Torch Threads


  • Markdown和扩展Markdown简洁的语法
  • 代码块高亮
  • 图片链接和图片上传
  • LaTex数学公式
  • UML序列图和流程图
  • 离线写博客
  • 导入导出Markdown文件
  • 丰富的快捷键



  • 线程只被创建一次,其实就是使用线程池。加粗 Ctrl + B
  • 任务以回调函数的形式传入线程系统,传入的回调函数将会被线程池空闲的线程执行。斜体 Ctrl + I
  • 如果提供的有结束回调函数,那么在任务完成(回调函数执行完毕)之后将在主函数中执行结束回调函数。引用 Ctrl + Q
  • 任务执行的时候是完全序列化的,允许线程之间进行数据copy。插入链接 Ctrl + L
  • 回调函数返回的值将会传入结束回调函数中。插入代码 Ctrl + K
  • 在结束回调函数中,可以直接使用主线程中的变量。插入图片 Ctrl + G
  • 线程间的同步操作非常简便。提升标题 Ctrl + H


local threads = require 'threads'local nthread = 4
local njob = 10
local msg = "hello from a satellite thread"local pool = threads.Threads(nthread,function(threadid)print('starting a new thread/state number ' .. threadid)gmsg = msg -- get it the msg upvalue and store it in thread stateend
)local jobdone = 0
for i=1,njob dopool:addjob(function()print(string.format('%s -- thread ID is %x', gmsg, __threadid))return __threadidend,function(id)print(string.format("task %d finished (ran on thread ID %x)", i, id))jobdone = jobdone + 1end)
endpool:synchronize()print(string.format('%d jobs done', jobdone))pool:terminate()



starting a new thread/state number 1
starting a new thread/state number 3
starting a new thread/state number 2
starting a new thread/state number 4
hello from a satellite thread – thread ID is 1
hello from a satellite thread – thread ID is 2
hello from a satellite thread – thread ID is 1
hello from a satellite thread – thread ID is 2
hello from a satellite thread – thread ID is 4
hello from a satellite thread – thread ID is 2
hello from a satellite thread – thread ID is 1
hello from a satellite thread – thread ID is 3
task 1 finished (ran on thread ID 1)
hello from a satellite thread – thread ID is 4
task 2 finished (ran on thread ID 2)
hello from a satellite thread – thread ID is 4
task 3 finished (ran on thread ID 1)
task 4 finished (ran on thread ID 2)
task 5 finished (ran on thread ID 4)
task 9 finished (ran on thread ID 4)
task 10 finished (ran on thread ID 4)
task 8 finished (ran on thread ID 3)
task 6 finished (ran on thread ID 2)
task 7 finished (ran on thread ID 1)
10 jobs done

  • Torch Threads

    • 简介

      • 代码块
      • 运行结果
      • Library
      • Threads


library 提供了不同级别的线程功能。

  • 中级的功能:
  • Threads线程池、Queue线程队列、serialize序列化和反序列化线程、safe()创建一个安全的线程。
  • 低级的功能:
  • Thread创建一个简单的线程。Mutex创建自旋锁。Condition创建一个条件变量。Atomic counter 原子锁。



local threads = require 'threads'
local t = threads.Threads(4) -- create a pool of 4 threads


local Threads = require 'threads'
local t = Threads(4) -- create a pool of 4 threads


require 'nn'
local threads = require 'threads'
local model = nn.Linear(5, 10)
threads.Threads(2,function(idx)                       -- This code will crashrequire 'nn'                    -- because the upvalue 'model' local myModel = model:clone()   -- is of unknown type before deserializationend
require 'nn'
local threads = require 'threads'
local model = nn.Linear(5, 10)
threads.Threads(2,function(idx)                      -- This code is OK.require 'nn'end,                               -- child threads know nn.Linear when deserializing f2function(idx)local myModel = model:clone()  -- because f1 has already been executedend


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