新增操作 失败后重试

在我从事的每个项目中,始终需要某些功能:重试操作。 通常,这是关于通过网络的呼叫,该呼叫可能一次失败,但随后会成功。 它可能涉及许多其他内容,主要包括与另一个系统的通信(无论是否通过网络)。 它的功能,你绝对需要在大多数应用中,特别是如果你想他们是高可用性( 如这里指出的 ,例如)。

每次我必须在项目中引入此功能时,我都会检查我们已导入的标准库,没有这样的东西。 因此,我总是最终将我以前的项目中的同一段代码复制粘贴。 我什至不记得我是什么时候第一次介绍它的,但是从那以后我就在“旅行”。 所以这里是:

/*** Class that provides retrying functionality. Example:* <p></p>* <code>* Callable<String> callable = new Callable<String>() {..};* String result = RetryableOperation.create(callable).retry(5, IOException.class);* </code>** @param <T> the return type of the operation*/
public class RetryableOperation<T> {private Callable<T> callable;private Runnable runnable;private boolean exponentialBackoff;private int backoffInterval = 500;/*** Create a retryable operation based on a Callable instance. The return* type of retry(..) is the type parameter of the Callable instance.** @param callable* @return*      a new instance of RetryableOperation*/public static <T> RetryableOperation<T> create(Callable<T> callable) {return new RetryableOperation<T>().withCallable(callable);}/*** Creates a retryable operation based on a Runnable instance. In this case* the retry(..) method always returns null.** @param runnable* @return*      a new instance of RetryableOperation*/public static RetryableOperation<?> create(Runnable runnable) {return new RetryableOperation<Object>().withRunnable(runnable);}/*** Retries the operation. Retrying happens regardless of the exception thrown.** @param retries*      number of retries before the exception is thrown to the caller* @param exceptions*      the operation will be retried only if the exception that occurs is one of the*      exceptions passed in this array* @return*      the result of the operation (null if Runnable is used instead of Callable)* @throws Exception*      the exception that occurred on the last attempt*/public T retry(int retries, Class<? extends Exception>... exceptions) throws Exception {if (callable == null && runnable == null) {throw new IllegalStateException("Either runnable or callable must be set");}Set<Class<? extends Exception>> retryFor = new HashSet<Class<? extends Exception>>();retryFor.addAll(Arrays.asList(exceptions));for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++) {try {if (exponentialBackoff && i > 0) {int sleepTime = (int) ((Math.pow(2, i) - 1) / 2) * backoffInterval;Thread.sleep(sleepTime);}if (callable != null) {return callable.call();} else if (runnable != null) {runnable.run();return null;}} catch (Exception e) {if (retryFor.isEmpty() || retryFor.contains(e.getClass())) {if (i == retries - 1) {throw e;}} else {// if the exception is not the expected one, throw it immediatelythrow e;}}}// can't be reached - in case of failure on the last iteration the exception is rethrownreturn null;}private RetryableOperation<T> withCallable(Callable<T> callable) {this.callable = callable;return this;}private RetryableOperation<T> withRunnable(Runnable runnable) {this.runnable = runnable;return this;}public RetryableOperation<T> withExponentialBackoff() {this.exponentialBackoff = true;return this;}

这很简单,但是效果很好。 您可以重试每个失败,也可以重试特定的异常(您不想重试NullPointerException,但是必须配置适当的超时,然后重试网络故障):

Result result = op.retry(3);...Result result = op.retry(3, IOException.class);

我什至曾建议番石榴将其包含在内,然后再看其他类似的提案,但据我所知,番石榴或apache commons中都没有这种功能。 而且我不会创建一个新的github项目,因为那将需要在maven Central中管理一个条目,而对于单个实用程序类来说,这是一项很大的工作。

当然,还有其他解决方法,它们具有更大的API和占用空间- 重试番石榴扩展和最近提取为单独的项目spring-retry 。 它们值得检查,并且具有要导入的Maven依赖项。

无论选择什么选项,请检查它是否支持匿名功能(自Java 8起)。 它可能会自动执行,但仍会检查。


翻译自: https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2015/10/retryable-operations.html

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