The difference between webpage and website is unanimously erred in terms of their functionalities, and often when anyone reads these two terms starting with “Web.”

网页和网站之间的区别在功能上是一致的,而且通常是当有人阅读以“ Web”开头的这两个术语时。

Both these terms “Webpage” & “Website” reflect each other in many ways, and most of the time, they are used interchangeably. However, that’s the reason these two terms are frequently misunderstood and plunged into the confusing modern English literature.

这两个术语“网页”和“网站”以多种方式相互反映,并且在大多数情况下,它们可以互换使用。 但是,这就是这两个术语经常被误解并陷入混乱的现代英语文学中的原因。

If you’re new to the web world, or maybe not, you might be taking this common phrasing illusion many times in your work life. These two terms do reflect each other but are distinct. And moving ahead, we’ll clear the confusion.

如果您是Web世界的新手,也许您不熟悉,那么您可能会在工作中多次经历这种常见的错觉。 这两个术语确实相互反映,但是是不同的。 继续前进,我们将消除混乱。

The Misconception!


A webpage is a document that can be viewed on any browser such as Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, and it is a single page that provides all the related information. On the other hand, a website is a combination of several webpages interlinked to each other, working collectively as a website.

网页是可以在任何浏览器(例如Firefox,Chrome和Safari)上查看的文档,并且是一个页面,其中提供了所有相关信息。 另一方面,网站是相互链接的多个网页的组合,共同作为网站工作。

Okay, that’s the basic difference!


But this is the misconception people develop that both are the same. Generally, everyone assumes that they both have the same ultimate aim to display the information, and also they work in the same manner.

但这是人们对两者相同的误解。 通常,每个人都假定他们都具有显示信息的最终目的,并且他们以相同的方式工作。

Nevertheless, it is not the same. This is what we are going to clear with you all – the difference between webpage and website.

然而,事实并非如此。 这就是我们将要与大家共同解决的问题–网页和网站之间的区别。

网页和网站之间的区别 (Difference between Webpage and Website)

定义 (Definition)



A web page can be described as a single homepage. In order to access a web page, a user can launch it with a URL, which can also be copied and shared with others. In comparison to the website, accessing a webpage needs no navigation. They can include text, images, audio, video, hyperlinks to other pages. Web browsers are used to access the webpage content by linking to a website to view remote files. These are created using HTML, PHP, Python, and Perl programming language. The HTML pages are basic, not interactive, but take less time to load and search.

网页可以描述为单个主页。 为了访问网页,用户可以使用URL启动它,该URL也可以复制并与他人共享。 与网站相比,访问网页不需要导航。 它们可以包括文本,图像,音频,视频,到其他页面的超链接。 Web浏览器用于通过链接到网站以查看远程文件来访问网页内容。 这些是使用HTML,PHP,Python和Perl编程语言创建的。 HTML页面是基本页面,不是交互式页面,但是加载和搜索所需的时间更少。



A website is usually listed under the generic domain name containing the collection of webpages. Normally, the homepage of a website is more specifically referred to as a “website.” For example, a company’s website could be connected to different web pages, including home, about us, products, services, and other information. It can be accessed via a web address. Users can use static websites or dynamic web pages to create clients’ websites. The website contents are also viewed globally, and it always remains constant wherever a user is located.

网站通常在包含网页集合的通用域名下列出。 通常,网站的首页更具体地称为“网站”。 例如,公司的网站可以连接到不同的网页,包括关于我们的首页,产品,服务和其他信息。 可以通过网址访问。 用户可以使用静态网站或动态网页来创建客户的网站。 网站内容也可以全局查看,无论用户位于何处,它始终保持不变。

一般用途 (Common Uses)



  • In sales and marketing, webpages are often used as landing pages or lead capture pages to target and capture the customers’ information.


  • Webpages are also helpful in the form of the sales letter to convince the buyers through persuasive techniques.


  • One of the digital use of webpages can be as a portfolio. Architects, designers, digital marketers, and other professionals can use a single webpage as their portfolio to attract new customers.

    网页的数字用途之一可以作为组合。 建筑师,设计师,数字营销人员和其他专业人员可以使用一个网页作为他们的产品组合来吸引新客户。

  • Another exotic use of a webpage is in the form of an interactive digital resume. This type of resume lets recruiters associate with the applicants’ skills and fundamentals areas on a webpage.

