

  • body可以是任意对象,使用方便
  • 使用数组方式实现,存储紧凑、随即访问、访问方便
  • 使用0长数组,扩展方便
  • 预分配空间,减少扩容次数,提升写入速度
  • 可以将head和body分离,扩容后,可以减少缓存实效
  • 功能强大,交、并、差集,头插、尾插、任意位置插入,头删、尾删、任意位置删除 …

二、 List结构


2.1 定义

typedef union ListCell
{void      *ptr_value;int           int_value;Oid           oid_value;
} ListCell;typedef struct List
{NodeTag        type;           /* T_List, T_IntList, or T_OidList */int            length;         /* number of elements currently present */int           max_length;     /* allocated length of elements[] */ListCell   *elements;       /* re-allocatable array of cells *//* We may allocate some cells along with the List header: */ListCell initial_elements[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];/* If elements == initial_elements, it's not a separate allocation */
} List;


2.2 结构图

三、 List API



3.1 创建list

创建一个新的list, 初始大小将进行2的幂次方对齐,这样将会产生多余的空间(即预分配空间)

static List *
new_list(NodeTag type, int min_size)
{List      *newlist;int         max_size;...max_size = pg_nextpower2_32(Max(8, min_size + LIST_HEADER_OVERHEAD));max_size -= LIST_HEADER_OVERHEAD;
...newlist = (List *) palloc(offsetof(List, initial_elements) +max_size * sizeof(ListCell));newlist->type = type;newlist->length = min_size;newlist->max_length = max_size;newlist->elements = newlist->initial_elements;return newlist;

  • head 和 body是一体的
  • length表示当前已经使用的元素个数
  • max_length表示当前已经分配的元素个数
  • 一般max_length >= length, 这样预分配有多余的空间,后续使用可以减少扩容次数
  • 获取元素个数时间复杂度O(1)
  • 因为是数组实现,所以除了尾部插入元素,其他位置都需要移动数据,建议都尾插入和尾删

3.2 扩容list

static void
enlarge_list(List *list, int min_size)
{int            new_max_len;
.../** As above, we prefer power-of-two total allocations; but here we need* not account for list header overhead.*//* clamp the minimum value to 16, a semi-arbitrary small power of 2 */new_max_len = pg_nextpower2_32(Max(16, min_size));
...if (list->elements == list->initial_elements){/** Replace original in-line allocation with a separate palloc block.* Ensure it is in the same memory context as the List header.  (The* previous List implementation did not offer any guarantees about* keeping all list cells in the same context, but it seems reasonable* to create such a guarantee now.)*/list->elements = (ListCell *)MemoryContextAlloc(GetMemoryChunkContext(list),new_max_len * sizeof(ListCell));memcpy(list->elements, list->initial_elements,list->length * sizeof(ListCell));...}else{.../* Normally, let repalloc deal with enlargement */list->elements = (ListCell *) repalloc(list->elements,new_max_len * sizeof(ListCell));
...}list->max_length = new_max_len;

当数组填满后,将进行扩容,但是扩容又和普通的List扩容不同 ,这里只扩容body, head保持不变,这样可以减少缓存失效。

  • 第一次扩容时,head 和body分离
  • 第二次扩容开始,只扩容body


原始body还指向相同的对象,不要再访问, 原代码中做了处理,这里粘贴的代码删除了。

3.3 返回已有元素的个数

/* Fetch list's length */
static inline int
list_length(const List *l)
{return l ? l->length : 0;

3.4 返回元素

1. 返回首元素

/* Fetch address of list's first cell; NULL if empty list */
static inline ListCell *
list_head(const List *l)
{return l ? &l->elements[0] : NULL;


/* Fetch address of list's last cell; NULL if empty list */
static inline ListCell *
list_tail(const List *l)
{return l ? &l->elements[l->length - 1] : NULL;


/** Return the last cell in a non-NIL List.*/
static inline ListCell *
list_last_cell(const List *list)
{Assert(list != NIL);return &list->elements[list->length - 1];

