tgc 什么意思 tgt

TGT:训练有素的研究生老师 (TGT: Trained Graduate Teacher)

TGT is an abbreviation of Trained Graduate Teacher. It is a title, not a teaching program that is given to a graduate person who has done completion of training in teaching. Accordingly, TGT is a graduate who became qualified through training for teaching. If any person is a graduate and he/she has done the course in B.Ed then that person is already a TGT and for that person to become a TGT, don't require any teacher training.

TGT是经过培训的研究生教师的缩写 。 这是一个标题,而不是授予完成了教学培训的研究生的教学计划。 因此, TGT是一名通过培训培训获得资格的毕业生。 如果某人已经毕业并且他/她已经完成了B.Ed课程,那么该人已经是TGT,并且该人成为TGT,就不需要任何教师培训。

Underclass 10, TGT teachers are competent to teach the students, comprising the students of class 10th. An eligibility criterion for the TGT entrance exam is such that, a graduate in any field of study is eligible for that exam.

10年级以下的学生, TGT的老师有能力教学生,包括10年级的学生。 TGT入学考试的资格标准是,任何学习领域的毕业生都可以参加该考试。

Following listed below are some of the subjects taught by a TGT,


  • English


  • Hindi


  • Social Studies


  • Science


  • Sanskrit


  • Maths


  • Physical and Health Education


  • Art Education


  • Work Experience


主题职位的必要资格 (Necessary Qualification for subject's posts)

  • A candidate should have done four years integrated degree course from any regional college of education of NCERT in the specified subject with at the minimum 50% marks in aggregate.


  • OR a candidate should have a bachelor’s degree with at the minimum 50% marks in the specified subject/collection of subjects are as under,


    Post (Subject) Subject (s)
    TGT in English English as a subject in all the three years.
    TGT in Hindi Hindi as a subject in all the three years.
    TGT in Social Studies Any two subjects listed in the following:
    History, Geography, Economics and Political Science of which one should be required to be either History or Geography.
    TGT in Science Botany, Zoology and Chemistry.
    TGT in Sanskrit Sanskrit as a subject in all the three years.
    TGT in Maths Bachelor Degree in Maths with any two subjects which are listed in the following:
    Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science and Statistics
    发布(主题) 主题
    TGT英文 三年来一直以英语为主题。
    TGT在印地语 印地语是这三年来的主题。
    TGT社会研究 以下列出的任何两个主题:
    TGT科学 植物学,动物学和化学。
    梵文TGT 三年来一直以梵文为主题。
    TGT数学 数学学士学位,以下两门科目如下:
  • A candidate must have done B.Ed or equivalent degree from a renowned university or college.


  • A candidate must be a Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) Paper-II qualified, which is conducted by CBSE.


Post (Subject) Qualification (s) & Experience
TGT in Physical and Health Education Bachelor Degree in Physical Education or equivalent
TGT in Art Education Five years approved Diploma in Drawing and Painting/Sculpture/Graphic Art or Equivalent renowned Degree.
Effective knowledge of Hindi & English.
TGT in Work experience Any two subjects in the following:
History, Geography, Economics and Political Science of which one should be required to be either History or Geography.
发布(主题) 资历和经验
体育与健康教育中的TGT 体育学学士学位或同等学历
艺术教育中的TGT 获得五年制的绘画,雕塑/图形艺术文凭或同等学历。
TGT工作经验 以下两个主题:


tgc 什么意思 tgt

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