transferred may or may not be successful


If you do lose your job, the union will fight to get it back for you along with back pay—your lost income.


What will the union do if the woman loses her job


W : Mark is the best candidate for chairman of the student's union , isn't he ?


Mark is not fit to take charge of the Student Union.


The management and union representatives reached an agreement.


The trade union gave up its demand


This follows successful talks between management and union representatives, which resulted in a new agreement on working hours and conditions.


In exchange, he guarantees an above-market price for each animal and a calf-to-customer electronic ear tag ID system like that used in the European Union.

2019年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

In fact, the European Union is taking the lead.

2019年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

Take your average trade union member, chances are they will be politically motivated and be used to collective action —much like Erica Gregory.

2015年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

This month, he launched the 99ers Union, an umbrella organization of 18 Internet-based grassroots groups of 99ers.

2016年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

Unfortunately, the union in Chicago is insisting that teachers who are laid off—often for being ineffective—should get priority in new hiring.

2016年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

But at union station in Los Angeles last month, a board went up with dollar bills attached to it with pins and a sign that read, "give what you can, take what you need".

2019年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

Owain James, the president of the National Union of Students NUS, argued that the increase is evidence of student hardship – young people are being forced into earning money before finishing their education.

2015年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

When Hoffa’s Teamsters were in their prime in 1960, only one in ten American government workers belonged to a union; now 36% do.


There are three reasons for the public-sector unions’ thriving.


The teachers’ unions keep an eye on schools, the CCPOA on prisons and a variety of labor groups on health care.


Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy Institute of California points out that much of the state’s budget is patrolled by unions.


Its current leader, Ed Miliband, owes his position to votes from public-sector unions.


In Wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker, the hardline Republican governor.


Even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable, teachers’ unions have fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.


The European Union Framework funding programs have long had a category specifically targeted at social scientists.


With Britain voting to leave the European Union, and GDP already predicted to slow as a result, it is now a timely moment to assess what he was referring to.


The latter step would largely offset the financial burden of annually pre-funding retiree health care, thus addressing a long-standing complaint by the USPS and its union.


Now comes word that everyone involved---Democrats, Republicans, the Postal Service, the unions and the system's heaviest users --as finally agreed on a plan to fix the system.


And interest groups ranging from postal unions to greeting-card makers exert self-interested pressure on the USPS's ultimate overseer-Congress-insisting that whatever else happens to the Postal Service, aspects of the status quo they depend on get protected.


At the same time, the European Union, Spain, Britain and several other countries have all seriously contemplated digital services taxes.

2020年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, tying cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride's and groom's wrists, and passing a candle around a circle of happily married and respected couples to bless the union.

2016年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

The Europe Union is now considering legislation to compel corporate boards to maintain a certain proportion of women—up to 60 per cent.

2013年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

When Hoffa's Teamsters were in their prime in 1960, only one in ten American government workers belonged to a union; now 36% do.

2012年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

with Britain voting to leave the European Union, and GDP already predicted to slow as a result, it is now a timely moment to assess what he was referring to.

2017年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ


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