3. 返回某个位置的元素

/** Locate the n'th cell (counting from 0) of the list.* It is an assertion failure if there is no such cell.*/
static inline ListCell *
list_nth_cell(const List *list, int n)
{Assert(list != NIL);Assert(n >= 0 && n < list->length);return &list->elements[n];

4. 返回当前元素的下一个元素

/** Get the address of the next cell after "c" within list "l", or NULL if none.*/
static inline ListCell *
lnext(const List *l, const ListCell *c)
{Assert(c >= &l->elements[0] && c < &l->elements[l->length]);c++;if (c < &l->elements[l->length])return (ListCell *) c;elsereturn NULL;

3.5 返回元素值

1. 获取索引0-3及最后位置元素值

由函数list_nth_cell构成了一些列的宏函数, 获取索引0-3以及last的位置的元素的值。

#define lfirst(lc)               ((lc)->ptr_value)
#define lfirst_int(lc)          ((lc)->int_value)
#define lfirst_oid(lc)          ((lc)->oid_value)
#define lfirst_node(type,lc)    castNode(type, lfirst(lc))#define linitial(l)               lfirst(list_nth_cell(l, 0))
#define linitial_int(l)         lfirst_int(list_nth_cell(l, 0))
#define linitial_oid(l)         lfirst_oid(list_nth_cell(l, 0))
#define linitial_node(type,l)   castNode(type, linitial(l))#define lsecond(l)               lfirst(list_nth_cell(l, 1))
#define lsecond_int(l)          lfirst_int(list_nth_cell(l, 1))
#define lsecond_oid(l)          lfirst_oid(list_nth_cell(l, 1))
#define lsecond_node(type,l)    castNode(type, lsecond(l))#define lthird(l)             lfirst(list_nth_cell(l, 2))
#define lthird_int(l)           lfirst_int(list_nth_cell(l, 2))
#define lthird_oid(l)           lfirst_oid(list_nth_cell(l, 2))
#define lthird_node(type,l)     castNode(type, lthird(l))#define lfourth(l)             lfirst(list_nth_cell(l, 3))
#define lfourth_int(l)          lfirst_int(list_nth_cell(l, 3))
#define lfourth_oid(l)          lfirst_oid(list_nth_cell(l, 3))
#define lfourth_node(type,l)    castNode(type, lfourth(l))#define llast(l)              lfirst(list_last_cell(l))
#define llast_int(l)            lfirst_int(list_last_cell(l))
#define llast_oid(l)            lfirst_oid(list_last_cell(l))
#define llast_node(type,l)      castNode(type, llast(l))

并且 caseNode宏将元素值转换为对应的数据类型,用于 void* 类型的类型转换。


#define castNode(_type_, nodeptr) ((_type_ *) (nodeptr))

2. 返回某个位置元素值

/** Return the pointer value contained in the n'th element of the* specified list. (List elements begin at 0.)*/
static inline void *
list_nth(const List *list, int n)
{Assert(IsA(list, List));return lfirst(list_nth_cell(list, n));
}/** Return the integer value contained in the n'th element of the* specified list.*/
static inline int
list_nth_int(const List *list, int n)
{Assert(IsA(list, IntList));return lfirst_int(list_nth_cell(list, n));
}/** Return the OID value contained in the n'th element of the specified* list.*/
static inline Oid
list_nth_oid(const List *list, int n)
{Assert(IsA(list, OidList));return lfirst_oid(list_nth_cell(list, n));

3.6 返回当前元素在list中的索引值

/** Get the given ListCell's index (from 0) in the given List.*/
static inline int
list_cell_number(const List *l, const ListCell *c)
{Assert(c >= &l->elements[0] && c < &l->elements[l->length]);return c - l->elements;

