绝对可以使用cv :: Mat指针,但是(与所有指针一样)您必须格外小心地删除创建的对象,以再次释放分配的内存。

在您的示例代码中,尚不清楚是否将在任何地方删除其指针在函数中返回的对象。 如果不是这种情况,则cv :: Mat像素数据的引用计数将无法按预期方式工作,此外,cv :: Mat对象本身也会泄漏一些(较小的)内存。 如此简短:对于每个new cv::Mat必须有一个delete ,因此,如果外部函数中有一个new ,也许您必须为其调用一个delete (如果该函数不是某些智能类功能本身所做的,后来)。 更具体地讲, Mat* m = new Mat ( *MatPointerReturningFunc(..))将创建一个新的cv :: Mat对象,因为可以稍后将其删除,但该对象返回的指针丢失了。 尝试cv::Mat * returnedPtr = MatPointerReturningFunc(..); 跟cv::Mat * m = new cv::Mat(*returnedPtr); 如果您要创建一个新的Mat对象(或仅使用returnPtr而不创建新对象)。

这是一些示例代码,带有2个不同的Mat Ptr返回函数,以及一些有或没有泄漏访问它们的方法。

值得一提的是,使用指针的“最佳”方法通常是智能指针,由OpenCV明确给出。 但是更好的是不要对cv :: Mat对象使用Pointers,因为它不那么容易出错,并且没有太多开销。 引用计数非常好,您通常不使用int或std::vector或std::string类的指针作为指针;)

cv::Mat* MatPointerReturningFunc()


// this function allocates new memory by first creating a new cv::Mat object on heap (just some bytes for the Mat header)

// and second by allocating new reference counted data in that cv::Mat object (pixel memory = 640*480*3 bytes)

cv::Mat * functionMat = new cv::Mat(480, 640, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(rand()%255, rand()%255, rand()%255));

return functionMat;


cv::Mat* MatPointerReturningFunc2(cv::Mat * input)


// this function does not allocate new memory on the heap, just modifies the input data

cv::circle(*input, cv::Point(320, 240), 100, cv::Scalar(rand() % 255, rand() % 255, rand() % 255), -1);

return input;


int main(int argc, char* argv[])


while (cv::waitKey(0) != 'q')


cv::Mat * mainMat;

cv::Mat * anotherMat;

// this will not leak, because the memory which was allocated in the function, is destroyed afterwards

// and the reference counter of the openCV Mat pixel-data is decremented

if (true)


mainMat = MatPointerReturningFunc();

cv::imshow("main", *mainMat);

delete mainMat;


// this will leak because the returned Mat object will not be deleted, only the here created one - that's why the reference counting is stuck at one referenced object

if (false)


mainMat = new cv::Mat(*MatPointerReturningFunc());

delete mainMat;


// this will not leak, since all references to the Mat data are destroyed (the returned Mat and the locally created new Mat)

if (true)


mainMat = MatPointerReturningFunc();

cv::Mat * anotherMat = new cv::Mat(*mainMat);

cv::imshow("main", *mainMat);

cv::imshow("another", *anotherMat);

cv::imshow("another", *anotherMat);

delete mainMat;

delete anotherMat;


// this will not leak because all references are destroyed

if (true)


mainMat = MatPointerReturningFunc();

cv::imshow("main", *mainMat);

anotherMat = new cv::Mat(mainMat->clone());

cv::imshow("another", *anotherMat);

delete mainMat;

delete anotherMat;


// now here we work with the second function which does not allocate new memory but only modifies the input matrix

if (true)


// first we have to allocate memory, otherwise the input mat can't be modified ;)

mainMat = new cv::Mat(480, 640, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255));

cv::imshow("main", *mainMat);

// this does not leak because the second functions doesn't allocate new memory:

// however we have to delete mainMat later, because we created it before.

if (true)


anotherMat = MatPointerReturningFunc2(mainMat);

cv::imshow("another", *anotherMat);


// this does not leak because we delete the new created Mat object here and the before created mainMat later

if (true)


anotherMat = new cv::Mat(*MatPointerReturningFunc2(mainMat));

cv::imshow("another", *anotherMat);

delete anotherMat;


// this does not leak because we delete the new created Mat object here and the before created mainMat later

// in fact, this way will allocate new pixel data because of the clone(), but we will free the memory with `delete anotherMat`directly

if (true)


anotherMat = new cv::Mat(MatPointerReturningFunc2(mainMat)->clone());

cv::imshow("another", *anotherMat);

delete anotherMat;


// since we created the object and allocated memory, we have to give it free here again

delete mainMat;


// in fact, if you WANT to use Pointers with OpenCV Mat objects you should use smart pointers.

// OpenCV has its own smart pointers, but I guess you could use any other smart pointers

// create a Mat object on the heap, allocate pixel data and access all this by a smart pointer!

cv::Ptr<:mat> smartPtr = new cv::Mat(480, 640, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(rand()%255, rand()%255, rand()%255) );

cv::imshow("smart pointer", *smartPtr);

// no need to delete the created Mat on the smart pointer, because the smart pointer has its own reference counting


return 0;


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