
阅读本文时,您可以继续阅读Code Radio。 (You can go ahead and start listening to Code Radio while you read this)

Most developers I know listen to music while they code. When the meetings are over, the headphones come out.

我认识的大多数开发人员在编写代码时都会听音乐。 会议结束后,耳机就会出来。

And devs aren’t alone. According to a study Spotify conducted in 2014, 61% of people listen to music while they work — mostly to stay focused, and to drown out surrounding noise.

开发人员并不孤单。 根据Spotify在2014年进行的一项研究,有61%的人在工作时听音乐-主要是保持专注并掩盖周围的噪音。

So in 2018, created a music live stream on our YouTube channel called Code Radio.

因此,在2018年,freeCodeCamp.org在我们的YouTube频道Code Code上创建了音乐直播。

And now we've gone a step further: we've moved Code Radio off of YouTube and onto our own fast, data-efficient internet radio station.

现在,我们又前进了一步:将Code Radio从YouTube移到了我们自己的快速,数据高效的互联网广播电台。

选择曲调 (Choosing the tunes)

We made a couple critical decisions early on:


  1. There would be no advertisements. This wasn’t a hard decision, since we don’t have ads anywhere on or our YouTube channel, anyway.没有广告。 这并不是一个艰难的决定,因为无论如何,无论如何在freeCodeCamp.org或我们的YouTube频道上都没有广告。
  2. The genre would be instrumental downtempo music, which is relaxing and non-distracting. My grad school classmates and I had listened to thousands of hours of this type of music while studying and hadn’t gotten bored of it yet. So it seemed like a safe bet for a coding live stream as well.这种类型的音乐将是器乐性的节奏节奏音乐,既轻松又令人分神。 我和我的研究生班的同学在学习的时候听了数千小时的这类音乐,但还没有厌倦。 因此,对于实时编码流似乎也是一个安全的选择。

Fortunately, I knew a prolific musician in the freeCodeCamp community.


Lawrence Yeo — also known as Trebles and Blues — is a DJ and music producer in Los Angeles. His work encompasses many genres: American soul, jazz, Brazilian funk, and even Korean folk music. The common root that connects all these influences together is hip hop — blending percussive elements and sampling techniques to create a wide variety of instrumental works.

劳伦斯·杨 ( Lawrence Yeo) -也被称为高音和布鲁斯-是洛杉矶的DJ和音乐制作人。 他的作品涵盖多种类型:美国灵魂乐,爵士乐,巴西放克音乐,甚至韩国民间音乐。 将所有这些影响因素联系在一起的共同根源是嘻哈音乐-融合了打击乐元素和采样技术,创作了各种各样的器乐作品。

In addition to his work as a musician, Lawrence enjoys programming. Among other things, he built his own website for his music.

除了作为音乐家的工作之外,Lawrence还喜欢编程。 除其他外,他为自己的音乐建立了自己的网站 。

Lawrence hand-curated Code Radio's more than 1,250 songs.

劳伦斯亲自策划了Code Radio的1,250首歌曲。

使Code Radio快速便捷 (Making Code Radio fast and accessible)

Now you can listen to Code Radio on your phone. It is now extremely data-efficient. The website itself loads fast, and the music starts playing almost immediately.

现在您可以在手机上收听Code Radio。 现在,它具有极高的数据效率。 网站本身加载速度很快,音乐几乎立即开始播放。

If you open Code Radio on your phone, you can switch between apps and the music will keep playing. You can even lock your phone and continue listening, and have the ability to stop and start the music from your headphones or lock screen.

如果您在手机上打开Code Radio,则可以在应用程序之间切换,音乐将继续播放。 您甚至可以锁定手机并继续收听,还可以通过耳机或锁定屏幕停止和开始音乐。

And if your phone has limited data, you can kick the bitrate down to 64kbps to cut Code Radio's data usage in half.

如果手机的数据有限,则可以将比特率降低到64kbps,以将Code Radio的数据使用量减少一半。

同样,这是指向Code Radio的链接 (Again, here's a link to Code Radio)

Be sure to bookmark Code Radio and come back. We'll continue to expand and refine the playlist, and add additional features. You can tweet about Code Radio using the #CodeRadio hashtag.

确保将Code Radio标记为书签并返回。 我们将继续扩展和完善播放列表,并添加其他功能。 您可以使用#CodeRadio主题标签发布有关Code Radio的信息。

Enjoy the tunes, and happy coding!





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