3.7 迭代循环整个list

根据同时遍历不同个数的list, 使用不同的ForXxxState的迭代器进行记录中间状态。最大能同时遍历5个list。

/** State structs for various looping macros below.*/
typedef struct ForEachState
{const List *l;             /* list we're looping through */int            i;              /* current element index */
} ForEachState;typedef struct ForBothState
{const List *l1;                /* lists we're looping through */const List *l2;int            i;              /* common element index */
} ForBothState;typedef struct ForBothCellState
{const List *l1;                /* lists we're looping through */const List *l2;int            i1;             /* current element indexes */int            i2;
} ForBothCellState;typedef struct ForThreeState
{const List *l1;                /* lists we're looping through */const List *l2;const List *l3;int         i;              /* common element index */
} ForThreeState;typedef struct ForFourState
{const List *l1;                /* lists we're looping through */const List *l2;const List *l3;const List *l4;int          i;              /* common element index */
} ForFourState;typedef struct ForFiveState
{const List *l1;                /* lists we're looping through */const List *l2;const List *l3;const List *l4;const List *l5;int           i;              /* common element index */
} ForFiveState;


#define foreach(cell, lst)   \for (ForEachState cell##__state = {(lst), 0}; \(cell##__state.l != NIL && \cell##__state.i < cell##__state.l->length) ? \(cell = &cell##__state.l->elements[cell##__state.i], true) : \(cell = NULL, false); \cell##__state.i++)

只能使用 foreach_delete_current 在遍历过程中删除当前元素

#define foreach_delete_current(lst, cell)    \(cell##__state.i--, \(List *) (cell##__state.l = list_delete_cell(lst, cell)))

还可以指定从某个位置开始遍历, 使用for_each_from宏。

#define for_each_from(cell, lst, N)  \for (ForEachState cell##__state = for_each_from_setup(lst, N); \(cell##__state.l != NIL && \cell##__state.i < cell##__state.l->length) ? \(cell = &cell##__state.l->elements[cell##__state.i], true) : \(cell = NULL, false); \cell##__state.i++)static inline ForEachState
for_each_from_setup(const List *lst, int N)
{ForEachState r = {lst, N};Assert(N >= 0);return r;

3.8 插入

1. 尾插元素

/** Make room for a new tail cell in the given (non-NIL) list.** The data in the new tail cell is undefined; the caller should be* sure to fill it in*/
static void
new_tail_cell(List *list)
{/* Enlarge array if necessary */if (list->length >= list->max_length)enlarge_list(list, list->length + 1);list->length++;
/** Append a pointer to the list. A pointer to the modified list is* returned. Note that this function may or may not destructively* modify the list; callers should always use this function's return* value, rather than continuing to use the pointer passed as the* first argument.*/
List *
lappend(List *list, void *datum)
{Assert(IsPointerList(list));if (list == NIL)list = new_list(T_List, 1);elsenew_tail_cell(list);llast(list) = datum;check_list_invariants(list);return list;
}/** Append an integer to the specified list. See lappend()*/
List *
lappend_int(List *list, int datum)
{Assert(IsIntegerList(list));if (list == NIL)list = new_list(T_IntList, 1);elsenew_tail_cell(list);llast_int(list) = datum;check_list_invariants(list);return list;
}/** Append an OID to the specified list. See lappend()*/
List *
lappend_oid(List *list, Oid datum)
{Assert(IsOidList(list));if (list == NIL)list = new_list(T_OidList, 1);elsenew_tail_cell(list);llast_oid(list) = datum;check_list_invariants(list);return list;

2. 唯一性尾插

当插入的值已经存在,则直接返回,不进行操作, 否则插入新元素。

/** Append datum to list, but only if it isn't already in the list.** Whether an element is already a member of the list is determined* via equal().*/
List *
list_append_unique(List *list, void *datum)
{if (list_member(list, datum))return list;elsereturn lappend(list, datum);
}/** This variant of list_append_unique() determines list membership via* simple pointer equality.*/
List *
list_append_unique_ptr(List *list, void *datum)
{if (list_member_ptr(list, datum))return list;elsereturn lappend(list, datum);
}/** This variant of list_append_unique() operates upon lists of integers.*/
List *
list_append_unique_int(List *list, int datum)
{if (list_member_int(list, datum))return list;elsereturn lappend_int(list, datum);
}/** This variant of list_append_unique() operates upon lists of OIDs.*/
List *
list_append_unique_oid(List *list, Oid datum)
{if (list_member_oid(list, datum))return list;elsereturn lappend_oid(list, datum);

