java rwd

We already know that majority of solutions should start with a design for smartphones, we know that all websites should be responsive. Now, it’s time to think about holistic solutions with specific tasks adapted to all kind of devices.

我们已经知道大多数解决方案都应该从智能手机的设计开始,我们知道所有网站都应该具有响应能力。 现在,是时候考虑针对特定任务适应各种设备的整体解决方案了。

许多设计师倾向于制作“数字口袋刀”。 (Lots of Designers tend to make “Digital Pocket Knives.”)

We like to make solutions universal, but every device category is different. Making design universal does not mean that it will work well in all cases.

我们希望使解决方案通用,但是每个设备类别都不相同。 使设计通用化并不意味着它在所有情况下都能正常工作。

We can compare this situation to stuff like pocket knives. They pack many multiple tools inside a small object. However, do you use your pocket knife all the time? What tool do you use when you have to slice bread or cut paper? Is it a pocket knife? The majority of us will answer no.

我们可以将这种情况与小刀之类的东西进行比较。 他们在一个小物体中包装了许多工具。 但是,您是否一直使用小刀? 当您要切面包或切纸时,您使用什么工具? 是小刀吗? 我们大多数人会回答“否”。

We love to use tools specialized for specific activity. It is the same when it comes to digital solutions.

我们喜欢使用专门用于特定活动的工具。 在数字解决方案方面也是如此。

Task-Oriented Design is about creating specialized Interfaces for each category of device. It also helps us to understand if it is worth doing.

面向任务的设计是为每种设备类别创建专门的接口。 它还可以帮助我们了解是否值得这样做。

什么是面向任务的设计? (What is the Task-Oriented Design?)

As we know, digital solutions — apps and websites are not used only on personal computers but on a wide variety of devices. What’s more, people use every device category in various situations and for different purposes.

众所周知,数字解决方案-应用程序和网站不仅在个人计算机上使用,而且在各种设备上使用。 此外,人们在各种情况下出于不同目的使用每种设备类别。

Some tasks are easier to be done on a smartphone, some on a smartwatch. Some activities are still the most comfortable to accomplish with large screens of traditional computers.

有些任务更容易在智能手机上完成,有些任务更容易在智能手表上完成。 在传统计算机的大屏幕上完成某些活动仍然是最舒适的。

We have to observe which activities will be appropriate for the specific device. What’s more, we have to figure out how to use unique characteristics of the hardware to make a solution as convenient as possible.

我们必须观察哪些活动适合特定设备。 此外,我们必须弄清楚如何使用硬件的独特特性来使解决方案尽可能方​​便。

The primary goal of Task-Oriented Design is to make the interaction with the solution seamless — this means that the task that was started on one device may be continued on the other immediately.

面向任务的设计的主要目标是使与解决方案的无缝交互 -这意味着在一个设备上启动的任务可以立即在另一设备上继续。

新的自适应网页设计? (New Responsive Web Design?)

Task-Oriented Design is not Responsive Web Design. It is much more. We may assume that RWD is the first step to enter into the subject of Task-Oriented Design. Adjusting the appearance is the must to make the solution usable on specific devices like smartphones.

面向任务的设计不是响应式Web设计。 不仅如此。 我们可以假设RWD是进入面向任务设计主题的第一步。 调整外观是使解决方案可在智能手机等特定设备上使用的必要条件。

Responsive Web Design assumes that there are a least three major device categories (desktops, tablets, and smartphones). Designers focus on preparing layouts with all elements in a way that will be readable to every category. Some designers found that specific content may be hidden or replaced with other content on smaller devices.

响应式Web设计假定至少存在三个主要设备类别(台式机,平板电脑和智能手机)。 设计师专注于以所有类别都可以读取的方式准备包含所有元素的布局。 一些设计人员发现,特定的内容可能在较小的设备上被隐藏或替换为其他内容。

TOD (Task-Oriented Design) goes further. Some processes should be shaped exclusively for each device category. Some of the tasks may not be available for some hardware(like wearables). Others require a completely different approach. Example: for Smart Speakers, we use VUI instead of GUI.

TOD(面向任务的设计)走得更远。 某些过程应专门针对每种设备类别而定。 有些任务可能不适用于某些硬件 (例如可穿戴设备)。 其他人则需要完全不同的方法。 示例:对于智能扬声器,我们使用VUI代替GUI。

Building a solution that makes an impression of the consistent product across platforms, but features are crafted for specific abilities of the device type, is the primary goal of Task-Oriented Design.


Three target devices for Responsive Web Design

那移动优先呢? (What about Mobile First?)

