
Several years ago, Google added a fun little Easter egg to Chrome: if your internet went down and you tried to visit a web page, you'd see the message "Unable to connect to the Internet"  or "No internet" with a little pixilated dinosaur next to it.


Many people probably just thought the dinosaur was a cute little icon to keep them company while their connection was down. But then someone pressed the space bar. And the dino started running.

许多人可能只是认为恐龙是一个可爱的小图标,可以在他们的连接中断时让他们陪伴。 但是后来有人按下空格键。 恐龙开始运行。

This little Easter egg has become a beloved game. But what if you just want to play it (careful, it's addictive) when you're online and need a break? In this article, you'll learn how to play the game when you're both off and online.

这个小小的复活节彩蛋已成为人们喜爱的游戏。 但是,如果您只是想在上网并且需要休息时玩它(小心,会上瘾)怎么办? 在本文中,您将学习在线和离线时如何玩游戏。

如何离线玩Chrome dino或Trex游戏 (How to play the Chrome dino or Trex game offline)

If your internet is down, just open Chrome. Or if you're already in Chrome, try to visit any web page. You'll see that little dinosaur next to its error message.

如果您的互联网中断,请打开Chrome。 或者,如果您已经在Chrome中,请尝试访问任何网页。 您会在错误消息旁边看到那个小恐龙。

Simply press the space bar (or up arrow) and the dino will start running. Press the up arrow to jump over the obstacles (like cacti) in your path. The longer you hold the up arrow, the higher dino will jump.

只需按空格键(或向上箭头),恐龙就会开始运行。 按向上箭头跳过路径中的障碍物(例如仙人掌)。 按住向上箭头的时间越长,恐龙将跳得越高。

If you need to duck under something, press the down arrow.


The longer you play, the faster dino runs/the ground moves. Once you crash into something, the game is over and you have to restart (your score resets, too). You can play again by hitting the space bar.

您玩的时间越长,恐龙跑/地面移动的速度就越快。 一旦您崩溃,游戏就结束了,您必须重新启动(您的得分也会重置)。 您可以按空格键再次播放。

如何在线玩Chrome dino或Trex游戏 (How to play the Chrome dino or Trex game online)

Great, you have some entertainment while waiting for your internet to come back up. But what if you want to play it while online? There are a few ways to do so.

太好了,您可以在等待互联网恢复的同时享受娱乐。 但是,如果您想在线播放该怎么办? 有几种方法可以这样做。

访问恐龙网址 (Visit the dino URL)

The simplest way to play the game online is by visiting this URL: chrome://dino/. Just access that link and voilà, there's your little dino and "no internet" message.

在线玩游戏的最简单方法是访问以下URL: chrome:// dino / 。 只需访问该链接即可,那里有您的小恐龙和“没有互联网”消息。

Once you see that message, just hit the spacebar and start jumping over cacti.


奖励:找到游戏的另一种方法 (Bonus: Another way to find the game)

Maybe you didn't get the dino error message when your internet was down. Or maybe you don't want to purposely turn off your wifi to play the game.

互联网中断时,也许您没有收到dino错误消息。 或者,也许您不想故意关闭wifi以玩游戏。

So, if you have internet but want to disable your connection in Chrome dev tools, hit F12 to open up dev tools.


Click the "Network" tab at the top towards the right, and then look for the Online/Offline tab, second row down:


Look for the little dropdown arrow, click it, and select "Offline" (instead of "Online", where it should be set if you currently have a connection).


Once you've done that, if you try to visit a web page, you'll get the dinosaur! You can exit dev tools and hit the space bar, as usual, to get dino running.

完成此操作后,如果您尝试访问网页,您将获得恐龙! 您可以像往常一样退出开发工具并按空格键以使dino运行。

Now you know how to find the dino/Trex game without AND with internet connectivity. Have fun!

现在,您知道了如何在没有与AND且具有互联网连接的情况下找到dino / Trex游戏。 玩得开心!



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