    网页的另一个特殊用途是交互式数字简历。 这种简历使招聘人员可以在网页上与应聘者的技能和基本知识领域联系起来。

  • Webpages are more user-friendly in terms of interaction with users and lead to a better understanding of customers.




  • Websites embrace broader fields than a webpage, for example, a company’s website has different webpages such as product, contact, services, and various others. A website helps navigate consumers into a deeper understanding of what the company deals with.

    网站比网页包含更广泛的领域,例如,公司的网站具有不同的网页,例如产品,联系人,服务以及其他各种网页。 网站可以帮助消费者更深入地了解公司的业务。

  • Several online gaming websites allow users to play online games for free or maybe with a fee. Besides, in the same way, there are various services websites available in the market.

    几个在线游戏网站允许用户免费或付费玩在线游戏。 此外,以同样的方式,市场上还有各种服务网站。

  • Nowadays, we’re more focused on apps; however, web-based versions of various social media sites are still popular, and people love to use them on their laptops and PCs.

    如今,我们更加专注于应用程序; 但是,各种社交媒体网站的基于Web的版本仍然很受欢迎,人们喜欢在笔记本电脑和PC上使用它们。

  • Blogs (Travel, News, Technical, Educational, Govt, etc.) are extremely helpful for people when planning to learn something new.


  • Other uses of websites include information sharing, online grocery, spreading awareness, NGOs and non-profit organizations, consultancy, and many others.


比较表 (Comparison Table)

Basis Webpage Website
Meaning A webpage is a single page document that has the web address like of Website A website is a cluster of several webpages that are interlinked with each other in a single domain
Navigation Accessing a webpage needs no navigation Access several webpages in a website needs navigation
Address Dependency A webpage address depends on the website’s address A website does not rely upon webpages’ address
Extension An extension is used in the URL of webpage No need of extension in website
Usablity Landing pages, lead generation, information displaying, etc. Company’s website, online store, etc.
Complexity Webpages are more user friendly than a website as it is a single page and there are no clusters Websites are more complex as they form a cluster of several webpages
Cost Efficiency A webpage maintenance is cost efficient than a website The maintenance cost of website is higher than a webpage
Development Time Development time of a webpage is less Development time of is more as there are several webpages in a website
Identity Multiple webpages can have the same name if they reside in different documents In a website, multiple webpages are identified by a unique URL
Display of Content Website is a location used to display the content Webpage is a content that is to be displayed on the website
Examples Contact pages, landing pages, login page, etc.,,, etc.
基础 网页 网站
含义 网页是单页文档,其网址类似于“网站” 网站是由多个网页组成的群集,这些网页在单个域中相互链接
导航 访问网页无需导航 访问网站中的多个网页需要导航
地址依赖 网页地址取决于网站地址 网站不依赖网页的地址
延期 网页的网址中使用了扩展名 无需网站扩展
可用性 登陆页面,潜在客户生成,信息显示等 公司的网站,在线商店等
复杂 网页比网站更易于使用,因为它是一个页面,并且没有群集 网站更加复杂,因为它们由多个网页组成
成本效益 网页维护比网站维护更具成本效益 网站的维护成本高于网页
开发时间 网页的开发时间较少 网站中有多个网页,因此开发时间更长
身分识别 如果多个网页位于不同的文档中,则它们可以具有相同的名称 在网站中,多个网页由唯一的URL标识
显示内容 网站是用于显示内容的位置 网页是要在网站上显示的内容
例子 联系人页面,登录页面,登录页面等,,unicef.org等。

信息图 (Infographic)

Image Source


最后的话 (Final Words)

A website includes all the contents of the individual files put online and published. The web page is part of a platform that runs and manages a website.

网站包含在线发布的各个文件的所有内容。 该网页是运行和管理网站的平台的一部分。

There are many points to include in the difference between webpage and Website, but the distinction is in scope at a more realistic stage. A web page focuses on an extraordinarily specific topic, like a letter of sale or a description. Websites offer more broad-based information or services.

网页和网站之间的区别包括很多点,但是区别在于范围更现实。 网页侧重于特别特定的主题,例如销售信函或说明。 网站提供了更广泛的信息或服务。

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