3. 头插元素

/** Make room for a new head cell in the given (non-NIL) list.** The data in the new head cell is undefined; the caller should be* sure to fill it in*/
static void
new_head_cell(List *list)
{/* Enlarge array if necessary */if (list->length >= list->max_length)enlarge_list(list, list->length + 1);/* Now shove the existing data over */memmove(&list->elements[1], &list->elements[0],list->length * sizeof(ListCell));list->length++;
List *
lcons(void *datum, List *list)
{Assert(IsPointerList(list));if (list == NIL)list = new_list(T_List, 1);elsenew_head_cell(list);linitial(list) = datum;check_list_invariants(list);return list;
}/** Prepend an integer to the list. See lcons()*/
List *
lcons_int(int datum, List *list)
{Assert(IsIntegerList(list));if (list == NIL)list = new_list(T_IntList, 1);elsenew_head_cell(list);linitial_int(list) = datum;check_list_invariants(list);return list;
}/** Prepend an OID to the list. See lcons()*/
List *
lcons_oid(Oid datum, List *list)
{Assert(IsOidList(list));if (list == NIL)list = new_list(T_OidList, 1);elsenew_head_cell(list);linitial_oid(list) = datum;check_list_invariants(list);return list;

3.9 删除

1. 删除某个位置的元素

/** Delete the n'th cell (counting from 0) in list.** The List is pfree'd if this was the last member.*/
List *
list_delete_nth_cell(List *list, int n)
{...Assert(n >= 0 && n < list->length);/** If we're about to delete the last node from the list, free the whole* list instead and return NIL, which is the only valid representation of* a zero-length list.*/if (list->length == 1){list_free(list);return NIL;}
...memmove(&list->elements[n], &list->elements[n + 1],(list->length - 1 - n) * sizeof(ListCell));list->length--;
...return list;

2. 删除某个元素


/** Delete 'cell' from 'list'.** The List is pfree'd if this was the last member.  However, we do not* touch any data the cell might've been pointing to.*/
List *
list_delete_cell(List *list, ListCell *cell)
{return list_delete_nth_cell(list, cell - list->elements);

3. 删除某个值

/** Delete the first cell in list that matches datum, if any.* Equality is determined via equal().*/
List *
list_delete(List *list, void *datum)
{ListCell   *cell;
...foreach(cell, list){if (equal(lfirst(cell), datum))return list_delete_cell(list, cell);}/* Didn't find a match: return the list unmodified */return list;
}/* As above, but use simple pointer equality */
List *
list_delete_ptr(List *list, void *datum)
{ListCell   *cell;
...foreach(cell, list){if (lfirst(cell) == datum)return list_delete_cell(list, cell);}/* Didn't find a match: return the list unmodified */return list;
}/* As above, but for integers */
List *
list_delete_int(List *list, int datum)
{ListCell   *cell;...foreach(cell, list){if (lfirst_int(cell) == datum)return list_delete_cell(list, cell);}/* Didn't find a match: return the list unmodified */return list;
}/* As above, but for OIDs */
List *
list_delete_oid(List *list, Oid datum)
{ListCell   *cell;...foreach(cell, list){if (lfirst_oid(cell) == datum)return list_delete_cell(list, cell);}/* Didn't find a match: return the list unmodified */return list;

4. 删除第一个元素

/** Delete the first element of the list.** This is useful to replace the Lisp-y code "list = lnext(list);" in cases* where the intent is to alter the list rather than just traverse it.* Beware that the list is modified, whereas the Lisp-y coding leaves* the original list head intact in case there's another pointer to it.*/
List *
list_delete_first(List *list)
{check_list_invariants(list);if (list == NIL)return NIL;              /* would an error be better? */return list_delete_nth_cell(list, 0);

5. 删除最后一个元素


/** Delete the last element of the list.** This is the opposite of list_delete_first(), but is noticeably cheaper* with a long list, since no data need be moved.*/
List *
list_delete_last(List *list)
{check_list_invariants(list);if (list == NIL)return NIL;              /* would an error be better? *//* list_truncate won't free list if it goes to empty, but this should */if (list_length(list) <= 1){list_free(list);return NIL;}return list_truncate(list, list_length(list) - 1);

