

在神经网络中,我们通常会使用深度可分离卷积结构(depthwise separable convolution)。





这个例子就是深度可分离卷积的具体操作,其中上面的深度乘数(depth multiplier)设为1,这也是目前这类网络层的通用参数。


下面的代码是mobilenet的一个参数列表,计算的普通卷积与深度分离卷积的计算复杂程度比较 : 代码链接

# Tensorflow mandates these.
from collections import namedtuple
import functoolsimport tensorflow as tfslim = tf.contrib.slim# Conv and DepthSepConv namedtuple define layers of the MobileNet architecture
# Conv defines 3x3 convolution layers
# DepthSepConv defines 3x3 depthwise convolution followed by 1x1 convolution.
# stride is the stride of the convolution
# depth is the number of channels or filters in a layer
Conv = namedtuple('Conv', ['kernel', 'stride', 'depth'])
DepthSepConv = namedtuple('DepthSepConv', ['kernel', 'stride', 'depth'])# _CONV_DEFS specifies the MobileNet body
_CONV_DEFS = [Conv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=2, depth=32),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=64),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=2, depth=128),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=128),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=2, depth=256),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=256),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=2, depth=512),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=512),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=512),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=512),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=512),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=512),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=2, depth=1024),DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=1024)
]input_size = 160
inputdepth = 3
conv_defs = _CONV_DEFS
sumcost = 0
for i, conv_def in enumerate(conv_defs):stride = conv_def.stridekernel = conv_def.kerneloutdepth = conv_def.depthoutput_size = round((input_size - int(kernel[0] / 2) * 2) / stride)if isinstance(conv_def, Conv):sumcost += output_size * output_size * kernel[0] * kernel[0] * inputdepth * outdepthif isinstance(conv_def, DepthSepConv):sumcost += output_size * output_size * kernel[0] * kernel[0] * inputdepth * outdepthinputdepth = outdepthinput_size = output_size
print("src conv:    ", sumcost)input_size = 160
inputdepth = 3
conv_defs = _CONV_DEFS
sumcost1 = 0
for i, conv_def in enumerate(conv_defs):stride = conv_def.stridekernel = conv_def.kerneloutdepth = conv_def.depthoutput_size = round((input_size - int(kernel[0] / 2) * 2) / stride)if isinstance(conv_def, Conv):sumcost1 += output_size * output_size * kernel[0] * kernel[0] * inputdepth * outdepthif isinstance(conv_def, DepthSepConv):#sumcost += output_size * output_size * kernel[0] * kernel[0] * inputdepth * outdepthsumcost1 += output_size * output_size *(inputdepth * kernel[0] * kernel[0]  + inputdepth * outdepth * 1 * 1)inputdepth = outdepthinput_size = output_size
print("DepthSepConv:", sumcost1)
print("compare:", sumcost1 / sumcost)
src conv:       1045417824
DepthSepConv:   126373376
compare: 0.12088312739538674

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