node 大写

Today, let's see a third party module that helps us in working with upper-case letters without necessarily typing them in upper-case in our source code.


You may find it useless! But it's very important.

您可能会发现它没有用! 但这很重要。

For example, you may have a form where you require your users to fill in upper-case letters only. You may wish to add a function where any typed in the letter appears in upper-case even though typed in lower-case from the keyboard.

例如,您可能有一个表单,要求您的用户仅填写大写字母。 您可能希望添加一个功能,即使从键盘输入小写字母,字母中的任何字母都以大写形式显示。

Like said before, Node modules are like libraries which help us perform specific tasks. Node.JS is always considered powerful because it has a very large ecosystem of third-party modules.

如前所述,Node模块就像是可以帮助我们执行特定任务的库。 Node.JS一直被认为是功能强大的,因为它具有非常庞大的第三方模块生态系统。

The upper-case module is a third-party module built by some experts to help us.


Take Note! You should have Node.js installed in your PC.

做记录! 您应该在PC中安装了Node.js。

With Node.js already up and running, let's get started.


Now, let's get started.


First of all, install the upper-case module by typing npm install upper-case via the command line.

首先,通过在命令行中键入npm install upper-case来安装大写 模块

Wait for a while as it downloads.
NB: Internet required!


Take note that only third party modules are installed via command line unlike built in modules which comes along with the node.js environment when downloaded...


Let's look at a basic use of the upper-case module.


We'll create an http server that will output hello world in capital letters but written in small letters in the source code.


Open a text editor and type the following code and save it with the file name app.js:


var http = require('http');  // includes the http module
var uc = require('upper-case'); // include the upper-case module
http.createServer(function (req, res) {res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
res.write(uc("hello world!")); // assign the upper-case module
}).listen(8080); // port number

Note: The file should be saved in your default Node.js directory.


Initiate the JavaScript file at the console by typing node app.js


Take Note! : Your command line directory should be same with Node.js module directory.

做记录! :您的命令行目录应与Node.js模块目录相同。

Finally, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080

最后,打开浏览器并导航到http:// localhost:8080

Thanks for coding with me. Your comments are most welcome.

感谢您与我一起编码。 非常欢迎您发表评论。


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