6. 删除开头N个元素

/** Delete the first N cells of the list.** The List is pfree'd if the request causes all cells to be deleted.*/
List *
list_delete_first_n(List *list, int n)
{check_list_invariants(list);/* No-op request? */if (n <= 0)return list;/* Delete whole list? */if (n >= list_length(list)){list_free(list);return NIL;}...memmove(&list->elements[0], &list->elements[n],(list->length - n) * sizeof(ListCell));list->length -= n;
...return list;


3.10 拼接两个list

/** Concatenate list2 to the end of list1, and return list1.** This is equivalent to lappend'ing each element of list2, in order, to list1.* list1 is destructively changed, list2 is not.  (However, in the case of* pointer lists, list1 and list2 will point to the same structures.)** Callers should be sure to use the return value as the new pointer to the* concatenated list: the 'list1' input pointer may or may not be the same* as the returned pointer.*/
List *
list_concat(List *list1, const List *list2)
{int            new_len;if (list1 == NIL)return list_copy(list2);if (list2 == NIL)return list1;Assert(list1->type == list2->type);new_len = list1->length + list2->length;/* Enlarge array if necessary */if (new_len > list1->max_length)enlarge_list(list1, new_len);/* Even if list1 == list2, using memcpy should be safe here */memcpy(&list1->elements[list1->length], &list2->elements[0],list2->length * sizeof(ListCell));list1->length = new_len;check_list_invariants(list1);return list1;
/** Form a new list by concatenating the elements of list1 and list2.** Neither input list is modified.  (However, if they are pointer lists,* the output list will point to the same structures.)** This is equivalent to, but more efficient than,* list_concat(list_copy(list1), list2).* Note that some pre-v13 code might list_copy list2 as well, but that's* pointless now.*/
List *
list_concat_copy(const List *list1, const List *list2)
{List      *result;int          new_len;if (list1 == NIL)return list_copy(list2);if (list2 == NIL)return list_copy(list1);Assert(list1->type == list2->type);new_len = list1->length + list2->length;result = new_list(list1->type, new_len);memcpy(result->elements, list1->elements,list1->length * sizeof(ListCell));memcpy(result->elements + list1->length, list2->elements,list2->length * sizeof(ListCell));check_list_invariants(result);return result;

3.11 截断list到指定长度


/** Truncate 'list' to contain no more than 'new_size' elements. This* modifies the list in-place! Despite this, callers should use the* pointer returned by this function to refer to the newly truncated* list -- it may or may not be the same as the pointer that was* passed.** Note that any cells removed by list_truncate() are NOT pfree'd.*/
List *
list_truncate(List *list, int new_size)
{if (new_size <= 0)return NIL;              /* truncate to zero length *//* If asked to effectively extend the list, do nothing */if (new_size < list_length(list))list->length = new_size;...return list;

3.12 判断当前值是否是list成员

/** Return true iff 'datum' is a member of the list. Equality is* determined via equal(), so callers should ensure that they pass a* Node as 'datum'.*/
list_member(const List *list, const void *datum)
{const ListCell *cell;...foreach(cell, list){if (equal(lfirst(cell), datum))return true;}return false;
}/** Return true iff 'datum' is a member of the list. Equality is* determined by using simple pointer comparison.*/
list_member_ptr(const List *list, const void *datum)
{const ListCell *cell;...foreach(cell, list){if (lfirst(cell) == datum)return true;}return false;
}/** Return true iff the integer 'datum' is a member of the list.*/
list_member_int(const List *list, int datum)
{const ListCell *cell;...foreach(cell, list){if (lfirst_int(cell) == datum)return true;}return false;
}/** Return true iff the OID 'datum' is a member of the list.*/
list_member_oid(const List *list, Oid datum)
{const ListCell *cell;...foreach(cell, list){if (lfirst_oid(cell) == datum)return true;}return false;