The majority of solutions still should start with a design for a smartphone. Mobile is the perfect platform to start because, like standard computers, this category is used by the majority of people.

大多数解决方案仍应从智能手机的设计开始。 移动是启动的理想平台,因为与标准计算机一样,该类别被大多数人使用。

Mobile designs are obviously extended to work faster on tablets. Now, apps with UI from tablets may be launched on Personal Computers (See Apple’s iPad & macOS apps). Having a smartphone app is also a nice exercise to prepare features for the smartwatch that may be directly connected with the Mobile app.

显然,移动设计已扩展为可在平板电脑上更快地工作。 现在,具有平板电脑UI的应用程序可能会在个人计算机上启动(请参阅Apple的iPad和macOS应用程序)。 拥有智能手机应用程序也是为可与移动应用程序直接连接的智能手表准备功能的不错的练习。

There are also cases when it does not matter so much. If you design Voice Assistant, you do not need to focus on Graphical User Interface so much — even for Mobile.

在某些情况下,它并不重要。 如果您设计语音助手,则无需过多地关注图形用户界面,即使对于移动设备也是如此。

Smart Devices around us

面向任务的设计是否反映了现实生活? (Does Task-Oriented Design reflect real life?)

This is why it has been forged. As I mentioned in the first sentence, we do not use pocket knives all the time — and we do not use only laptops or desktops. Technology has specialized in various forms that may be shaped to deliver a genuinely delightful experience.

这就是为什么它是伪造的。 正如我在第一句话中提到的那样,我们不会一直使用小刀-而且我们不会仅使用笔记本电脑或台式机。 技术以各种形式专门化,可以提供真正令人愉悦的体验。

Look at your typical day…


I am sure that Smartphone or Smartwatch alarm wake you up. Then morning run or exercises monitored by your wearable are also the perfect occasions to listen to some podcasts with Smartwatch connected with wireless Headphones. Next, you read some news from your Tablet during breakfast. When you drive to work, Smartphone connected with Car through CarPlay or Android Auto continue playing your previously listened podcast.

我确定智能手机Smartwatch闹钟会唤醒您。 然后,通过可穿戴设备监控的晨跑或锻炼,也是通过Smartwatch和无线耳机连接收听某些播客的绝佳场合。 接下来,您在早餐期间从平板电脑上读取了一些新闻。 当您开车上班时,通过CarPlay或Android Auto与Car连接的Smartphone会继续播放以前收听的播客。

Your job requires you to have a Laptop that is a workstation for the most specialized parts of your work. During the meetings, you make notes with Stylus on your Tablet. Notes made on sticky notes are also photographed with your Smartphone’s camera and sent automatically to your Laptop.

您的工作需要您拥有一台笔记本电脑 ,该笔记本电脑是您工作中最专业的部分的工作站。 在会议期间,您可以在Tablet上使用手写笔做笔记。 便签上的笔记也会用智能手机的相机拍摄,并自动发送到笔记本电脑

Driving back home is an excellent time to finish the podcast episode. You also make some grocery shopping with the list prepared earlier on your Tablet or Laptop. To mark items as purchased, you use a Smartphone or Wearable device.

开车回家是完成播客节目的绝佳时机。 您还可以使用先前在平板电脑笔记本电脑上准备的清单进行杂货店购物。 要将商品标记为已购买,请使用智能手机可穿戴设备。

While cooking, Assistant from the Smart speaker guides you to prepare a meal or reminds important things. After dinner, it is time to relax. You launch Smart TV with your Smartphone and play an episode of your favorite movie.

烹饪时, 智能扬声器的助手会指导您准备餐点或提醒重要的事情。 晚餐后,该放松一下。 您可以使用智能手机启动智能电视 ,并播放自己喜欢的电影的一集。

At the end of the day, you check your tasks for the next day with a Smartphone and make sure that the alarm was set.


Look at that variety of devices and multiple tasks performed on each of them. Even if you do not use some of the mentioned devices, you see that the majority of the mentioned cases fit perfectly.

查看各种设备以及在每个设备上执行的多项任务。 即使您不使用某些提到的设备,您也会看到大多数提到的情况都非常合适。

Task-Oriented Design is the strategic thinking of how we use technology today. Every category of device is more comfortable with different types of interactions and solutions.

面向任务的设计是当今我们如何使用技术的战略思考。 每种类型的设备都更适合不同类型的交互和解决方案。

特定设备中使用哪些任务 (What tasks are used in specific devices)

Let’s try to briefly highlight categories where specific device category is most useful.


java rwd_面向任务的设计-不仅限于Mobile First和RWD相关推荐

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