Lunar New Year Greetings in Chinese
大年初一 | 拜年时,你都说哪些吉祥话?


At Chinese Lunar New Year, good wishes and auspicious greetings abound across China.Many of these festive phrases have been passed down for centuries, as a way of wishing family and friends good luck for the year ahead.

The Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations are getting underway – and that means brushing up on celebratory idioms and expressions that are commonly used during this festive time of the year.Here are some to get you started:

xīn nián kuài lè, wàn shì rú yì

Why stop at just wishing someone a Happy New Year?You could express your hope that all things will go smoothly for the recipient of your greeting.“Happy New Year, and may everything go your way!”

This is one of the most common Chinese Lunar New Year wishes, and one of the most ubiquitous – it can be expressed to young and old alike, to both close relatives and distant acquaintances.

gōng xǐ fā cái

It’s not really Chinese Lunar New Year until you hear this phrase: "Wishing you prosperity and fortune."Earning a healthy income to support one’s family is a need we all share, and this greeting expresses your wish that money will flow toward the recipient of your greeting.

Around China and across the Chinese diaspora, this is another one of the most widely heard New Year salutes.

xīn xiǎng shì chéng

This Chinese Lunar New Year, let your family and friends know you want all their dreams to come true.Translated as “May your wishes come true,” this expresses the hope that the year ahead will be brimming with fulfilled dreams.

nián nián yǒu yú

Every year, we hope there will be a surplus left over for the year ahead – whether of food, happiness, or opportunities.This saying means “surplus year after year,” and expresses the wish for an abundance (of good things).It also explains why fish is an essential dish on any Chinese Lunar New Year dinner table.

The Chinese character for fish sounds just like the character for “surplus”.It’s customary to leave part of the dish unfinished – or to prepare two fish and save one for the next day; the leftovers represent a “surplus” for the year ahead!

yì fān fēng shùn

“Smooth sailing” – what more can we hope for in the ebbs and flows of life?At Chinese Lunar New Year, wish your loved ones a smooth journey for the year ahead, with the wind in their sails!


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