3.13 并集

List *
list_union(const List *list1, const List *list2)
{List      *result;const ListCell *cell;Assert(IsPointerList(list1));Assert(IsPointerList(list2));result = list_copy(list1);foreach(cell, list2){if (!list_member(result, lfirst(cell)))result = lappend(result, lfirst(cell));}check_list_invariants(result);return result;
}/** This variant of list_union() determines duplicates via simple* pointer comparison.*/
List *
list_union_ptr(const List *list1, const List *list2)
{List      *result;const ListCell *cell;Assert(IsPointerList(list1));Assert(IsPointerList(list2));result = list_copy(list1);foreach(cell, list2){if (!list_member_ptr(result, lfirst(cell)))result = lappend(result, lfirst(cell));}check_list_invariants(result);return result;
}/** This variant of list_union() operates upon lists of integers.*/
List *
list_union_int(const List *list1, const List *list2)
{List      *result;const ListCell *cell;Assert(IsIntegerList(list1));Assert(IsIntegerList(list2));result = list_copy(list1);foreach(cell, list2){if (!list_member_int(result, lfirst_int(cell)))result = lappend_int(result, lfirst_int(cell));}check_list_invariants(result);return result;
}/** This variant of list_union() operates upon lists of OIDs.*/
List *
list_union_oid(const List *list1, const List *list2)
{List      *result;const ListCell *cell;Assert(IsOidList(list1));Assert(IsOidList(list2));result = list_copy(list1);foreach(cell, list2){if (!list_member_oid(result, lfirst_oid(cell)))result = lappend_oid(result, lfirst_oid(cell));}check_list_invariants(result);return result;

3.14 交集

List *
list_intersection(const List *list1, const List *list2)
{List      *result;const ListCell *cell;if (list1 == NIL || list2 == NIL)return NIL;Assert(IsPointerList(list1));Assert(IsPointerList(list2));result = NIL;foreach(cell, list1){if (list_member(list2, lfirst(cell)))result = lappend(result, lfirst(cell));}check_list_invariants(result);return result;
}/** As list_intersection but operates on lists of integers.*/
List *
list_intersection_int(const List *list1, const List *list2)
{List      *result;const ListCell *cell;if (list1 == NIL || list2 == NIL)return NIL;Assert(IsIntegerList(list1));Assert(IsIntegerList(list2));result = NIL;foreach(cell, list1){if (list_member_int(list2, lfirst_int(cell)))result = lappend_int(result, lfirst_int(cell));}check_list_invariants(result);return result;

3.15 差集

List *
list_difference(const List *list1, const List *list2)
{const ListCell *cell;List     *result = NIL;Assert(IsPointerList(list1));Assert(IsPointerList(list2));if (list2 == NIL)return list_copy(list1);foreach(cell, list1){if (!list_member(list2, lfirst(cell)))result = lappend(result, lfirst(cell));}check_list_invariants(result);return result;
}/** This variant of list_difference() determines list membership via* simple pointer equality.*/
List *
list_difference_ptr(const List *list1, const List *list2)
{const ListCell *cell;List     *result = NIL;Assert(IsPointerList(list1));Assert(IsPointerList(list2));if (list2 == NIL)return list_copy(list1);foreach(cell, list1){if (!list_member_ptr(list2, lfirst(cell)))result = lappend(result, lfirst(cell));}check_list_invariants(result);return result;
}/** This variant of list_difference() operates upon lists of integers.*/
List *
list_difference_int(const List *list1, const List *list2)
{const ListCell *cell;List     *result = NIL;Assert(IsIntegerList(list1));Assert(IsIntegerList(list2));if (list2 == NIL)return list_copy(list1);foreach(cell, list1){if (!list_member_int(list2, lfirst_int(cell)))result = lappend_int(result, lfirst_int(cell));}check_list_invariants(result);return result;
}/** This variant of list_difference() operates upon lists of OIDs.*/
List *
list_difference_oid(const List *list1, const List *list2)
{const ListCell *cell;List     *result = NIL;Assert(IsOidList(list1));Assert(IsOidList(list2));if (list2 == NIL)return list_copy(list1);foreach(cell, list1){if (!list_member_oid(list2, lfirst_oid(cell)))result = lappend_oid(result, lfirst_oid(cell));}check_list_invariants(result);return result;

