bios 闪存颗粒

I tried to flash my HP Compaq CQ35-240TX’s BIOS to F.15 but unfortunately failed. The computer turned to white screen. When I restarted (powered off then boot again), this is no response any more: the hard disk and caps lock’s LED keep blinding. I thought “Oh my God! I must send it to HP to repair it!”.

我试图将HP Compaq CQ35-240TX的BIOS刷新到F.15,但不幸的是失败了。 电脑变成白屏。 当我重新启动(关闭电源,然后再次启动)时,这不再是任何响应:硬盘和大写锁定的LED一直不亮。 我想:“天哪! 我必须将其发送给HP进行维修!”。

But after searching on the Internet and find there is a “crisis recovery” mechanism to recovery the BIOS even the CMOS don’t work. I finally managed to recovery the BIOS with a help of USB flash disk. I will introduce the procedure to crisis recovery my HP Compaq laptop. You need to prepare a USB flash disk and another computer that is connected to the Internet (we need to download the BIOS image from HP).

但是在Internet上搜索并找到一种“危机恢复”机制后,即使CMOS无法正常工作,也可以恢复BIOS。 我终于设法借助USB闪存盘恢复了BIOS。 我将介绍对HP Compaq笔记本电脑进行危机恢复的过程。 您需要准备一个USB闪存盘和另一台连接到Internet的计算机(我们需要从HP下载BIOS 映像 )。

The steps to recovery the BIOS are as follows.


1. Format the USB flash disk’s filesystem to FAT16 on another computer.

1 。 在另一台计算机上将USB闪存盘的文件系统格式化为FAT16。

2. Get the BIOS image from HP’s website (I use F15 version).

2 。 从HP网站获取BIOS映像(我使用F15版本)。

Download the BIOS update file from HP’s website (an exe file). Execute the BIOS update file on another computer. It will decompress the files. Select a directory to store the files and you can close the program. In the directory selected, we can get WinFlash.exe. Unzip WinFlash.exe using a program like WinRAR. We can find two .FD files. For my computer and the BIOS version I use, the two files are 306DF15.FD and 306EF15.FD. There are two model for Compaq CQ35 computers, so there are two .FD files. You may try one by one to see which model your computer use. Actually this model can be found in “BIOS Setup” (we can’t start it as the CMOS is bad)

从HP网站下载BIOS更新文件(一个exe文件)。 在另一台计算机上执行BIOS更新文件。 它将解压缩文件 。 选择一个目录来存储文件,然后您可以关闭该程序。 在所选目录中,我们可以获取WinFlash.exe。 使用WinRAR之类的程序解压缩WinFlash.exe。 我们可以找到两个.FD文件。 对于我的计算机和我使用的BIOS版本,这两个文件是306DF15.FD和306EF15.FD。 Compaq CQ35计算机有两种型号,因此有两个.FD文件。 您可以一一尝试看看您的计算机使用哪种型号。 实际上,可以在“ BIOS设置”中找到该模型(由于CMOS损坏,我们无法启动它)

3. Copy the file 306DF15.FD to USB disk’s root directory and rename it to 306D.bin. (the file may be different depending on the model)

3 。 将文件306DF15.FD复制到USB磁盘的根目录,并将其重命名为306D.bin。 (文件因型号而异)

4. Remove the AC power and battery from the lapttop.

4 。 从膝上型计算机上卸下交流电源和电池。

5. Plug in the USB flash disk to the laptop.

5 。 将USB闪存盘插入笔记本电脑。

6. Hold two keys: WinKey + B.

6 。 按住两个键:WinKey +B。

7. Plug in the AC power.

7 。 插入交流电源。

8. Hold the Power Button for 5 seconds, then release.

8 。 按住电源按钮5秒钟,然后松开。

9. Push the Power button as normal to power on the computer.

9 。 照常按电源按钮以打开计算机电源。

10. After the laptop starts short beeping, release WinKey+B.

10 。 笔记本电脑开始发出短促的哔哔声后,释放WinKey + B。

11. The laptop will keep short beeping for about one minute, it will power off itself after recovering the BIOS. If the laptop keeps long beeping or beeping for more than 3 minutes, the recovery fails, possibly because of the wrong image file or the USB flash disk doesn’t work on the laptop. In this case, you may try another image file or another USB flash disk.

11 。 笔记本电脑将持续发出约一分钟的哔哔声,恢复BIOS后将自行关闭电源。 如果笔记本电脑长时间发出哔哔声或哔哔声超过3分钟,则恢复失败,可能是由于图像文件错误或USB闪存盘无法在笔记本电脑上工作。 在这种情况下,您可以尝试另一个图像文件或另一个USB闪存盘。

Normally power on the laptop after recovering the BIOS and you will see the Compaq logo appearing again.


Disclaimer: I just tested the method in the post with my laptop and am not sure whether it works with one specific model (although it seems work for some others according to the comments). The method in the post is just one example solution. If your data is critical, contact a professional, such as the customer service from HP, to repair it for you.

免责声明 :我刚刚在我的笔记本电脑上测试了该方法,但不确定该方法是否适用于一种特定型号(尽管根据评论,它似乎对某些其他型号也适用)。 帖子中的方法只是一种示例解决方案。 如果您的数据很重要,请与专业人员联系,例如HP的客户服务,以为您修复数据。

Update 1:


Vadim‘s experience with HP Pavilion dv6740er may help if you have a similar model:

如果您使用类似的型号,则Vadim的HP Pavilion dv6740er经验可能会有所帮助:

HP Pavilion dv6740er

惠普Pavilion dv6740er

After bios update my notebook failed to start – black screen+blue lights.


the BIOS recovery:


  1. download bios file from HP site


  2. extract (unzip) 30CFF27B.wph file from sp38261.exe [1/1, 3.09M]

    从sp38261.exe [1/1,3.09M]中提取(解压缩)30CFF27B.wph文件

  3. rename 30CFF27B.wph to bios.wph


  4. insert USB flash to another computer


  5. use WINCRIS.EXE to create a bootable USB disk.


  6. copy bios.wph, MINIDOS.SYS, PHLASH16.EXE to usb disk


  7. remove batery pack from HP Pavilion, unplag power

    从HP Pavilion卸下电池组,拔出电源

  8. insert USB flash to @dead@ computer

    将USB闪存插入@ dead @计算机

  9. hold Win+b, plug power, push power button

    按住Win + b,插入电源,按电源按钮

  10. release Win+b after usb start blinking.

    USB开始闪烁后释放Win + b。

  11. Wait 2 minutes till HP Pavilion shut itself down.

    等待2分钟,直到HP Pavilion自行关闭。


bios 闪存颗粒

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