3.16 拷贝list

1. 拷贝

也是一个浅拷贝,对于ptr_value类型的值,只是拷贝了指针值,新旧list都指向相同的对象, 修改会互相影响。

/** Return a shallow copy of the specified list.*/
List *
list_copy(const List *oldlist)
{List      *newlist;if (oldlist == NIL)return NIL;newlist = new_list(oldlist->type, oldlist->length);memcpy(newlist->elements, oldlist->elements,newlist->length * sizeof(ListCell));check_list_invariants(newlist);return newlist;

2. 跳过开头N个元素再拷贝

/** Return a shallow copy of the specified list, without the first N elements.*/
List *
list_copy_tail(const List *oldlist, int nskip)
{List      *newlist;if (nskip < 0)nskip = 0;                /* would it be better to elog? */if (oldlist == NIL || nskip >= oldlist->length)return NIL;newlist = new_list(oldlist->type, oldlist->length - nskip);memcpy(newlist->elements, &oldlist->elements[nskip],newlist->length * sizeof(ListCell));check_list_invariants(newlist);return newlist;

3. 深度拷贝


List *
list_copy_deep(const List *oldlist)
{List      *newlist;if (oldlist == NIL)return NIL;/* This is only sensible for pointer Lists */Assert(IsA(oldlist, List));newlist = new_list(oldlist->type, oldlist->length);for (int i = 0; i < newlist->length; i++)lfirst(&newlist->elements[i]) =copyObjectImpl(lfirst(&oldlist->elements[i]));check_list_invariants(newlist);return newlist;

3.17 list 排序


list_sort(List *list, list_sort_comparator cmp)
{typedef int (*qsort_comparator) (const void *a, const void *b);int         len;check_list_invariants(list);/* Nothing to do if there's less than two elements */len = list_length(list);if (len > 1)qsort(list->elements, len, sizeof(ListCell), (qsort_comparator) cmp);

/** list_sort comparator for sorting a list into ascending int order.*/
list_int_cmp(const ListCell *p1, const ListCell *p2)
{int            v1 = lfirst_int(p1);int            v2 = lfirst_int(p2);if (v1 < v2)return -1;if (v1 > v2)return 1;return 0;
}/** list_sort comparator for sorting a list into ascending OID order.*/
list_oid_cmp(const ListCell *p1, const ListCell *p2)
{Oid            v1 = lfirst_oid(p1);Oid            v2 = lfirst_oid(p2);if (v1 < v2)return -1;if (v1 > v2)return 1;return 0;

3.18 释放

/** Free all storage in a list, and optionally the pointed-to elements*/
static void
list_free_private(List *list, bool deep)
{if (list == NIL)return;                  /* nothing to do */check_list_invariants(list);if (deep){for (int i = 0; i < list->length; i++)pfree(lfirst(&list->elements[i]));}if (list->elements != list->initial_elements)pfree(list->elements);pfree(list);
}/** Free all the cells of the list, as well as the list itself. Any* objects that are pointed-to by the cells of the list are NOT* free'd.** On return, the argument to this function has been freed, so the* caller would be wise to set it to NIL for safety's sake.*/
list_free(List *list)
{list_free_private(list, false);
list_free_deep(List *list)
{/** A "deep" free operation only makes sense on a list of pointers.*/Assert(IsPointerList(list));list_free_private(list, true);


  • 功能非常丰富
  • 使用数组实现,支持随即访问,存储紧凑,但是扩容会有数据的拷贝
  • 有预分配空间,减少了扩容次数,提升速度
  • head+body形式,但是扩容只对body扩容,减少head的cache失效率
  • 对于存储的ptr_value类型的list,大部分的api都是浅拷贝,使用需注意
  • 可以通过函数签名判断,其中包含const的则不会对list进行操作,否则都使用返回值作为list的新值继续使用
  • 迭代过程中只能使用特定的宏函数进行删除元素
  • 简短、精干的宏+内联函数,提升执行速度


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